Bellesprit. WOW! So much has happened since then. I got divorced and had to move. I was on my own with my youngest daughter for the first time ever. I fell in love. I moved out of state with my daughter to take a new job, and most recently, my love relationship ended after more than a year and a half. So what does this all mean? It means I am a spirit, a light being, living a human experience. I think it’s important that no matter what happens, when life gets in the way and you side step for awhile, that you keep your faith. You’ll end up back on the right path, and it always comes with another lesson and more insight. The reality is everything really does happen for a reason. Let me digress for a bit and tell you about the man that I fell in love with and what I’ve learned. After my divorce, and through the wonderful power of forgiveness, I was able to heal myself. Through that process I fell in love with me. In so doing, I realized the reason why I had never been able to have a long term relationship. It was because ultimately, I had no self worth. I attracted the same type of men. I had blockages that needed to be cleared. I needed to let go. I had A LOT of junk in my trunk!! When I was finally able to let all of that go, I fell in love and loved a man unconditionally for the first time in my life. I’d never been able to do that before. I loved him for who he was. I never wanted to change him. I accepted him wholeheartedly just as God did. I didn’t even realize that I loved him in this way until he had a heart attack and I thought I’d lost him. Now, there’s a lot to this man. We had so much in common! We enjoyed each other’s company. We cooked together, played golf together, sang karaoke together, watched sports together. There was an ease with this man that I’d never experienced before. We just flowed. On the backside, the pre-Lisa side of this man, he had experienced great loss in his life. He’d lost a child to crib death over 30 years ago. He lost his father suddenly to an aneurysm 15 years or so ago. His now 3 year old granddaughter was born with Down Syndrome. Then he lost his wife of 35 years two years ago June after a long battle with lung cancer. Then on top of that, a year ago March, he had a massive heart attack, goes out on disability then loses his job due to company restructuring. You want to talk about a lot of junk in the trunk!! Two years ago, this man who has gone through so much, walked away from the very thing that gave him his faith and his strength. He walked away from his Church; he walked away from his God. How does one go on after all of this?? Basically he didn’t, and he hasn’t…..yet. The icing on the cake was this…..after 14 months of not working, he got called back to work. The thought of returning to work, despite the very lucrative paycheck, started to stress him out and turned out to be the catalyst to basically putting him over the edge. One month in, he started to have panic attacks, severe anxiety, and the depression that he was fighting only got worse. To add to the stress, we were having a very long distance relationship and only seeing each other every 6-8 weeks. The sad thing is, I saw all of this coming. I knew he wasn’t ready to go back to work. I advised against it, but it wasn’t my path, it was his. And when I saw him July 4th weekend, I knew in my heart it would most likely be the last time I’d see him, which is ultimately where I’m leading with all of this.
She builds others up because she knows what it’s like to be torn down. ~ UnknownMy intuition told me that I was going to have to help him and from 850 miles away. Yes, this is his path, but I’m a light worker. I started being led divinely to different books. I read the first two books in the “Conversations with God” series by Neale Donald Walsch. Just as I started the third book, I was guided to read James Van Praagh’s “Healing Grief, Reclaiming Life After Any Loss.” This man I loved was falling apart at the seams. These readings helped me to understand his religious belief system and to understand the incredible loss and grief that he was going through because he never dealt with the first loss when the next one came. I began sending him spiritual and uplifting text messages every morning, which he appreciated and seemed to help. He even told his therapist about me, my inspirational daily texts, our long distance relationship, caring about me but not knowing whether he could continue with our relationship. It was then that I knew it was only a matter of time. Most people would jump ship at that point. There were times when he was downright mean and hurtful, and I’d just speak to him with love, like God speaks to us, or our angels and guides speak to us. When he was spiraling, he’d call just to hear my voice because it calmed him.
In life you don’t get people you WANT, you get those you NEED. To push you, hurt you, and teach you love, so you can be the person you are meant TO BE. ~ UnknownWhen you are a true being of light you are able to do things that you never thought possible, you have this internal realization and total belief that we are all one. We are all part of the collective consciousness. We weren’t put here on this Earth to be hurtful or judgmental. As light workers, we’re put here to help, to guide, to help others find their truth and to find peace, to spread God’s beautiful light, to help fan the flame in those who’ve forgotten their truth, who’ve forgotten who they are and that God loves them. Believe me, it’s not always easy. Ego often gets in the way. The part of us that hurts because things didn’t work out the way we thought, or expected, or ultimately wanted, can be put aside for the greater good. Ego made me think that I was an all or nothing girl, that when our relationship ended, that would be it! God made me see that it didn’t and doesn’t ever have to be that way. The man I loved was doing the best he could with what he had to work with. How could I ever condemn him for that? How could I ever just walk away and let him fend for himself? He does ultimately have to do the work, to find the courage and the strength to let go, to fan that flame, to bring him back to oneness, but I didn’t have to put the flame out. There were plenty of reasons to walk away, but I realized I just couldn’t! He had to come to the realization that he wasn’t ready to move, that he wasn’t ready to leave the only stability he’s ever known, that he wasn’t ready to commit, that he knew deep down that he had a lot of scars that needed healing. He had to realize and admit to that before I could let go.
