21 Layers of the Soul: Healing the Karmic Ties with Friends, Lovers, Family and Enemies is celebrating its launch from December 2nd to 16th, 2013 at http://21LayersOfTheSoul.
ANNEMIEK DOUW, MSC is a management coach, light-worker, medium, energetic therapist, trainer and author. Her personal experience with long-term illness combined with her own work as a healer have led her to understand how the soul is an internal compass that continuously guides us. She has helped thousands of clients heal at many levels, teaching them how to read this compass for themselves. In 2011, she shared her unprecedented work in the Dutch language book De ziel in het licht van haar hogere auralagen, which is now available in English under the title 21 Layers of the Soul.
Yesterday, Annemiek visited Denise Roberts Hart at http://journalway.wordpress.com/ where they talked about coping mechanisms, Angels, and working with Spirit.
Today, I’d like to share with you a recent interview I had with Annemiek when I got to ask her some questions on soul consciousness and soul agreements. I hope you enjoy it.
BELLE: Your book is titled 21 Layers of the Soul. I find this topic absolutely amazing! Can you share with us what significance these layers play in our life experience?
ANNEMIEK: Before we Souls incarnate into a human body, we make a Life Plan. A plan in which we describe what we want to experience in this life and to what purpose: what do we want to accomplish, feel or see? This Soul Plan is translated into the 21 Layers of your Aura so it’s with you all the time.
Your aura is the road map to the experiences you, as a Soul, wanted to encounter. Everything you experience in your life becomes visible within your aura and everything you struggle with makes you grow as a Soul. In fact, all your experiences – ‘good’ and ‘bad’- increase the energy in the corresponding layer. When all goes well, you don’t need to bother looking at individual layers; you just live your life to the fullest and enjoy it.
But just as you can grow and increase your energy by experiencing all kinds of situations, everything you stumble over and really get stuck with will become an energetic blockage in the road map and these blockages decrease your energy level. Then you get stuck, sick, or depressed.
As for the purpose of this troublesome experience, the layer in which you find the obstacle will provide you with information and insight that will help you understand. Aligning to the energy of that layer will therefore help you remove the obstacle and stay on track.
BELLE: In your book, you discuss the topic of soul agreements. Are these agreements made prior to each lifetime, or are we able to create new agreements or adjust the ones we’ve already made during our current lifetime?
ANNEMIEK: For each important experience we include in our Life Plan, we make sure that preconditions are also built in. We really want to have these experiences so, to ensure that we make the most of them, we make Soul Agreements: agreements with other Souls that will incarnate and play a special part in our lives. Sometimes that part only takes an hour; sometimes it may take a lifetime. So the love of your life is a Soul with whom you made an agreement beforehand, as are your parents and your children. Even your pet can be incarnated especially to be with you and help you on your life’s journey. These Soul Agreements guarantee that you will meet the right people – Souls – at the right time.
Although a lot is planned and orchestrated from above, not everything can be arranged or prevented from happening. Sometimes things go wrong. For instance, someone is an innocent bystander and gets killed during a robbery and it wasn’t part of his Life Plan. Sometimes we exercise our Free Will in a negative way and when that happens, new agreements have to be made. For example, a ‘stand-in’ Soul might be asked to fill the gap if an agreement relating to an important life issue cannot be fulfilled. Of course, the ‘stand-in’ Soul’s needs should also be met, so it generally takes years to find the right person and sometimes it’s just impossible to fill the vacancy. In these cases, the other Soul is left to live life all by himself which is an unsolicited heavy journey.
It is also possible to alter the agreement if, for instance, you’ve planned to live your life with a wonderful person who unexpectedly becomes a drunk who beats you. Things don’t always go according to plan so it is sometimes necessary to withdraw and change the original course of your life.
Having Soul Agreements may make these kinds of decisions even harder, because you still feel a strong connection. Then, it may help to align with the intention of the original agreement instead of the earthly form. ‘Helping each other grow and fulfill your life goals’ is different to ‘staying married for the rest of your life’. Focusing on the original intention may help you make your choice again.
BELLE: Do you feel we are able to live many life experiences at the same time within our soul consciousness?
ANNEMIEK: Yes, I do believe that parallel lives exist and that our Soul Consciousness is far greater than we can comprehend with our somewhat restricted human brains. We are just starting to get a glimpse of how it works.
One of the 21 layers that I work in is a doorway to other dimensions including past, future and parallel lives. I need to be extra careful when working in this layer, particularly with parallel or future lives, because I can’t always oversee the results of my work and it may not affect only your life/lives, but could also influence the lives of other people who are connected to you. For example, if someone passed away in a previous life with a conclusion to that life that becomes a limiting belief in this life, I am allowed to rewrite that life’s conclusion. I do that using phrases that are positive and true in every situation without any possible unforeseen backlashes. By changing the end result in this way it means that the person will respond better in similar situations in this life.
I hope you enjoyed this interview with Annemiek Douw and that you’ll check out her beautiful new book 21 Layers of the Soul. Again, you can find it at http://21LayersOfTheSoul.com.

To show her appreciation for your support, when you buy 21 Layers of the Soul at http://21LayersOfTheSoul.com, Annemiek would like to give you a free, downloadable poster of the 21 aura layers, which you can print out and hang on your wall, so you can get a deeper understanding and connection to your own Soul.Thanks for reading! Please share your comments and thoughts below. I love reading your feedback.
AND… be sure to follow Annemiek on December 9th when the next stop on her Virtual Blog Tour is Krystalya Marie who will be interviewing Annemiek on the 21 Layers of the Soul, discovering emotions and tips on how to stop being judgmental. To visit that “stop” on the tour, go to http://www.empoweredspiritinsights.com/?p=338.]]>