When was the last time you thought about the INFINITE POSSIBILITIES of your life? As we are now fully engaged in the initiation of Spring, there is no better time to take up in your pioneering spirit and remember just how much you can strike up the means to reap whatever it is that your free-will desires within your continual journey of the LOVE to EVOLVE. Looking to the Name Expression of INFINITE POSSIBILITIES, we find it rings to a pure 9, which is rather apropos to examine under the current energies of Aries. The 9 and Aries energies are both guided by our motivating planet Mars, who is happy to always help you in making just about anything happen within the life. While no Chaldean Karmic Mystery governs the singular 9, it is packed with sound advice to take up in the action of courage, while avoiding penetrating, conflicting or aggressive reactions. You do wish to call up Mars or a 9 vibration to get things going in life, and what the beauty of the 9 does is call upon The Finalizer to guarantee the task will be completed. Unlike Aries, who must learn to co-operate with others to carry out their clever ideas, a 9 energy is always seen as the closer, the powerful force behind how anything will complete and conclude within the life. The 9 is considered a Universal Number, in where there are some fairly neat mathematical associations with it. Add all the single digits up together from 1 to 8 and you’ll arrive at 45, a vibration of the 9. If you add 9 to any number, you’ll always get the same root number, ie: 5 + 9 = 14, and 1 + 4 = 5; 8 + 9 = 17, and 1 + 7 = 8. The same thing applies to multiplication only that you’ll always have a new vibration of the 9, ie: 5 x 9 = 45, 4 + 5 = 9; 8 x 9 = 72, and 7 + 2 = 9. The 9 can never be destroyed, and it always makes more of whatever it is linked or connected to. So, with any Name Expression involving the 9, you can be promised it is backed up and guided by a most powerful punch to assist you in whatever you are doing. So, as we ponder the INFINITE POSSIBILTIES, we have the 9 as our guiding light to make sure what we wish to claim them to be will be happily motivated to become magnificent manifestations within our soul’s purpose. Shift the mindset to this potent phrase as you set your intentions and goals, and you can practically be guaranteed that you will witness amazing outcomes unfold. As always, the wisdom of Lexigrams are here to grant another piece of solid evidence that spending time in keeping our dominant thoughts within the INFINITE POSSIBILITIES is time we most certainly will never be wasting. As we take the anagrams that can be derived from this title, and formulate them into poetry and prose, we find the letters within are already right in front of us to once more spell out the truth. INFINITE POSSIBILITIES SO IT IS, IN THE NINE TIE I BE BEST TO SEE A FINE LINE TO BE ON IN LIFE, IT IS BEST I BE IN SENSIBLE TIES IN TIP TOP BELIEFS IN A FINITE LIFE IN OPEN TIES, I SEE NOT TO STOP BENEFITS IT IS POINTLESS I BE IN PETTINESS TENSIONS SO I STOP POLITE TONES IT IS NOBLE I SEE LIFE IN OPENNESS, IN BLISS, IN SOFTNESS IN SENTIENT TIES I SEE FINE IN ONE SILENT LISTEN, EON TO EON ONESELF IS IN ONENESS, LIFE TO LIFE, EON TO EON, LESSONS TO LESSONS IN BEST INTENT IN LIFE, I OPEN TO LET IN INTENSE FITNESS FINESSE I BEST BE OPEN IN SILENT SENSES SO I BE BEST TO LISTEN LIFE! IT IS POTENT IN LESSONS, BE IT BEST I POINT, I PILOT IN POISES BLESS LIFE! BE I IN BLISS SO LIFE ITSELF TESTIFIES I SEE IT BEST. May you enjoy the wonders of all the infinite possibilities that are thrilled for you to begin to discover them, Dear Stars. Namaste.]]>
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Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.