Therapy Insights Last week you had a powerful healing session and now you have the urge to spring clean your home. Accumulated clutter, dusty trinkets and old journals; they all have to go. With energy levels soaring, you clumsily drop a dog eared diary to the floor. Crouching down to retrieve it, you notice it has fallen open at a certain date. It was the time when life was particularly hard to cope with. You begin to read with interest. Nothing could have prepared you for the surge of emotion that now engulfs you. It feels as if you have been transported back in time to a place you would rather run from. Trying as hard as you can to compose yourself and push back the fear, you throw the ancient diary into the bin, tears streaming down your face. You thought you had successfully buried this situation, so why does it cause such acute suffering now? Your healing session has begun to work. You are clearing out long held emotional blocks. You are experiencing a healing crisis and will feel worse before you feel better. Before a soul reincarnates into a physical body certain decisions are made. Parents are chosen, a lesson allocated and a name decided upon. The lesson is part of the journey a soul undertakes in order to make spiritual progress. Parents provide the genetic makeup necessary and the environment sets the scene for the lesson to begin. Avoiding the emotional pain of a lesson can lead to emotional and physical illness or dis-ease. These blocks can be sensed by a healer who channels energy into the blocked areas of the Aura and Chakras to raise the vibrations of the Auric field to then move the blockages. After a powerful healing session these avoided feelings have to release through the consciousness. Events and situations will feel as fresh as if they are happening today; sights, sounds and smells will be vivid. Allow the emotions to flow, it will never be more than can be tolerated at one time. Healing may need several sessions to completely clear blocked Chakras and to cleanse the Aura. Advice should be offered on how to cope with emerging painful memories. Counselling and coaching techniques can help alongside some Massage, Reflexology or Crystal therapy. Healing should never be taken lightly. It facilitates personal growth, change and an end to thinking patterns that no longer serve the newly healed individual. Forgiveness and unconditional love are the keys to learning a life lesson. Easy to say but may require the breaking of the habits of a lifetime to accomplish. Don’t give up on healing when the going gets tough. It may be a difficult journey to undertake but the results will change your life. ]]>
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Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.