It’s Not by Going on a Diet Diets don’t work. At least not as traditionally understood and practiced. A UCLA study conducted in 2007 was the Study of Diet Studies. Tracking the eating activities of over 19,000 participants; guess what the researchers concluded was the biggest predictor of weight gain? It was if someone had been on a diet in the last couple of years! In other words, if you choose to diet, you are more likely to gain weight than someone who doesn’t. Also, 83% of people who lost weight on diets gained back MORE than they had lost. This is because when we diet, we focus on the wrong things – pounds on the scale, inches around the waist, or some other indicator that is very hard to measure in the present. It takes weeks before you might feel your clothes fitting a bit looser, months before you might fit into your old clothes. It’s challenging at best to stay focused on a goal that seems so far out of reach, and all too easy to give up when the results don’t come fast enough. Additionally, there are so many diets out there, it’s overwhelming. They often require some kind of deprivation that goes against your nature, and makes it psychologically difficult to stick with, never mind physically. Plus, the deprivation mentality actually works against your body’s efforts to do what’s in your best interests for survival! The fact is, most of the diets won’t work for you. One way of eating will. And it takes time to figure out which one that is.
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Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.