Coasting Life presents each and every human being with the divine opportunity to engage in the action of coasting. As we journey through a world that is constantly demanding more from us, we are all wise to take up with this rewarding activity to be able to keep up with the magnificent pace. Comparing this practice with whatever car you may drive as a standard or an automatic, learning to coast can be a very conservative and simple choice for innate gifts to find us within. What does a word like coasting have to share with us? With a Name Expression of the Chaldean’s understanding of the 27, The Sceptre, it is packed full of interesting insight that we can absorb as we all take the foot off the gas in our lives. The Chaldean’s saw The Sceptre 27 to mean: “This is an excellent, harmonious and fortunate number of courage and power, with a touch of enchantment. It blesses the person or entity it represents with a promise of authority and command. It guarantees that great rewards will come from the productive labors, the intellect, and the imagination. All of these creative faculties have sown good seeds which are to reap a rich harvest. People or entities represented by the 27 should always carry out their own original plans and ideas, and not be intimidated or influenced by the diverse opinions or opposition of others.” How apropos when your life deserves a passage of coasting that these are the gifts that can emerge as blessings. As you decide to put things in neutral -just like driving any car, when your foot is not on the gas- you can better listen to your inner productive labors, intellect, and by all means the magic gains from imagination. The creative nature equally is favored to emerge any time we choose to be engaged in coasting, rather than be in any gear. Here, in the gentleness of being, original ideas are birthed. There is absolutely no reason to be intimidated, influenced or opposed by anyone, because you are in control to still steer your wheel as you align in your own personal courage. What enchanting power indeed. Like the engine of your car, tune in to how you idle, and hear the humming. Taking a deeper look at the two ciphers composing the 27, there are such pleasures that come from the understanding of how these interact. With both being water guided and receptive channels of energy -as we embrace the Moon’s reflection through 2 and Neptune’s psychic ties through the 7- the intuition and knowing from time in solitude is amazing to behold. Like coasting -which opens the door to listening to an inner voice- the innate gifts of the 2 and 7 point the soul to imagination, nurturing, sensitivity, mystery, spirituality and sympathy. Taking necessary coasting time to sharpen ourselves, then allows the outward energies of the 2 + 7 = 9 to emerge through Mars’s request for courage and independence as we pioneer within. However it is sharp to be aware if any conflict or aggression tries to invade us -we are not meant to reflect it, just simply as we coast, steer ourselves away from it. When the inner voice is fully awake, it is amazing what distractions and negativity we can avoid. As we all currently circulate through a Mercury Retrograde that began 14 July and concludes 08 August, trying on a bit of “throwing it in neutral” within the Leo area of our lives is truly a fantastic practice to embrace adaptability for ultimate success. Lexigrams lend the final piece of being in the know that coasting is sure a wise choice to make friends with in our lives as it deems appropriate. As we look to the anagrams that can be derived from it, and spiral them into poetic phrases; we are granted more clues to let this word serve us and recognize how valid it can be to optimizing our life. COASTING AS I COAST, I GO ON IN NO GAS TO GAIN I CAN GAIN IN NO GAS, AS I SIT IN A NO GO ACTION I CAN ACT IN AN AGNOSTIC GO, AS I GO ON AS I SIT AS A SAINT, I GO IN GNOSTIC GAINS I TANGO IN NO ANTICS, NO STINGS, NO CONS AS I SIT IN STOIC GAINS AS I SIT IN NO ACTION, I CAST AN AGO COAT TO COIN IN AS I SIT, I GO IN GIANT GIANT GAINS IN NO ACTION AS I SIT IN SONIC GAINS, I GO ON IN GIANT ACTIONS IN TONS AS I SING A SONG TO AGO, A SIGN GO INTO ACTION IT SO A GIANT GAIN TO COAST AS A SAINT IN NO ACTION]]>
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Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.