Pamela Cummins addresses a question regarding trauma and rejection in her love life. What does she need to do to change that history?
Dear Ms. Pamela,
I’m a 22-year-old-woman and I’ve got trauma with my love life. I find that nobody likes me and I’ve always got rejected repeatedly by men I liked. Even though I tried, I always end up with emotional trauma, and it seems that men are never attracted to me. Why is that? How could I heal myself?
Thank you,
Feeling Rejected
Dear Feeling Rejected,
When I read your question I heard, “I’ll save the day,” in the cartoon voice of Mighty Mouse. You are young, therefore, may never have seen that cartoon. The message my guides are getting across is you may be looking for a man to save you. My guides said, “Ain’t going to happen,” while I got a vision of a man helping a woman onto a white horse. That vision is symbolic for a movie I once saw where the therapist basically told the female star – a man isn’t going to save you, instead you need to save yourself.
My guides keep pushing me tell you a quote from my book Insights for Singles: Steps to Find Everlasting Love. Here it is:
Rejection Is God’s Protection
When someone rejects or breaks up with you, it may be a blessing in disguise. The person was not right for you. Or maybe you would have eventually been miserable with them. Now the door is open for someone else much better to come into your life.
I heard, “There is nothing wrong with you. What is wrong is your choices and that stems from childhood,” and the song by Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell “Ain’t Nothing Like the Real Thing” played afterwards. What that means is a father figure was unavailable in your childhood; you are repeating the cycle by subconsciously choosing inaccessible men to heal this issue. Sadly, this will never work until you work on and heal this issue consciously. Then the real thing (man) will come into your life. My guides said, “Journaling,” which means to write about this unavailable father figure (heard you know who it is) and get some type of counselling.
What brings joy to my heart is that you had the opportunity to work on your issues seven years before I began. Please take advantage of this by starting your personal and spiritual growth today. As you grow older, you will be thankful you did. I’m also picking up that you have great healing abilities and can really help people through your hands and voice. After I wrote that sentence I heard the song “Put Your Hand in the Hand” by Ocean. My interpretation of your gifts and the song is you will go far if you allow God, Goddess, whatever you choose to call your Higher Power, to work with and through you.
The coach part of me needs to point out that you need to watch your words. Please stop using the phases I’ve got trauma with love life and emotional trauma. Instead, say I am healing myself and my love life. The journey to improving your life and love life begins with noticing the negative words you use and rephrasing them in a more positive manner.
Lastly, I’m hearing Natalie Cole sing, “This will be an everlasting love.” I keep getting the age twenty-five with Mr. Right. This could mean you will meet him or be in a serious relationship at that time. I feel great love for you with marriage and children! You need to do some work on yourself first. Take a break from dating and men (I hear you groan) until you no longer think of your love life as “trauma.” Don’t give up before the miracle happens because it will happen before you know it. Mr. Right will be extremely attractive to you, very kind, attentive, and with just a dash of being a nerd. He feels very stable, faithful, and a great husband/father.
Please send your love and relationship questions to Pamela Cummins is the author of Psychic Wisdom on Love and Relationships, Insights for Singles: Steps for Everlasting Love, the FREE eBook Pamela’s Love Collection, and Learn the Secret Language of Dreams. To learn more and get your free gifts, please visit