Here is an example of the dedication Spirit has to connect with us, to let us know they live on. A very dear friend of mine suffered the loss of his wife several years ago. Over the last few years that I have known him, she has tried repeatedly to show him signs that she’s still with him and that her spirit continues to glow. I could see her and the signals she was giving but he was not yet ready to acknowledge them. Her spirit did not give up. During a casual conversation between friends, these words were spoken. She finally found a way, using my voice, to speak to him in a way he would finally hear…. “When a loved one becomes terminal it is one of, if not the most, painful experiences in life. Each day you wake up with fear and sadness. Sadness because there is nothing you can do about it and there is never the right thing to say, you feel helpless. Sadness that you can’t take the sentence away, you would exchange your own life for theirs if given the chance. Fear of not knowing how much time you have left with them. Fear that today might be the last time you can hold them. Fear of being alone. Fear of not knowing what’s on the other side. Then you think of how scared they must be because they must be even more scared than you. You wonder how they can sleep. Or even more painful, you wonder how and why they open their eyes – but you are so grateful to be given just one more moment. Each day is more difficult than the last. It can feel like layers upon layers of weight are dropped inside your heart with every passing minute… but that is your experience, the experience of those who are left behind. Her experience is completely different. She is surrounded by loved ones, guides, the archangels – whoever it is that can get through. They continuously speak to her until she can hear and understand their words. They work nonstop to show her signs until she can see them, and see how beautiful the world of spirit is. She’s got this amazing team whose sole purpose is to answer all her questions and take away all her fears. Can you imagine that gift? To be stripped of all your fears, to have all that weight lifted from your being? Can you imagine how free your soul would feel? It is the most beautiful and amazing gift a human can receive. To be stripped of all fear. To know, in your deepest core, that it is not over, it doesn’t end here. To have no doubt that there is more, and it’s even more beautiful than you can ever imagine. That is a gift. When it happens – when all fear and doubt is completely removed – and not until then, do they cross over. To embrace the knowledge of spirit and release the fear and pain of our human form is a huge transition. Some of us are closer to that point than others – some of us need only days, while others need months. No matter the length of time, know it is also a part of the gift because they are being given the opportunity to choose when they are ready, and not a moment before… therein lies your gift. Your gift is this message from spirit. You are being given the reassurance that your loved one has left this earthly plane when they were ready – without pain, without fear, and without doubt. You are being offered the knowledge that they still reside with you in a parallel plane – in the glorious and magnificent world of spirit. You are being given permission to let go of the weight you have been carrying. To release the pain does not mean you love them less, and it does not mean you forget; but it will let you move forward taking along all the love and memories you shared. Take this. It was my gift. I chose to share it with you, so that it can be our gift…” The above message is shared with the express permission of the receiver, in honor and tribute to his wife, Christine. It is my wish that he find comfort in knowing that she continues to touch the world with her beauty through each person who receives healing from the love she carried across earthly and spiritual planes. Views:]]>
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Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.