Energy Matches Energy – Like Attracts Like Why is this information so important? It’s important because the state of your health, mentally and physically, is impacted directly and indirectly by your thoughts. Positive energies keep our bodies in a harmonious state which results in good health while negative energies do just the opposite and will eventually manifest in ill health due to the energy imbalance if left unmanaged or poorly managed. The good news is that you can change your thought patterns. Begin by taking a closer look at how you reacted to issues that have occurred in your life that caused you stress. Try to identify patterns and then decide what you could do differently in your reactions. Once you have reflected on each issue send positive thoughts to them and then let them go. It is equally as important to learn to protect yourself from being a sponge for the negativity from others. It’s easy to tell someone to avoid negative people but that is not always realistic since they may be co-workers or even family members; they’re everywhere! Your solar plexus chakra, located just above the navel, is the entry point for mental and emotional energies. Visualizing a golden disc of light covering this area of your body really works. When in place any low/negative energies being directed to you will bounce back out to the universe leaving your energy intact. You can put this disc in place wherever you are. It’s really effective when you are about to enter an area with a group of people. All of those who work with the energies of others know how valuable tools like this can be. What if you are the negative person? When you are in an emotional state your energy becomes much lower. You may find it’s difficult to concentrate, your productivity and creativity are affected, relationships begin to suffer and you may begin to notice aches and pains increasing throughout your body or localized in a specific area. You’re not going crazy; it’s just your body trying to tell you to pay attention. It can’t be said enough; you must learn to pay attention to your body. It is designed to let you know when things need your attention. Changing the way you think can make a dramatic improvement in your overall health and will improve relationships. I am not saying you will never have a negative thought again yet through conscious awareness you will find that they will be less and less. Try following every negative thought with two positive thoughts and see how that works for you. Perhaps you may discover that you are no longer attracted to some individuals; remember-like attracts like. Kirlian photography is specialized equipment that can actually capture the energy field that surrounds your body. This field, known as an aura, is a multi-layered magnetic field in an array of colors that protect the body. Gary Swartz, a Harvard PhD., wrote a book about his experiments with the energy field surrounding the body that further substantiates the existence of this field. Here’s an interesting phenomenon; those who are happy and more positive have an aura that extends farthest from the body, full of colors and they are generally healthier and happier compared to those who are more negative and they are usually much easier to be around. Rhonda Byrnes, author of The Secret, says that, “each of us has enough energy to light a small city for about a week.” Energy workers have known for years that before an individual becomes ill the aura is the first line of attack. Often these workers are sought out to clear and balance energy for those who have been wise enough to listen to their internal warnings that things are not functioning well. As a Reiki Master I have seen many clients present through the years for a wide variety of concerns yet they all shared the same underlying issue of energy that wasn’t flowing at its optimum level. Some of these individuals did not act when they began to notice the symptoms and they had manifested into chronic illnesses as a result. If this article hasn’t convinced you on just how imperative positive thought patterns are to your health then consider studies that were done on water using nothing more than thoughts and a freezing process. A Japanese scientist, Dr. Masaru Emoto, conducted experiments on numerous water sources throughout Japan. He took two samples from each water source. On the first one he directed his thoughts to love and gratitude and then froze the water. The ice crystals turned into a beautiful snowflake-like formation and on the other sample he used negative words and the results were a dark formation with obvious holes in it. He did a similar test using prayer on one sample and nothing on the other with the similar results as the previous experiment. The one with prayer thoughts attached was a beautiful crystal formation and the other was the opposite. Dr. Emoto has written several books with full color illustrations of the results of his various experiments. When you consider the water composition of our bodies you can understand the impact our thoughts can have on our health. There are many benefits of positive thinking: > Lower levels of distress > Increased resistance to the common cold >Decreased risk of depression >Lower blood pressure > Less risk of cardiovascular disease You won’t be able to ignore those events in your life that may be less pleasant, yet you will find that your coping skills will improve and your approach to dealing with them in a more positive manner will be more productive to help get you through them. The easiest way to start positive thinking is with your self-talk. You know, those endless unspoken words that run through your head every day. You have the power to control whether those thoughts are positive or negative. When you think of it, our self-talk is nothing more than affirmations from our subconscious mind. When you continually repeat affirmations with passion and conviction you are able to push through even the most stubborn resistance. You can write them, recite them or even sing them. Mikao Usui, the founder of the Usui method of Reiki, had the right idea. He realized the importance of positive thinking. All of his students were required to recite positive affirmations every day as part of their daily self-healing. That is still a requirement practiced among Reiki practitioners around the world today. Changing the way you think by reprogramming your mind and getting rid of old negative beliefs can manifest real change in your life and your health. May your thoughts take you to wonderful, purposeful places.]]>
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Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.