Mandy discusses the process of Karmic Unweaving and how we can use the Law of Attraction to move backwards from what we have manifested toward identifying and understanding the unproductive thoughts or beliefs that lie underneath.
By Mandy Peterson
There has been a lot of attention given to the Law of Attraction concerning how we can control our thinking in order to manifest a “positive” outcome. However, this approach has kept our understanding of the Law of Attraction rather limited. Our minds become solely focused on controlling our thoughts and using our will to affect something in the future. This also keeps our minds hyper-focused on a state of wanting, rather than on appreciating how blessed we are with what we already have.
There is another way we can use the Law of Attraction which may help us approach both the present moment and future outcomes with more understanding. Many of us actually use this process all the time. It is used by problem solvers, therapists, dream interpreters and anyone who asks the question “why” and looks within to receive a deeper answer. With this approach, there is less emphasis on having what we want or creating more of something in the future, and more emphasis on understanding our present moment and how we reached it.
This process is not difficult it if we can let go of rigidity and be willing to see and experience everything as simply a universe that is in constant communication concerning what ‘is.’ This approach to the Law of Attraction is what I call “Karmic Unweaving.”
Karmic Unweaving is a term to describe how I use the Law of Attraction in a “backward manner.” To further explain what I mean, I believe that part of manifesting more peace, healing and love into our world and lives involves moving beyond a focus on our conscious thoughts and how to use them to manifest what we think we want in the future. To me there is missing a step if we do not understand why we want what we want and whether how we go about achieving it brings us happiness or the feeling of completion that we desire. Some of us may manifest all we “dream” of, but are still unable to feel a sense of abundance within. There is still a void that we feel we need to fill. If we do not know where the void exists, or from what beliefs it originates, it can be hard to know how to fill it.
So, in essence, Karmic Unweaving allows us to look at what we have already manifested within our lives in order to figure this out. Because the metaphysical principle behind the Law of Attraction tells us that everything manifested in our reality was created from our thoughts, we apply this same theory to use what has already been manifested in order to decipher the unconscious or conscious thoughts and beliefs that were involved; i.e. we use what we manifest into our lives and world to tell us what our thoughts are. Such “thoughts” can include those of our own and ones we took on from the collective consciousness (for more information on what I mean, see here >> )
While many of us are mainly invested in the smaller picture and what one person can create from a series of thoughts, Karmic Unweaving takes into account the bigger picture. By doing this, it can be applied toward gaining a better understanding of, not only our individual lives, but a greater collective picture as well. It understands that this greater picture is manifested and sustained through the like-minded thinking, beliefs, emotions and thoughts of a group of people (a collective).
Karmic Unweaving is based on the philosophy “we reap what we sow.” This “reaping what we sow” is the philosophy behind “karma.” And this doesn’t imply that dealing with karma is always “negative.” It is simply an outcome that is produced through the work of our hands, minds or deeds. But what do we do when we don’t truly understanding what seeds (thoughts) have been planted and sown (deeds) that resulted in a particular harvest (outcome)? Sometimes the answer might be obvious. Other times, it may be more difficult to perceive or to accept accountability for.
Sadly, sometimes we focus so much on what we want to manifest in the future, and we try so hard to conform and comply with certain beliefs or ways of living, that we can become lost and lose touch with what is really making us unhappy. So we keep banging our heads on a wall, trying to ‘achieve’ and ‘succeed’ in the world without really knowing why. We are all learning what we are in spirit and how worthy of love we are, yet something still blocks us and keeps us stuck in certain patterns that make our lives and hearts less fulfilled then they can be. Karmic Unweaving, and moving from where we feel unhappy to the seeds underneath, and even backwards from those seeds to the thoughts and beliefs that lie ever deeper and deeper, can have a truly freeing effect upon our thinking and upon our souls.
To use an example, a person might want to know why they are tired all the time. What seeds or thoughts are underneath this fatigue and lack of vitality? The person may feel they did everything right. They may have followed instructions from various gurus and thought that each one held the truth. And, while it may be more obvious what is making us tired on an individual level (over-striving, worry, obsession, anxiety, lack of self-worth, etc.), it may be difficult for the individual to see the collective level in another light. It may be hard to see that some of the philosophies we live by are promoting these states. While it may not be overtly expressed, it can still have a profound effect even though we may have not completely made the connection of “Why?”
Because the collective is seen as operating in a ‘normal’ way and managing to hold it together, an individual’s inability to do the same might be seen as a failure within the self. But is this really the truth? Are the “successful” people of the world functioning in healthy ways (or are they exhausted, addicted, or other unhealthy things). Is fatigue on the rise, and if so, why? Is the bigger world and environment showing that it’s coping with a collective of individuals that are focused on maintaining various ways of life or belief systems?
