It’s Spring! It seems like every person across the U.S. is rejoicing! It’s been a very long, bitterly cold, snowy, icy and dangerous winter and now it’s behind us. I’m excited to see my early spring flowers poking out of the ground towards the sunshine!
Our weather has been a wild ride with melting snow, soggy lawns and now ‘April showers!’ I know they bring ‘May flowers’ but… too much is not always a good thing. Feng Shui is about being in balance and harmony with nature. This rocky winter has surely tested this major principle! With all the snow and rain I decided to write this month’s column about…water!
Water is crucial to life; our personal life and the life of our planet. The human body is close to 75% water. Every cell in our body needs water. Planet Earth is about 71% water. So you see how significant water is to our personal and planetary survival. The term ‘Shui’ actually means ‘water’ while the term ‘Feng’ means wind. These two natural elements are critical for our existence. Without water, we would die in days. Without air, the breath of life, we would die in moments. Wind and especially water determine climate changes and weather patters which in turn affect our land, food supply, drinking water, lifestyle, health, energy and so on.
Feng Shui is the art and science of creating spaces that are in harmony and balance with the flow of Chi energy in your environment and in your life force. Water is one of the ‘Five Elements’ in Feng Shui. It represents nourishment, abundance and the flow of life. Water is also related to communication, inner development, emotion, wisdom, social interaction, and learning. The colors of Water are blue and black. The primary area of the Bagua for this element is Career. It’s the best place to use these specific colors otherwise you might “drown out” other important life areas. The Career area is located at the middle front of your home, sometimes by the front door. It’s a great place to hang a mirror (water) but never facing the front door! Other supportive items are a water fountain, aquarium, glass, and artwork with moving water in a black frame or décor items in blue or black. When using these items always set an intention! State what you wish to enhance such as your life goals and career advancement. Yin energy, although passive, can also represent moving water so use pictures of oceans or waterfalls. This will help to manifest expanding outward energy for your career goals and life purpose. Don’t use a picture of a lake because it travels nowhere and you do not want your career to be stagnant!
Water is considered Yin energy because it’s also the energy of serenity, relaxation and rest. If there is an imbalance or too much Yin energy in our body we can feel sluggish, lonely, isolated, depressed and forgetful. We may exhibit symptoms of fear, stress, worry, insomnia, stiff joints, become toxic and may have kidney or bladder issues. Some ways to add Yang energy to your body is to consume eggs, meat and fresh foods. Always check with your doctor before making dietary changes!
Spiritually speaking, water carries all life so it is considered sacred. It’s also an important part of every religion. Holy water is used in baptisms; sacred water is used in ceremonies and spiritual practices by indigenous tribes and others. Water is revered and believed to be protected by divine beings. We are all united as one by the common bond of water because we cannot live without it. Nostradamus, a spiritual man with psychic powers, used a bowl of water as a tool for ‘scrying’ or ‘seeing’ spiritual visions of the future.
Water is also a powerful healing element. When you sit by a lake, waterfall or ocean you ‘drink in’ the emotional and spiritual healing. The sound of water can either be soothing or invigorating – whatever you need. Sitting by water is also beneficial for meditating or performing automatic writing and to connect with your angels. Personally, I receive great angelic messages while I’m in the shower or near an ocean!
Water plays such a big part in our own emotions and our emotions affect water as well. Dr. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese scientist, has analyzed ice crystals exposed to our thoughts and emotions. When love and positive thoughts were expressed, a drop of water created a gorgeous snowflake. Emotions influenced the water’s molecular structure! When water was exposed to negative thoughts and emotions, the snowflake was deformed with jagged edges. He is the author of the popular book, ‘The Hidden Messages in Water.’
To add some spiritual healing for your body, mind and soul, place your hands around a glass of water while thinking thoughts of love, joy and happiness. You can even write these words on the glass to infuse the water with these loving vibrations.
To raise your own vibration, have fun with water sports. Cleanse away negative emotions from your aura in the shower. Set an intention to wash away anything that is not in your highest and best good while the water splashes over your body. Visualize it cleansing your aura layer by layer while expressing gratitude that you are spiritually cleansed with a healthy aura.
Angel of Water – Angel Sachael. He holds dominion over water and helps us to release fears and phobias. He is a very calming angel and he can purify our thoughts and bring us clarity. Call upon him for confidence, strength and protection by God.
Easter Angels – The Christian story of the Resurrection of Jesus would not be complete without the importance of angels for they are messengers. The Bible story says that after the Sabbath at dawn, Mary and Mary Magdalene went to look at the tomb. They sensed a violent earthquake and an angel of the Lord came down from heaven. This angel went to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. They never doubted that this glowing light was an angel. More angels appeared to Mary Magdalene and others that important day. Their role was to tell the story that Jesus had risen and they gave instructions to his followers. And as angels do, once the message is delivered, they disappeared.
I’m proud to be a Bellesprit Diamond Healer and would love to be your personal intuitive energy coach. I’m passionate about sharing my expertise in holistic modalities to create your best life and a home sanctuary to nourish and support you! Feel free to contact me with your Feng Shui or angel questions!
Happy Easter and blessings to all,