As Winter winds us into further retreat, (writing here from the Northern hemisphere), taking time alone is a true gift to embrace within any season, for it is always a constant within our true souls’ homework. When we choose to engage in our own personal sharpening of the inner saw, some amazing things can happen for us. Yet, whether it is Winter or any other time of the year, why are so many people seemingly afraid of being alone in this day and age? By definition, Solitude can mean: 1. the state of being alone, separated from other people, whether considered as a welcome freedom from disturbance or as an unhappy loneliness 2. a quality of remote quietness or seclusion in places from which human activity is generally absent 3. a remote or uninhabited place What some people -based on a programmed belief that allows them to fear being alone in a state of loneliness- completely miss when they deny themselves this healthy time to clear out within their lives, is actually the perfect chance to create some real enchantment for themselves. The Name Expression (the numerological calculation of the value of the letters composing it) that guides the very word of Solitude is the Chaldean’s brilliant understanding of the 33, that of Love and Magic. Said the Chaldeans of the 33: “This carries the same vibration as the 24 – except that the magic of love, the extent of originality and creativity, and the promise of eventual financial success are deepened and increased. Due to the double 3, these entities are more fortunate in every way when involved in a harmonious partnership of some kind with the opposite sex, which applies to the career as well as romantic and marital relationships. This is a number of well-deserved karmic reward. The 33 vibration is advised not to abuse the astounding luck which will descend on them at some time during the life by allowing it to tempt them into laziness, overconfidence, and a feeling of superiority. When a sense of humor and genuine humility accompany the 33 vibration, it’s a wonderfully fortunate number.” The 24 represents Love – Money – Creativity, which is a rich source of understanding than if one does what they truly love in life, focus upon their creativity, it’s practically a fool-proof formula that brings forth the likes of one of Venus’s favorites: money. Looking to both of these 6 vibrations, it is Venus who is in charge of anyone’s solitary moments. Knowing the presence of Neptune over the 7 vibrations, (who seemingly can’t get enough of their alone time), one might think Solitude should tick to something like a 34 Name Expression instead. Why give the credit to Venus? Venus is the planet that governs over harmony, peace, balance, and negotiations. No fan of lies or arguments, she’ll run for the hills to stay away from them. Also noting Venus’s appreciation of beauty and nature, one cannot deny the relationship that can be gained within the self if we choose to spend our solitary moments with Dear Old Momma Nature herself. Time alone can bring forth such unity within our life, especially in our present day. The world we all co-exist within is filled with multitudes of choices that allow us all to attach and attract so much to us that we don’t even necessarily need. When we all keep going in the hustle and bustle pace of modern day society, it is without question a disconnection is happening for human beings everywhere. Solitude is here to save the day and rescue our souls when we decide to step away from the intense buzz of life. Vibrating as a Master Number 33, aside from the Love and Magic, it is here to equally teach us from the two 3’s that compose it. Personal growth, learning, and honing in on what we wish to believe as our individual wisdom are all qualities guiding the singular influence of philosophical Jupiter over the 3. Unite these two freedom loving 3’s together, and Venus’s harmony and peace can be a most pleasant outcome. What else does Solitude have to say to us? Lexigrams, the poetic tale that the anagrams tell from any word or title, provide further insight that is uncannily on target. As Lexigrams spell out the truth, they shan’t tell a lie with what can happen to anyone when their free will decides to take that time to withdraw from the world in a SILENT LISTEN. SOLITUDE I LET IT SIT, I IDLE SO I SITE SOUL TOIL I LOSE, I OUST TIES TO OUTSIDE LIES I SIT SO I LET OLD LIES DIE IT IS TEDIOUS TO SIT, TO LET IT LOSE LET a SOUL TIE IT TO SOLID TOIL DUTIES DUEL LIES USE US, SOIL US TO DUE TO STOLID TIES OLD LIES TOLD TO US LET US DIE DILUTE LIES TO LET a LOST SOUL OUT I EDIT: I LET LIES DUEL TO DIE TO DUST I SLIDE TO SOLID SOUL TIES I DO, I DO LET SOLID SOUL TIES OUT TO IDOL LET’S USE a LOUD LOTUS TO LITE US TO LOTS O’ SOLID TIES Whatever season it is in your world, may your soul be open to the gifts your solitary spirit can give it.]]>
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Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.