Now THAT is Freedom!
The secret to Awakening to Purpose lies in…
- Our ability to turn inward for insight versus seeking external validation or verification.
- The ability to release who we think we are to step into becoming the Sacred Self and bring this to our everyday life.
It is that simple, yet not always easy. We’re so well trained to depend on external results and feedback to track our progress and can feel very irritated or impatient (or even highly judgmental of ourselves) when things don’t yet LOOK the way we think they should look. If you ask ten other people for their opinion, you can get ten different responses. Typically, you then either do what you originally wanted to do anyway OR you feel confused and paralyzed, unable to make a decision and take action at all.
If you are highly cognizant and conscious of the fact that you are spirit in a body on earth, much of the logical, traditional routes to a meaningful, happy life of freedom will NOT work for you. Old paradigm routes just don’t support us as we integrate spirit into our daily lives in the heightened frequencies currently here on the planet. They worked for our parents, grandparents and ancestors. They don’t work that way at this time… they do not satisfy us when our heart is called to make a difference in the world and help others in more profound and powerful ways, exactly as the divine has planned.
Many have given up, disbelieving that life can ever change and unwilling to even make the attempt to open up to new possibilities. Some of that segment of the population search for something to spark their spirit, aching for relief but so disappointed and down-trodden by life experience that they keep blinders on, even if the exact thing they’ve been looking for is sitting on a platter right in front of them. They just can’t take that first step and remain open to what can change for them… not yet, anyway. Others feel compelled to keep taking steps toward their dream, no matter what, and the picture they hold in mind can be about the ‘me’ or about the ‘we,’ depending on that soul’s current agreements and evolution. Some feel called to bring their Sacred Self to everything they do, knowing that it makes the world a better place, heals, transforms, and, if they turn their back on the call, they will feel like a shell of who they really are here to be.
This way of living takes a faith deeper than any that we’re accustomed to and forces you to trust your own inner knowing more than you ever trusted it before. It also demands that you surrender more and more deeply to connect with what the divine/God/Universe/Source is guiding you to be, do and share.
Why does the application of this secret elicit fear in most people?
It demands that we change from the depth of our core and commit to bringing that into every aspect of our lives – to make conscious choices and decisions, use conscious language and take conscious action – that supports who we really are and what we’re here to create, do and share! It demands that we be willing to know ourselves so deeply that nothing can distract or shake us, and others’ opinions cannot influence us in ways that take us from our path. This does NOT mean that we ignore or dismiss messages that we’re meant to receive, which can come through others, but it does mean we are well aware of whether that message is for us or not.
We are the only ones who can free ourselves… nobody can do it for us. We can embrace the parts of ourselves that we’ve denied to heal – to become whole, allowing us to make a much greater difference in our own life, others’ lives and impact the planet itself for the highest good of all.
We have to be willing to meet, face to face, close up and intimately, with a desire to uncover the gems in:
- The UNKNOWN – the misery of uncertainty.
- TRUTH – the fear of change.
- ATTACHMENTS – different from what we want through our own personal will.
- RESPONSIBILITY – becoming dependent on our self and a declaration of present choices.
- AFFINITIES – investing our energy in struggle and personal sabotage.
- CONFUSION – self-doubt and judgment based on the results of past choices.
- TRANCE – the field of not-enough-ness and low self-worth, and the belief that we’re separate from our Source/God/the divine/Universe.
- COLLECTIVE – there is a collective consciousness that is invested in the status quo.
How do we accomplish this?
It does NOT happen by chance! The greatest act of self-love is to become your own ally and cultivate this by doing your part.
Think of it as synchronizing the spiritual with the material to improve your connection to the mystery of life in relationship with overall well-being. This includes an awareness of your inner spirit in relatedness to emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual well-being, no matter the belief system or religion. This includes anything that brings personal power, strength, passion, and a deeper understanding of purpose and your place in the whole.
It is a lifestyle that brings healing to the planet and to all of our associates, family, friends, and fellow creatures. It is way of life that brings the Sacred into your every day, where small miracles occur on a regular basis and synchronicity builds with a momentum of its own to support your commitment to your Sacred Self, the Sacred in others and the Divinity of the planet itself. This results in transformation… in you, your life experience, the story you tell, and your joy and fulfillment along the path.
The 7 Keys of Awakening & Living from Essence
Examine and explore:
- Themes – Be present to, and keenly aware of, what is occurring through patterns – both positive and negative – without judgment, and allow yourself to be in touch with your emotions without getting stuck in them. KNOW that patterns, once recognized, can be dissolved and transformed.
- Lineage – what’s behind you in genetic family history (and beyond)?
