It Could Be Soul Loss It was a day like any other day except that I was reuniting someone with a piece of their self. My client had been in numerous relationships, held numerous jobs and felt completely unfulfilled in her life. She told me that it seemed like there was always something missing. She had spent thousands of dollars over the years in an attempt to “fill the void” as she described this searching for the missing link; alternating between feelings of exhilaration when she encountered new experiences and depression when these experiences became a repeat of her prior attempts to feel complete. By having her compile a Timeline for me we had determined that there were some events that could have resulted in Soul Loss. The session began by me explaining to her what was going to occur and assuring her that she need only relax and be open to me connecting with any soul fragments I might locate. During a soul retrieval the Shamanic practitioner journey’s to other realms assisted by guides in locating pieces of the fragmented soul of the client. In the journey the Shamanic practitioner is able to communicate and obtain a great deal of information related to why the soul fragmented. This particular journey took me to a little girls’ bedroom, she was sitting at a table having a tea party with her stuffed animals and dolls. I could hear shouting and arguing in another room and I saw her chin drop to her chest and then she looked up to tell me that she usually climbs into bed and hides her head under the covers. I knew this child was a fragmented piece of my client by the necklace that she wore as it matched the necklace my client wore that day. Soul loss can occur at any age and generally follows a traumatic event of some type. These events can be as simple as the loss of a favorite toy as a small child to an extreme such as surviving a terrorist attack. Soul loss is the result when someone goes into a coma; a state in which the entire soul leaves the body in order to avoid dealing with intense pain or invasive procedures. Most of the time soul loss is temporary; as an individual heals, the fragmented pieces of the soul return on their own integrating back into the self. However, if the event was traumatic enough the event can be suppressed and the soul loss can leave the individual feeling lost or incomplete. When soul loss has occurred and another trauma is sustained it becomes increasingly more difficult for the individual to cope with trauma and additional soul loss can start to occur. The fragmented soul struggles day to day never realizing that they have left pieces of themselves behind, they just know something is missing. I have had numerous people ask me about Soul Retrieval and Past Lives recently so I would like to differentiate between the two. It is true that events from a past life can carry over into this life as a memory imprint. Traumatic events in this life can trigger a past life memory that is stored in the DNA and result in soul loss in ‘this’ life, if the event was traumatic enough. However, the soul loss is occurring in this life from the ‘present’ event that caused the trauma. When a soul incarnates on this earth it is a complete soul at birth; complete with memory imprints of past lives and karmic influence. And I would like to point out that not all struggles in your present life are the result of soul loss. Sometimes the struggles are merely the lessons and karmic influences that you came to work on in this life. The surfacing memory of a past life cannot be addressed with soul retrieval. In these instances a Past Life Regression or Past Life Reading would be needed to obtain a clearer picture of the memory and why it was triggered by current events. When significant evidence is present to indicate Soul Loss, a Soul Retrieval can jump start the healing process by bringing the soul to a better place of balance; a place where healing can occur. During the Soul Retrieval journey the Shamanic practitioner communicates with the soul part and conveys the wishes of the client for the soul part to return to them. With consent of the soul part the Shamanic practitioner brings the essence of this fragmented soul to the present and blows the essence into the clients’ heart chakra and crown chakra and proceeds with the remainder of the ritual by sealing the bond. The Shamanic practitioner (or Shaman) then shares with the client what was seen and heard and initiates discussion to facilitate further healing and integration of the emotions originally suppressed by the event. I always encourage my clients to go home and have a small celebration to recognize and honor this reunion and hug their self frequently. Soul Retrieval differs from Past Life Regression and Past Life Readings in that it always deals with the present life, whereas the latter deal only in Past Lives. The difference between a Past Life Regression and Past Life Reading are in WHO is doing the journey. During a Past Life Regression the client is guided into a hypnotic state of awareness that allows them to hear the practitioner and communicate what they are seeing. The session is recorded and at the completion of the regression the client and practitioner discuss what was seen or heard by the client with input from the practitioner on what they witnessed in the client. I generally have my clients draw a picture using chalk or crayons anytime I guide them on a journey. This is not a piece of art to hang on the wall; it is a visual representation of the clients’ experience and a way to release onto the paper the clients’ impressions of the regression or journey. In a Past Life Reading the practitioner is doing the journey on behalf of the client with the assistance of guides to show the practitioner what the client needs to see and the client need not be present in person, via Skype or phone at the time of the journey. The information is shared with the client after the journey and the reading commences with the practitioner or psychic providing additional insight as they are guided to do.
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Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.