I want to welcome one of the good ones in the business to this month’s The Malliard Report, Ryan McCormick.
By Jim Malliard, The Malliard Report
Ryan McCormick deals with all of the major news networks and treats everyone with class. It is a real pleasure to have him. Let’s get to the topics at hand.
Jim: Ryan, when did you first become interested in the supernatural?
Ryan: In 1992, a show called “Sightings” premiered on Fox and it was a news-type show about the paranormal and supernatural. It captivated my attention and it sparked a blaze of curiosity about the unknown. Shows like this and Coast to Coast AM, I feel, have been crucial in greatly diminishing the stigma associated with being someone who’s open to the idea of the paranormal.
Jim: What would be your advice to someone just starting to get interested in the paranormal?
Ryan: It all depends on what one considers to be paranormal – maybe its ghost chasing or astral projection, or enhancing your perception or engaging in anything beyond what is considered the social norm. Here is some quick advice to those who have interest:
1. Protection First: Consult with an experienced Psychic, Metaphysician, or Shaman about how you should properly protect your spirit before venturing onto an exploratory mission such as ghost hunting, visiting haunted houses, or doing anything with the occult. I feel some people who jump head first into these areas might not realize how vulnerable they are to negative entities and forces that may seek to harm or even hijack that person’s soul.
2. Seek Your Own Truth: There have been many great contributions of individuals brave enough to engage in paranormal research. Some may seek to repeat the accomplishments of others, such as capturing a ghost on audio or reaffirming proof of a previously discovered fact about the paranormal. If you engage in this activity – why not seek out something that no one has done before? Your original discovery could be an essential piece of the puzzle that many have spent thousands of years figuring it out.
Jim: As a media guy, is there anyone who still has you star struck?
Ryan: The only person I can think of is NHL Legend Mark Messier – one of the greatest leaders in the history of professional sports.
Jim: Is there one dead person you would love to interview?
Ryan: It’s a tie – Bill Hicks and Sam Kinison. I thought they were both comic geniuses, were very ahead of the time (especially Hicks), and they both incorporated aspects of spirituality in their sets. I would love to find out what really made both of these individuals tick.
Jim: And finally, would you give us the outline to your new, well almost new, show?
Ryan: The show is called The Outer Limits of Inner Truth (www.outerlimitsradio.com) Radio Show and its Nationally Syndicated on KKRP 1610 AM and New Conscious Media Network. It is a program about forensic soul analysis. We do a 30 minute introspective interview with a fascinating individual and then afterwards five experts (called “The Virtues”), that include: Psychic Mediums Kerrie O’Connor and Lisa Caza, Laura Lyn, Lisa McGarrity and Astrologer Constance Stellas, each offer a 5 minute analysis on that individual. All recordings of the Virtues are done separately and it’s common for them to recall the same past lives of people, as well as identify similar spirit guides. The show is a ton of fun and I feel we’re doing some cutting edge exploration… LOL.
Ryan McCormick is the host and executive producer of The Outer Limits of Inner Truth Radio Show. He’s also been the publicist of several psychic mediums, authors and metaphysical teachers, including the late Stuart Wilde.
You can learn more about Ryan McCormick here:
E-mail: ryan@goldmanmccormick.com
About the Author:
Jim Malliard grew up with the paranormal practically woven into his DNA. When he was as young as 3 years old, he would spend time in cemeteries with his family talking to his friends who where unseen; and to this day, those experiences have left him wondering and fueled his drive to seek out the truth. Jim now lives in northwestern Pennsylvania with his family. He runs Meadville Paranormal and his radio show, The Malliard Report, from there. You can hear his show on Tuesdays at 9 pm Eastern time via the many internet radio networks. Find out more at www.malliard.com.