The opportunity to help even one person reminds me that this is what we’re here for. ~ Harry Connick JrI would have done him a huge disservice if I infringed on his healing and his ability to come to this realization himself. I would have done myself a disservice if I wasn’t acting as a messenger of God and being of light. It’s easy to turn our backs on people when they need you the most just because you’re hurt, or out of pure spite, or because you don’t have the tools to help, but that’s not why we’re here. God created us to be self-centered. Growing up, being self-centered was much like being selfish, but that’s not what God’s description of it is. According to God in CWG, “the most loving person is the one who is self-centered. If you cannot love your Self, you cannot love another.” ¹
It’s in our interest to take care of others. Self-centeredness is opposed to basic human nature. In our own interest as human beings we need to pay attention to our inner values. Sometimes people think compassion is only of help to others while we get no benefit. This is a mistake. When you concern yourself with others, you naturally develop a sense of self-confidence. To help others takes courage and inner strength. ~ Dalai LamaI’m showing this man that he is loved by God through me. I put my own feelings aside to serve another. I can tell you, that doing this act of love is the greatest thing I have ever done. In letting go of each other in a love relationship, we’re letting God steer us each in the direction of finding our true selves. It allows each of us to blossom and open up. It’s harder for him because he’s been so lost for so long, and it’s more difficult for him because he doesn’t always recognize whether he’s thinking with his heart or his head. He doesn’t know when God and the Angels are trying to help him. It’s different for me because of my enlightenment.
We go all over the world looking for love. We look everywhere except within our own hearts and minds. When you realize that you are the Source of this ever-elusive love you are seeking, you have the most important piece of knowledge available to you. ~ Paul FerriniI know for a fact, and I have learned from experience that when one door closes another door opens. In just the week since we cut our commitment ties, I have opened up more spiritually than ever before. My energy and vibrations are shifting. I have been catapulted forward to seek and be all that I am. It is my creation. Opportunities have opened up to further my healing path and abundance flows to me easily. I don’t believe in coincidence. I believe everything happens for a reason, and it just so happened this break up occurred the night before the full moon, so that things could be released, so I was opened up to move forward with grace and ease. That’s amazing!!
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven. ~ Ecclesiastes 3:1 When you let go and trust God things happen in a way you couldn’t have planned. Sometimes you just have to release worry and hold on to faith. It’ll happen how it’s supposed to happen and exactly when it’s supposed to happen. I call it Divine Timing! ~ Tony A. Gaskins JrMy friend and I are doing great. We are best friends. We are soul mates. We are connected. He’s working on his healing. He’s seeking God’s help. He’s figuring out what’s in his heart and soul. I’m here when he needs to talk and I’m here to support and encourage him on his healing path. In the meantime, I’m moving forward toward being, doing, and having anything and everything I want, because I can and because it’s what I’m meant to do. They say that if you love something, in this case someone, and set it free, if it comes back it’s meant to be. If it’s our path to one day be together in a committed love relationship then we will, and it will be even better because of taking this time. If not, God has bigger and better things and people planned for us. I’m good with that and so is he. He is a forever friend regardless of what our future holds. I truly believe in this quote used often by Marilyn Monroe and the title of this article…. Sometimes things fall apart so that better things can fall together. It’s necessary in life to go through hardships, pain, loss, heartbreak, and more. It allows us to learn the lessons that we came here to learn. It also opens us up to everything that the Universe has available for us. As a loving reminder, remember this……….
Be the person who touches the lives and hearts of people. Be a positive light to others as you put a smile on their faces. For in the end…it’s not what you say that matters, its how you make them feel that lovingly stays in their memory. ~ UnknownSo until next time, all my light and love. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to send me a message on Facebook or drop me an email. ¹ Conversations with God, Book 1, an uncommon dialogue, Neale Donald Walsch, 1995, Neale Donald Walsch Views:]]>