This month we are going to take a look at the role of the psychic artist with regards to remote viewing and also how they can help when locating missing people. We will also look at some of the background and history of “Remote Viewing”.
I aim to provide an exercise to develop and improve these skills and also an exercise to aid with developing your abilities in the area of telepathy.
Remote viewing is the practice of seeing impressions of an unseen target through “sensing with the mind” or ESP (Extra Sensory Perception). The psychic artist can develop this area of expertise and use their skills to assist with locating missing persons.
Remote viewing began in the 1930’s with experiments conducted by scientists into the subjects of clairvoyance, telepathy and out of body experiences. In the late 1960s & 70s the American Society for Psychical Research conducted more experiments and worked with an artist called “Ingo Swann”. These experiments changed the direction of research and developed further avenues of research into the subject of what was now termed “remote viewing”. In the late 70s/80s remote viewing research was funded and undertaken by the government for military purposes and became more secretive. (
Psychic Artists sometimes connect with a spirit who may have passed over as a result of a crime taking place. It can be beneficial to channel an interpretation/portrait of the spirit. Sometimes the spirit may also provide information about the location and circumstances of their death. Channelled sketches of the location can then be made by connecting with the spirit and aided by using the skill of remote viewing. This information can then be passed on to the relevant authorities and may assist them with their investigations.
This area of work can take a lot of concentration and be very tiring. It is important to “disconnect” after each viewing and ground your energies again after working in this way.
I have included two exercises below to assist you to develop the skills of Remote Viewing and Telepathy. These exercises are more effective when working in pairs or within a group.
Exercise 1 – Remote Viewing : You will need a photo, envelope, paper to draw on and pencil or pastels.
1. Before the exercise a photograph is placed into an envelope by one group member. This photo must not be seen by anyone else and the person placing it in the envelope cannot then take part in the exercise.
2. The envelope is then placed in to the middle of the room.
3. Group members then have to concentrate on the envelope and draw what they “see”.
4. Images may not be clear at first. It is important to just sketch what you see even if it is random shapes or symbols.
5. When everyone is finished, open the envelope and compare the image to everyone’s interpretations of the image.
With practice this exercise will assist to develop the skill of remote viewing.
Exercise 2: To develop the skill of Telepathy
This exercise can be undertaken in pairs. You will need some Zener Cards (cards with specific symbols printed on them.) You can print some of these free at the following website: , alternatively you could use playing cards. You will also need a pad of paper and a pencil.
1. Decide which of you are going to be the receiver and which the transmitter of the symbol. The transmitter then holds the Zenner cards or playing cards.
2. Sit back to back or across the room from your partner.
3. The transmitter picks a card and concentrates on sending the image to the other person.
4. The receiver then draws the image that they receive.
5. Both check the results.
6. It is beneficial to alternate roles as transmitter and receiver to develop both of these skills.
7. Record the results of your transmitting and receiving efforts to chart your progress.
There are many other exercises that you can undertake to develop the skills of remote viewing and telepathy. This is a more specialised area of work for the psychic artist. However, some basic skills can be learnt by anyone exploring the subject of psychic art to deepen their understanding of psychic development.
Next month, I aim to re-visit the subject of Mandala’s that we explored in February’s article to set some intentions for the second part of 2012 and keep all the positive, creative energy flowing.
For the chance to have a free auragraph reading, please write to me with an attached photo of yourself, at by the 10th July. I will contact the lucky reader on 11th July. The completed auragraph will be included in August’s issue of Bellesprit magazine.