Have you ever walked up to someone feeling happy and good about life and within moments you felt bad, angry or sad and you didn’t know why? Ever hear the phrase “You could cut the tension in this room with a knife.” or “She just gave you the cold shoulder?” What are they referring to? What are you feeling? It’s energy. It’s all energy.
Interactions between humans are much more electrical than physical. The human body, cells and mind put out feelers, like antennae, to test the energy and the people around them. Is the area you are heading into safe? Are the people you are meeting safe? Is the place or group you are walking into welcoming or will they attack or shun you? It is all a matter of feeling into the energy. This is what keeps you safe.
Imagine the days of living in the wild. You would walk into the woods with your senses on high alert, sending and receiving energy the whole time. You notice everything. You feel everything. If you let down your guard a tiger could approach you from behind and that would be the end of you. In order to hunt, to gather, to survive, you had to use energy. You had to put feelers out there to notice the smallest and tiniest of vibrations. If you didn’t, it could mean certain death. You also had to know how to use your energy wisely, how to conserve your energy out in the woods because you might not get fed for a very long time. You learned the hard way how to use your energy wisely or end up helpless without that last burst of speed right when the deer approached or the tiger pounced.
Understanding energy and how we interact with it in the world is not prioritized in the modern world today, but our bodies react just as strongly as if there were a tiger staring us down. And sometimes there is! How we feel or get a ‘vibe’ from a boss, a client or friend affects our survival as well. Being out casted from a group in today’s world can mean emotional death. It can mean less opportunity, loneliness and depression which can lead to physical death. It is not as exciting as facing a tiger in the wild, but it is just as important to one’s health and well being. Where we get energy from to deal with the tigers in life defines us as people.
Monetarily and socially successful people today are often naturally aware of energy. They put out the welcome vibe. They have an ability make others feel comfortable and they have a natural sense of what is going on with other people’s energies. They know how to give energy to make people feel good about themselves. And they know where and how to get their own energy. They feed themselves through positive relationships, hobbies, activities and things that naturally make them more full of life, which then makes them more successful! They fuel themselves with this cycle. They exude this confidence because of their innate understanding of energy.
On the other side of the spectrum is what people call spiritual vampires. There are some people in this world that have no idea how to get energy for themselves, so they steal it. It can be as subtle as a cat burglar in the night sort of energy theft or an out and out in your face stick ‘em up kind of energy theft. There are a million ways they do it. Lying, manipulation, back stabbing, victim, drama, violence, aggression, passive aggression or even using love are just a few. They will do anything to steal energy. They have no choice! They know no other way. They are crafty. They are skilled. They are stealthy and masterful. They have honed their craft since childhood. And yet, contrary to popular belief, most of them are completely oblivious to what they are doing. They are the definition of living unconsciously. Unlike their cousins, the walking zombies, who stumble through life stealing in an obvious yet awkward run away way, the spiritual vampires rob you in your sleep. They show love and affection, lull you into a sense of security and then they strike. You become their supporter, their cheerleader! You become vested in their success. Most times you willingly give your life blood energy. It is as if you don’t even realize what is happening until you are in so deep you can’t see a way out. They get you invested in their story, in their lies. You want to believe that they need you, they love you! It is the romantic tale told over and over again. You don’t even recognize it until you are lying depleted, exhausted on the floor, and even then they will smile at you and you will believe their innocence.
All it takes is a great deal of awareness and growth on your part to stop the carnage. Knowledge is power and knowledge of energy is everything when it comes to spiritual vampires. Feel your own energy, your centered stable point when you aren’t around anyone and you feel balanced and happy. Notice when that feeling changes. Who are you around? Where did you go? What just happened? Becoming aware of who, what, when and how your energy gets stolen is an art form. Begin noticing it now. Do you know someone that the moment you think of them you sigh and roll your eyes or feel that tug in your stomach of energy sucking? Notice it. Become aware.
The next step is harder. How do we stop a spiritual vampire from sucking our life energy? The collective consciousness has agreed that we are to rescue the victims. We are to give everything we have to everyone else. We are to live for others. This is fully engrained in the consciousness of humanity. It is a breeding ground for spiritual vampires. To pull out from the rescuing cycle can almost mean pulling away from humanity, from everything you have known. But it is okay. Now is the time for freedom and as you become conscious, you gain more energy and you are more able to give in ways you could never even imagine. Value your own energy. It is as important as the life blood that flows through your veins. How you get it, how you give it, how others affect it or steal it? That is entirely up to you.
Become aware and responsible for your energy and the system of energy. It takes time. Start today. Notice the world around you. Notice how you feel in that world. Where do you get your energy? Do you use drama, attention or poor me to suck it from others? Do you go outdoors, work in the yard, be by water, run, paint, write, draw, or sing to get your energy? What are some healthy ways you get your energy? What are some negative ways? Begin the conscious steps today to get and give energy responsibly. For if you don’t give it to yourself in a healthy way, you too can become a spiritual vampire.
Life is about living. To do so you must have energy. To get energy you must have an energy source. Understanding the power in how you feed your needs and how others feed theirs can not only lead to a balanced life, but a life full of life giving energy. Vampires need not apply.
In Clear Conscience. All our love.
Jeannine Proulx is an Intuitive Personal Growth Coach who helps spiritual people looking for the next step on their journey get from where they are to where they want to be. As an adventure guide, she walks with you on your journey every step of the way, busting through the blocks that hold you back from living the life of your dreams.
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The WORLD Collective Consciousness
The WORLD Collective Consciousness is the combined voices of all the people, creatures, nations, energies, thoughts and possible realities that this wonder of a world has created and will create. Everyone has a Collective of who they are: mind, body, spirit, subconscious, lives lived, people loved, spirit connections, guides and energies. That is us as individuals. The WORLD Collective Consciousness is us as a whole. They speak with one voice, a sense of humor and a practical way of showing us all the possibilities we have available to us at any moment. They are more than thrilled to now be a part of the conversation in the spiritual community and eventually in the world itself. It is their time to talk and Jeannine Proulx’s honor to write with them. May you enjoy the insights revealed and the stories shared as the WORLD brings to life its secrets.
*WORLD = Wide Open Reality Alive with Dimension