Spiritual Independence Day
“Aim at the sun, you may not reach it, but you will fly higher than if you had never aimed at all.” ~ Author UnknownWe often wish for things to be easier, to not have to endure challenges and upsets in our lives. Some of us think money brings independence. Do you believe money brings happiness? If so, ask yourself if who the happiest people you know are wealthy? Do you need money to be yourself? Do you need independence to be all you can be? Often, we indulge in wishful thinking. We live in coulda, woulda, shouldas. Or get a terrible case of ‘what ifs’. It is all too easy to believe if we had made one different decision; our entire life would be different. We have regrets. We may not express them aloud. Instead, we may fall into depression wishing for a different present. Everything has a price. As the title of one of my memoirs, Money, Deeds, or Sorrow – Part II of Journey of a Soul states, “We pay for everything in money, deeds, or sorrow!” Indeed, we do. We pay according to karmic law, which states that which we give forth, we will receive in return multiplied many times. This reckoning may be in our current physical lifetime, or over many previous reincarnations. What if there is another way to view the hardships in your life? Could you view each hardship as a test of your integrity? Could you view each hardship as a blessing, clearing past Karma? In my life, I have learned to consider all my experiences as blessings toward my spiritual independence. Oh, no, it would not be in outward appearance. Some of my experiences in my memoirs read as incarnate evil imposed upon me. However, what if in truth those same seemingly evil experiences were to cleanse me of past Karma? As I have spent hours and several months editing my memoirs that I have written over several decades, I am reliving my life from an entirely different perspective. When I initially wrote my memoirs, there was so much pain. I suffered often with every paragraph as I re-called. I was vividly reliving the traumatic experiences. Writing is supposedly cathartic. Others advise us to write our feelings in journals. I wrote journals for years. I filled entire legal size pages each night with handwriting my experiences of the day. I had a large library of red-leather bound journals. I thought I was diving deep into my emotions and reactions. Yet, many years later, when I took the time to read those journals, I discovered that most of it was surface. There would be one hand-written paragraph of actual deep reflection! I poured my deepest feelings and my soul into my memoirs when I first wrote them. So, when I decided to begin editing and formatting the five manuscripts I had written over the decades beginning last November, I was certain editing and formatting would be a breeze. How very wrong I was. Once again, I relived all the experiences, felt the emotions on an even deeper level, and the pain was so intense – some days, I thought I could not continue. I persisted and did not resist. I was determined to succeed in having my memoirs published. Now that I have four memoirs completed in my Journey of a Soul series, I am personally astounded! I was showing the printed paperback books to my eye doctor today. He was delighted with them and asked me, “Jussta, do you ever sleep?” After I walked out of my appointment this afternoon, I thought to myself. I edited, formatted, and created the color covers for four memoirs in four months! Why is it that I feel lazy and others are amazed? Why am I unable to give credit and feel good about a job well-done?” All of my life, I have never acknowledged my accomplishments – no matter how big, nor how small. I have been editing one particular memoir entitled, The Land Beyond Goodbye – Part IV – Journey of a Soul for almost two months! Some days, I cannot even cope with editing this memoir because it is emotionally painful reading of grandiose plans, which I never pursued to fruition. I was really beating myself up emotionally! I was the one wondering if I had followed through, or made a different decision, how drastically different my life would be! It was only in the past few days that I came to the realization my life could not be any different! I made the choice to follow the Divine Signs from The White Light no matter when they appeared! With that realization, true spiritual independence has come to me! I realize how truly blessed and fortunate I am to be guided by The White Light. I have received hundreds of Divine Signs, if not thousands, all have guided me to live independently, to follow Spirit. I lived in the now doing what The White Light guided me to do, until the next Divine Sign guided me to another experience, another grand adventure! Yes, I have paid in money, deeds, or sorrow – but I have experienced more miracles in my life than any person I have read or heard about! I recently have had several doctors sincerely calling me a miracle! Last year, in July, I toppled over while seated in a plastic patio chair. I injured both of my hips when a large dog on a leash forcefully jerked away and pulled me over! For months, both hips hurt so much, I could barely walk or stand up from a seated position! I finally made an appointment with my Orthopedic Surgeon. He ordered a CT scan and X-rays of my left hip. When he read the report, he ordered an MRI of both of my hips, on November 5, 2014. I went into his office for a consult, and he informed me that I would need total hip replacements! The femur head on the left appeared like a crescent moon upside down – the entire head of the femur bone was dead! My right hip femur was also partially dead, but the right hip could wait about a year for total hip replacement to see how I did with my left hip total replacement. My intuition practically screamed at me to make an appointment with my Chinese Acupuncturist, Dr. Tsai. I did. I brought the MRI of November 2014 and he looked at it. He would not make any guarantees, but said the acupuncture treatment could increase the blood flow from the one artery feeding the femur head. I had two more acupuncture treatments spaced several months apart. In the meantime, unbeknownst to me, my Orthopedic Surgeon scheduled the right first total hip replacement scheduled for April 24, 2015. I telephoned and told his assistant that I had acupuncture treatments and my hips no longer hurt. His assistant gasped! She could not believe it. It had been seven months since the previous MRI, so I made an appointment with my Orthopedic Surgeon again. I told him of my symptoms, none of them to do with my hips. I asked him, “Is it possible I am in denial or could acupuncture have truly healed my hips?” He did not answer me – he only chuckled. He ordered a new MRI of both hips in early June 2015. A week later, I had a follow-up appointment. He was reserved when he told me the MRI revealed that both hips had improved. I was jubilated! I asked him, “Do hips that need total replacement usually get better with time?” He replied. “Never! The femurs deteriorate and become much worse.” I responded, “Now, you can never say never!” My surgeon believes I am a miracle! I took the DVD of the MRI to Dr. Tsai, the Chinese Acupuncturist, and he viewed it along with a copy of the radiologist’s report of the June scans. Dr. Tsai replied, “Jussta! You are a miracle!” I told him, he was the miracle healer. I simply could never believe I needed a hip replacement and his healing acupuncture prompted the healing! If you saw the comparison of the two MRI scans taken seven months apart, you would also know it is a miracle. This year, this Fourth of July, this Independence Day, I am declaring my soul’s independence! I will be celebrating my life – a life well-lived enjoying the gamut of emotions and experiences. I wish you only a celebration of your own soul’s independence to be grateful for all your experiences, and not to have any regrets – for truly, only blessings will come of this spiritual independence! Namaste` Jussta Views:]]>