Many Americans are so desperate for our country to be turned around that they seem anxious to Make America Better by backing a shrewd businessman. After all, he is a person who is able to finance his own campaign and claims he is not attached to any special interest group. The question is – what is the real plan of this clever, wealthy businessman? Could there be an alternative motive for his campaign? I am not asking you to place your trust and vote with any one candidate, yet I am asking you to consider the possibility that what you are seeing and hearing, may not be as it appears. Imagine! Let’s go back to the night before the first presidential debate. The media reported that Donald was in a telephone conference with his friend, Bill Clinton, for an hour and a half. As we have heard many times through media sources, he has been close friends with the Clintons and has made substantial donations to their foundation and, until his run for this office, Mr. Trump was very public about not even being a fan of the Republican Party. I suspect that they probably were not exchanging recipes, quite the contrary. I suggest it is possible that they may have been laying out a clever plan to derail all of the candidates who stood between Mrs. Clinton and the office of President. The Clintons knew that the candidacy would be an uphill battle with all of the issues before them, such as Benghazi, those cell phone calls, and of course Bill’s indiscretions, which still continues to haunt them. You can be certain that The Donald stands to gain a lucrative business deal from her nomination if this theory is correct. I am not convinced that he wants the position; although he may be questioning his decision after seeing how easily he can persuade the masses without even being able to offer any solid plans for how he expects to accomplish the many changes he states he would implement to Make America Better. Who could ever, in the past, seriously be considered for the highest office of our land while making such statements as, “I could kill someone and people would still support me”? He can and has made racist and sexist comments, repeatedly expressed violent attitudes, mocked a disabled man, used foul language while addressing his opponents and even declared the desire to punch people in the face while on stage. He has gone as far as to suggest that America should commit war crimes by killing the families of terrorists. Tell the people what they want to hear and they will follow? Is he doing all of this because it’s all just a business deal? Can he really be seriously running for this office? Can voters be serious that they would want this man to be in control of our country and our nuclear power? I guess we will just have to wait and watch as this unravels. However it turns out, it most likely will be a sweet deal for The Donald, the wealthy business man. What do you think? I am asking all who are reading this article to not get caught up in the negativity of this campaign but rather to set aside a few moments to open your heart and send your loving, amazing energy to our country and to the world. We can collectively make a difference and Make America Better.
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Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.