- Talents and inherited gifts, acquired knowledge and emergent genius.
- Passion – limitless energy, effortless activity and boundless creativity.
- Joy – authentic expression and a deep sense of self.
- Impact – how we affect others around us through our traits, desires and accomplishments.
- Legacy – lifelong dreams often shelved due to limiting beliefs and a lack of resources or know-how can be released and dissolved to open to the legacy you’re meant to offer.
Deny none of it to own all of it.
Themes hold treasure for you. Your strengths and natural gifts and traits have contributed to who you are today… wake up to the treasures to know yourself at deeper levels than you’ve ever had. What is it that kept you moving forward despite some themes and patterns? Which themes and patterns supported you along your path? Which themes and patterns are you willing to release? What do you require to do that?
Your ancestral lineage, whether your family members support or shun you, celebrate or hurt you, are in your life or distanced, has gifts and wisdom to share with you if you track that back. You may be well aware of some of these qualities from those who are living (e.g. musical talent, crafty, intuitive or psychic abilities, great cook, etc.). Others may need to be accessed through meditation, asking the right questions and journaling, spending time in nature to ‘hear’ messages, etc. As you receive the gifts and gems from your ancestral lineage, and open to them, you’ll also find more understanding and compassion for the patterns and themes that have held you back or caused you pain.
It is easy to overlook or dismiss your natural talents and inherited gifts, which limits your capacity for more of your Sacred knowing to emerge and show itself to you. Why? You were born with them and they are so simple for you to share them that it can be automatic for you. It is who you are at your core. It serves others and we often do not recognize the impact we have. Although we are being asked to stop relying on others for validation, I do recommend that you email twenty people and ask them, “What are 5 things you most admire or appreciate about me?” Then, enjoy the responses and the gratitude you’ll feel at what you receive. This is an eye opening exercise… a way to find words to describe what you’ve overlooked or dismissed. You can use this to build on. OWN it and put your own language to it to most fully support yourself and your conscious transformation.
Passion is the divine fuel that makes time fly; that space where you are so immersed and focused on your current task or activity that you get more done in less linear time than you ever thought possible. It inspires, guides you to your next step and keeps you in a high energetic frequency that supports all of who you are. Even mundane tasks take on a new life so you can enjoy the PROCESS of getting things done one at a time vs. finding yourself impatient or frustrated with where you’re at right now. Finding the joy in each step along the way and doing your part with passion and dedication is transformative itself. You have to practice it to experience this. It can become as automatic as your old way of thinking and experiencing life has been.
Joy goes hand-in-hand with passion. Joy is a state of being that is freeing. You are able to share enthusiastically and with compassion and love. You won’t be triggered by others’ reactions or influence because joy makes you feel so alive and gives you the platform to express yourself completely and authentically. In joy, there is no self-doubt or self-judgment because joy is pure. Nothing can shake pure joy.
You’ll get an idea of your impact by sending out the email, as outlined earlier in this article. Now, take that deeper to check on motives. Some people attempt to manipulate or control others, often unconsciously, which distorts the picture and keeps their impact from its purest form. Some want to strategize and plan every aspect of life, and want to know the results before they manifest, to feel secure, comfortable or safe, but it often backfires and they have to clutch more tightly to try to feel in control, which again limits impact. Impact, in truth, comes from living a life on purpose, fueled by passion and moved forward by inspiration and deep connection to divine guidance, to bring all of who you really are, to do and share what most benefits the whole. As you do that, you and your life are transformed and all blinders dissolve and fall away. Impact comes through the deep connection with your Sacred Self, by using your natural talents, your gifts and your acquired skills, by choosing how you want to create and share from your depths, and by keeping on your path to just be and do that.
Legacy is not always clear until we do the deep exploration, embrace all of who we are, dissolve the distortions, find compassion for ourselves and others, drop our attachments, clear the affinities to what holds us back, and learn to experience life in its fullness, in joy, fueled by passion. However, you can choose the legacy you want to leave behind and move toward that, one step at a time. This doesn’t have anything to do with fame and fortune, by the way, although it will bring fame and fortune to some. It may include actual buildings or green spaces, it may include a process or tool that others can learn to share and pass on to help others, or it may break an old ancestral pattern to heal future generations so they can live a full life without having to mend that wound.
Legacy is truly about how you impact others and how that impacts their impact on those surrounding them. It affects every aspect of your life and ripples out in ways that you may never see; influencing others. It is about getting the most out of life by GIVING the most that you can… no holding back and no excuses. It means letting go of everything you think you know, releasing any beliefs that you hold due to past experience and opening to a much deeper truth.
It is your time. Nothing can stop you, except you.