I welcome Kevin Harold from ParaTech TV. Wait, you said no TV stars! I did, and I’m sticking to that policy.
By Jim Malliard, The Malliard Report
Kevin is working on a series he hopes to pitch to Networks. I fancy myself as an unofficial consultation on this project.
Malliard: What got your interest in the paranormal?
Kevin: I grew up in a home that was haunted. I had many experiences as a child. Now as an adult I want to confront those childhood issues and find answers.
Malliard: Tell me about your project, and more importantly, what makes it different?
Kevin: Our show combines both believers and skeptics of paranormal claims. For the first time both sides will use science, technology, and emerging technology to try to find proof of the paranormal.
We will never fake evidence! And we will give full access to any evidence we may catch to legitimate scientific bodies for independent investigation.
Malliard: Why is technology so important for investigating?
Kevin: Technology is important because it is impartial and can be scientifically validated. But only if used
Malliard: Which area of the paranormal (ghosts, Bigfoot, UFOs) has you most curious?
Kevin: Ghosts and UFOs.
Malliard: Bold prediction, when will we know and have science agree about the paranormal, or whatever it would be known as at that time?
Kevin: Once mainstream science and paranormal investigators start working together to form standards, then and only then, will we be able to begin to find real answers. It’s not about UNITY, it’s about STANDARDS.
Malliard: And last but not least, give us your links and where people can find you.
Kevin: My website is at www.blip.tv/paranormaltech and my email is raptorcreative@gmail.com.
About the Author:
Jim Malliard grew up with the paranormal practically woven into his DNA. When he was as young as 3 years old, he would spend time in cemeteries with his family talking to his friends who where unseen. To this day, those experiences have left him wondering, and fueled his drive to seek out the truth.
Jim now lives in northwestern Pennsylvania with his family. He runs Meadville Paranormal and his radio show, The Malliard Report, from his hometown. You can hear his show on Tuesdays at 9 pm Eastern time via the many internet radio networks. Find out more at www.malliard.com.