Can you recall a time of bitter-sweetness in your life? Do you have experiences that break your heart, but then also provide new loving experiences? Does letting go of something or someone mean that we don’t care or are abandoning them when we are losing a loved one? Life can be filled with many tough choices, and many choices that we would prefer not to face. While we all have an aspect of creating the circumstances that we live in; there are many that come to us by the choices of others. We can easily assume that those choices were easy for that person to make, or come from a selfish space; however, more times than not, those choices are rarely easy. In these days and times, souls are leaving our Earth in what appears to be a rapid rate. It is no longer just those that have lived out their days; but those that are going in a variety of circumstances and are a variety of ages. However, what I am looking at here are not only those that are leaving, but those that are remaining. Losing a loved one is not just through a death but can also include the ending of a relationship. No matter what generation or time one lives in, life will present its challenges; within which will be sorrows and blessings, and that, of course, can lead to numerous more discussions. People are being required to face and deal with circumstances and choices that they never thought they would have to make in their lifetime. Choices that they know are for the best; but not always the most pleasant or comfortable to deal with. Dr. Catana Tully addresses this type of choice in her book Split At The Root; where she shares about the choice her birth mother made to give her up at birth, and the experience of being raised in a family of different culture and color. Her journey in this process leads us to recognize how much heart and love there can be in doing what is ‘best.’ It reminds us of the trust from all involved that sweetness can be found in the bitterness of the initial pain, and the conflict that we often need to overcome in our choices. Whether it has been a person, a pet, or a situation; most of us have had to make choices to let go of something that perhaps we didn’t feel ready to let go of. Perhaps, we felt ‘forced’ to as things came up unexpectedly; and we came face to face with our own human limitations. Our soul certainly knows that we will be able to move on and make the best of it; however, our head can often keep us in the torment of losing a loved one. In addition, few today get the opportunity to grieve these processes; and having people or situations leave our lives due to death or having to go a different direction needs to be given the time to go through such a process. It is in part of my belief, that nothing can truly be released without there being strong love in the situation – love of self and love of others. Although, it can be cloaked in many different shapes; and be triggered by what appears to be other emotions such as anger, frustration, or even revenge, there is still a love at the bottom of it all. In reality, we tend to hold on to that which we do not love, such as an addiction; instead of that which we love, although it can easily get twisted around. How do you find the sweetness in the bitterness? Have you been able to find strength in making the choices that are necessary; even when they are not what you desire and ones that others may not understand? Have you been able to find strength from the sense of helplessness that can happen in the bitterness of losing a loved one? Views:]]>
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Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.