So, Karmic Unweaving actually begins to unravel the bigger picture of those who promote the beliefs that we follow, and how these beliefs affect not only a bigger picture of the world (including the environment) but us as individuals as well. It uses principles from Buddha and the Book of Matthew to separate what creates symbols (i.e. “fruits”) of true peace and what creates symbols that represent a false sense of peace. It then applies self-love and self-understanding:
Fools of little wit are enemies unto themselves as they move about doing evil deeds, the fruits of which are bitter. Ill done is that action of doing which one repents later, and the fruit of which one, weeping, reaps with tears. Well done is that action of doing which one repents not later, and the fruit of which one reaps with delight and happiness. So long as an evil deed has not ripened, the fool thinks it as sweet as honey. But when the evil deed ripens, the fool comes to grief. – Buddha, The Dhammapada, The Fool
You will know them by their fruits…every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. So then, you will know them by their fruits. Matthew 7:16-20
Karmic Unweaving is a lot like dream interpretation except that our life, its symbols and the outcomes that we create within it become the dream that is subject to interpretation. I believe that the universe is in constant communication with itself, in the same way that our dreams at night are. Everything reflects back to the self in some way. If not to the self, it reflects back to the collective consciousness of which we are a part. We are all, in certain ways, vendors of a particular way of living, way to believe or lifestyle.
So, naturally, the best way to learn how to karmically unweave our waking experiences is through learning to unweave and understand our dreams at night. For those interested, you can buy a dream journal and dictionary and start the process there. I also discuss how to turn dream content into an analogy in the chapter “The Dream of Life” of the book I Am the Lotus, Not the Muddy Pond. After you become adept at this process, you can get a second journal and keep it as a diary, using the dream dictionary to decode symbols, illnesses, or events within waking life. For example, maybe you had a headache. What does a head represent to you? Does it represent your mind, perceptions or thoughts? If so, are you over-thinking things in a way that is causing pain or an ache?
I find with dream interpretation that if we can take physical symbols and read them emotionally it creates an analogy. For example, if you are a person who drives your car too fast and gets in a fender bender you can ask “where do I feel that I am angry, in a rush, or trying to reach a “destination” or goal too fast and throwing myself off course, “crashing” or running into another person?” How we drive our cars, what we crave to eat, what things we own that are broken down, what illness or tensions we suffer from, what we need to accumulate, what corporations we buy from and support, etc., all say something about us on a symbolic level.
Dream interpretation is not the only avenue, however. Through studying the tarot, feng shui and even psychology a person can begin to see messages in their “real” lives in a similar way to how they see them in their dreams. When offering symbolic interpretations for various illnesses, we are using this process as well. This is because everything is communication. Thus, everything in our sleeping and waking lives is symbolic and becomes a form of language that we can learn to understand.
For example, certain illnesses happen to those who seem to carry certain symbolic traits. On a bigger level, fruits such as pollution, destruction, greed and corruption are symbolic of what is happening within the greater collective consciousness and emotions of the majority within a country, religion, society or group. It really is true that what is without, mirrors what is within.
This process isn’t about denial, either. Just because we choose not to see something in our external world, or in what we have manifested, it does not mean we did not partake in its manifestation through our own thoughts and beliefs at some level. We are not only what we believe, but what we buy, sell, eat, give our attention to, don’t give our attention to, etc. For, if we are buying into the collective mind and are fostering the belief systems that sustain it, then our own mind is involved in whatever is collectively manifested from this. Thus, learning Karmic Unweaving may also help us be more responsible and move out of separation consciousness (rather than becoming more separated, helpless, lost and needing to blame something external for this).
Whether you begin to see the world around you as in constant communication, and all of us as dreamers manifesting symbols within a dream of life, or whether you do not believe life has any symbolic meaning at all, one can still use this Karmic Unweaving process. We do it within therapy sessions all the time. It is simply moving backwards from a perceived positive or negative manifestation and backtracking to what the likely thoughts and beliefs are (conscious or unconscious) that lay underneath.
Through using a process of Karmic Unweaving, we can find out what truly makes us happy, what makes us feel loved or worthy, or what doesn’t. We can begin to allow ourselves to ask questions such as, “Why is {a certain belief, venture, etc.} making me feel happy or loved? Why is {a certain belief, venture, etc.} not making me feel happy or loved? Is there something deeper going on that deserves questioning?”
Through this questioning and unweaving process, we can break through to some of what is unconscious or automatic within us that blocks us from the true goals we wish to achieve. It can even help us know what we want our true goals to be, personally and collectively. This process works especially well if one has conflicting intentions; meaning one has the desire to manifest peace, love or “abundance” within our personal or collective environment, and yet what is being manifested is revealing that we have somewhere missed a step or that we need a new definition.
To read more about the Law of Attraction and using it to unweave our realities, the book “I am the Lotus, Not the Muddy Pond: Peace Through Nonconformity” is available both free on my website and in kindle and book format on Amazon. Chapter 3, “The Law of Attraction: Its Real Secret” deals specifically with this topic.
Mandy Peterson is a psychic visionary, empath and EFT practitioner. She is the author of “I Am the Lotus, Not the Muddy Pond: Achieving Peace Through Non-Conformity,” and “A Guest In Their Universe.” An artist and graphic designer, Mandy has also created and designed an EFT Divination Kit to compliment the use of EFT muscle testing, and a Healers of the Earth Oracle tarot deck.
Learn more about Mandy here: