st C- Choose Now Imagine for a moment you are standing in a meadow. The sky is flowing overhead. The grass is green and soft beneath your feet. The breeze is sweet and tender against your skin. In the sky above you colors begin to appear, flashing right to left or moving across the horizon. A word begins to float in the sky like a neon sign spelling out a message. It is clear and decisive. “Choose NOW.” it says. “Choose now.” What does that mean to you? What feelings well up inside you? What thoughts, worries, concerns or hopes spring to mind? What comes a calling when you get the all clear, the go ahead to choose what it is you wish for, dream for and long for in your life right now? What if you could have it simply by choosing it? The path to your possibilities, to new life, love or whatever your heart desires, lives within the moment of choice and within the time of now. If you could do anything, right here, right now, if you could be anything, go anywhere, where would that be? What would you do? Where would you go? What if it could happen right now? What if you could just choose it? Sometimes what we long for the most, we are the most afraid to have. What if we are able to live our dreams? What then? What if we can have everything we want, what then? One of the greatest assets of being human is the creativity allowed within the realm of the consciousness. Let’s say you have your dream. You live it. It turns out or it doesn’t turn out. It brings joy or it looks like the same mess you lived in yesterday. Either way, the dream part is over and now you are now dealing with everything that it brings along with it. What now? Now we move onto the second C of conscious living: Choose Differently. 2nd C- Choose Differently Now, you choose differently. Choose something else! Life is a journey, an amazing, intense, joyous, heartfelt, frustrating and tedious journey. Here you are, living the dream you had yesterday. Now what? Now choose differently! Choose something else. What else? Anything else! The thrill of life is in the chase. Moments are temporary and fleeting. One must rejoice in the small victories to be able to move onto the big joys. Growth is the only momentum that keeps the world going. The ebb and flow of that growth is the rhythm of life. Learning to flow with this ebb and flow is what brings possibilities to life. There will always be another dream, another day. There will always be dreams that do not live up to expectation or cause more problems than they solve. The only way to learn it is to live it! The only way to discover what might, possibly work for you is to try it! Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. What works today might not work tomorrow. Growth is an inevitable and natural part of life! So grow with it! Change with it! The trees do not attempt to grow in the wintertime. They know growing time is for spring and summer. Fall is for letting go. The animals know when to breed, when to feed, where to travel and who to travel with to optimize their survival. So, if you are at the point of choosing differently, then do it in conjunction with the third C: choose wisely, choose consciously. 3rd C – Choose Consciously Choosing consciously means being aware of the world around you, where you are going, who you are going with, how you would like to travel and what season it is best to travel in. Choosing consciously means taking the time to be aware of what you are doing, who you are taking along with you and the steps involved to get you there. Instead of dreaming, conscious living is concrete doing. It is being responsible for your own dreams come true by walking the walk, no talking necessary. Choosing and living consciously means being aware of your emotions, the lessons you are learning and how all of it is serving you in the highest form. Choosing consciously means not doing what other people tell you to do just because they tell you. It means making your own decisions based on your own inner insight and intuition. Choosing consciously means being aware of what you really want, taking action instead of merely reacting to a situation. Choosing consciously is the new way of living. It is the new way of being in touch, in tune and in connection with the rhythm of life. Go back now to your meadow vision. What now appears in the sky? What looks different in the meadow? What has changed? How have your desires changed? How have your feelings changed? Does the dream that appears to you now seem fearful or far away, or do you feel the shift back to you, to your self, to your inner wisdom? Look down at your feet there in this vision of you in the meadow. A path appears to you. There are steps now to follow and a way to travel. You know the steps. You know the way. It is at your feet. You are consciously aware of your surroundings as you take each step walking confidently and calmly into the land of your dreams. This is conscious living. How different is this from just living? What feels different? Use your feelings as a guide to become aware of where you are letting life live you and where you are walking the path to living a conscious life full of possibility. Begin today with this simple vision. All it takes is a change of perspective, a change from reaction to action into living fully aware and following the three Cs into living a conscious life. In Clear Conscience ~W~ Jeannine]]>
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Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.