By Wendy Stokes
Since this is the time to recognize the love we have for one another this Valentine’s Month, I wanted to share an Oracle Deck and a Book to inspire your love aspirations.
Whispers of Love Oracle Cards – for attracting more love into your life by Angela Hartfield with artwork by Josephine Wall. Published by Blue Angel Publishing. Pack of 50 cards and 72 page booklet. £13.99 Author website: Artist website:

The author, Angela Hartfield, is based in Hawaii where she is a medium, reader, healer and teacher. She is also a Reiki Master. At the age of 4 years old she had an encounter with angels. She is the creator of Angelic Whisper Oracle Cards (2009) , meditation CD’s and conducts Angelic Channeler Courses and conducts Hawaiian Healing Journeys.
The artist, Josephine Wall is UK based and paints finely detailed scenes of the fairy realms, with many well-crafted animals and figures in landscapes of complex beauty. Her ornate and decorative style is inspired by the Victorian Pre-Raphelites, Arthur Rackam, Magritte and Dali. She painted the high colour pottery of Delphis Ware which are collectors’ pieces and she also produces pottery figurines, sculpture and stained glass. Each artwork is lovingly created to inspire and entertain. The author, Angela Hartfield, is based in Hawaii where she is a medium, reader, healer and teacher. She is also a Reiki Master. At the age of 4 years old she had an encounter with angels. She is the creator of Angelic Whisper Oracle Cards (2009), meditation CD’s, and conducts Angelic Channeler Courses and Hawaiian Healing Journeys.
Recommended! A fabulously illustrated deck with 50 individual hand-painted artworks, all of which are a delight. Everyone loves Josephine Wall! Review by Wendy Stokes
Tantric Love Letters by Diana Richardson, Published by Manta Books, Paperback: £12.99 221 pages

The author, Diana Richardson is a leading authority on tantric sex and has written several books on the subject (some with her husband, Michael). She trained with the Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh Community and the Barry Long Foundation. She is a qualified lawyer and therapeutic massage teacher and conducts 7 day workshops in Switzerland on Tantra with her husband. Also, by the same author, ‘Tantric Orgasm for Women’, ‘Tantric Sex for Men’, ‘The Heart of Tantric Sex’ and ‘Slow Sex’.
From the Introduction: Tantric Love Letters is a unique, interesting and informative collection of authentic letters from people who have begun to look at sex from a ‘new’ perspective and bring about a ‘change’ in their way of making love. This personal correspondence is made available in order to encourage and support those people who have already embarked on a sexual enquiry, as well as to inspire or motivate others to begin exploring other dimensions of sex right away. “Tantric Love Letters offers information in the form of correspondence about the joys, delights and splendours of sexual union and the magic of sexual involvement. It explains how an open, relaxed light energy can facilitate a blissful experience and this is available to everyone. This book beautifully demonstrates how Tantric Sex can be a magical meditation.” Review by Catherine Foroughi, Author of ‘This is It: Enlightenment with CYoga.’
About Wendy Stokes:
Wendy Stokes is a counselor, workshop facilitator and feature writer. Read her blogs, visit her YouTube channel, and join her on Facebook! All links are on her website: