Methods to Take for Preventing Making Those Harmful Social Media Mistakes First off, what you need to do is to use common sense. If you are going to a party you will want to keep that professional image that you are trying to build online offline as well. Limit yourself to a few drinks and keep away from the pot. You will be fine. Just keep in mind that everything you do is not private anymore! If you remember that, you will be okay. Secondly, again if you have the need to vent all of the time, get a private journal. Keep it off of your social networks. If you can’t say anything positive then stay off of your networks. I really do understand how frustrating things can be but the best thing to do is to not make venting a habit in public. People don’t like whiners and whiners will end up suffering even more with a negative reputation. The thing is, if you see something negative written about you, just stay away from it! I understand how tempting it can be to tell someone off, even if it is well deserved, but for your own sake, leave it alone. Don’t even contact the individual unless you want to go down the legal route (but you need to really determine whether or not that is worth it as that will get messy). Just remember something. Social media is so powerful these days that your actions will spill over to the offline world. Do you see the image accompanying this article? That will happen too if you have been the focus of conversation. Not to mention once it spills over to the offline world, that is when it becomes even more dangerous as this will cost you job opportunities or anything else for that matter. Focus on giving out useful info and building up a good reputation online. Use common sense and do not react to anything. You will then be fine. Remember what you do online spills offline and vice versa. Email: Web Site: or Facebook:]]>
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Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.