Therapy Insights 2014 Soft music fills the therapy room, a heady scent of Lavender oil adds to an atmosphere of peace and tranquility. The healing session is well underway and your client is calm, warm and relaxed. In an earlier conversation she admitted to never being happier. So, why is her Aura flashing dark red? Experiences are stored in the Aura as conscious or unconscious thoughts. These thoughts are energetic and radiate colours at different intensities or vibrations. The strength of the colour depends on the intensity of feeling behind it. Many healers observe colours in the Auras of their clients and this helps them understand the needs of the individual person. Angry thoughts produce a dark red, a healer’s hands may become green, violet or gold. A healthy person will be a blood orange red where fear is seen as an off white. Colours can be observed and interpreted by the healer as they either shoot out from the Aura or attempt to release, only to be drawn inwards again and stored. A victim may hold a colour deep inside, like the grey of sadness or the dark green of envy. This blocks the Chakra and eventually creates a health problem in the correlating physical area. Experiments to measure light radiating from the human energy field have revealed that colours have different frequencies, Hertz or cycles per second. Blue = 250-275 Hz Green = 250-475 Hz Yellow = 500-700Hz Orange = 950-1050 Hz Red = 1000-1200 Hz Violet = 1000-2000 Hz White = 1100-2000 Hz Crystals are a valuable healing tool and carry their own individual frequencies. They help to cleanse and protect the energy system. Choosing a crystal slightly stronger than your own field will help enhance and boost energy levels. A crystal with a lower frequency will have a detrimental effect. The crystal with the correct frequency will become irresistible to you. A clear quartz crystal can hook and drag out Auric mucous removing stagnant energy blocks made up of old thought patterns. Crystals must be regularly cleansed and reprogrammed. Wash in salt water and leave to charge in bright sunlight or overnight in moonlight. Hold and reset with your own individual healing intention. Thoughts are part of the personality and are often so habitual they go unnoticed. They are the heavy weight that that is carried around unconsciously, or held as fear within muscle tension. Once a thought pattern is triggered, it usually plays out to its familiar conclusion. Most thoughts are part of a belief system created in childhood. If you see yourself as a failure, it may feel impossible to break that pattern. Thoughts have depth. On the surface are reactions like blame, avoidance of the truth, anxiety, anger and an inability to take self-responsibility. Deep inside the thought are the painful childhood conclusions like “I am useless, bad or stupid.” Trying to avoid these thoughts is physically exhausting and self-limiting. A healer will be able to identify these thought patterns by channeling information and observing colours in the Aura. This gives the client a new perspective on ingrained negative beliefs. The healer can work with their client to develop new strategies that work by breaking the pattern the next time it begins. This intervention allows them to reconnect with their true personality, health and creativity. Personal and spiritual growth are enhanced and the colours in the Aura will become clear and bright once again. Reference: Hands of Light, Barbara Ann Brennan. Views:]]>
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