Worries Are Useless I’ve had a lot of worries in my life, most of which have never happened. ~ Mark Twain Yes, it is exactly as Mark Twain states, most worries in life never happen. But, how quickly we all resort to worry. We need to ask ourselves, “When did we learn to worry and from whom?” We may even ask if our parents, especially, our mother’s where did they learn to worry. Worry is a habit – a very bad habit. So why do many continue to worry? Worry is debilitating, energy draining, and loss of focus on the desired result. The consequences of worry are costly. These worries cost us consciousness. As all students of consciousness come to realize, “We are what we think!” Instead of worrying, let us focus on a positive outcome – wrapping whatever could cause us to worry in brilliant, white light and unconditional love. The key to breaking any bad habit is to replace the bad habit with something healthier for us. Each time your mind tries to wander into worry, change your mind and focus on a positive outcome. Alternatively, positive affirmations are a wonderful tool to dissipate and stop worrying. In many years of being a Spiritual student and teacher, I have learned if I worry or make a negative statement, even in thought form only, to immediately counter that thought with the affirmation, “Cancel That Thought!” Fill your toolbox with positive, uplifting affirmations. Consider listening to the advice of the great George Burns. If you ask what is the single most important key to longevity, I would have to say it is avoiding worry, stress and tension. And if you didn’t ask me, I’d still have to say it. ~ George Burns Here are some of the most effective affirmations I have used over the years that have served me well. When you receive upsetting news: None of this moves me. I focus on healing this situation here and now! No one can take my good! I visualize my entire body filled with divine light and the perfection of Spirit. Dis-ease is foreign to me and has no place in my life; I only accept Blessings will come of this! Each and every day, I am getting stronger, wiser, and healthier! I AM ageless and timeless! My Spirit is eternal! I AM healthy, whole, and complete! My life is filled with positive people who support, encourage, and love me for who I am! I am bold, courageous, kind, and generous! I choose happiness! I choose love! I AM peaceful, poised, and prosperous, here and now! I place all of my powers for the good! My life is filled with good fortune and blessings unending! My ideas and creativity prosper me, here and now! I make my life an act of love! I always go with the flow! Please print out these affirmations, paste them on to index cards and carry them with you. Remember, it takes 40 days of fasting from negative thoughts and worries. When you catch yourself thinking or saying anything negative – simply STOP, and replace the thought or words with a positive affirmation. Namaste`, Jussta Photo: ‘Going With The Flow’ Article and Photo 2015 Jussta All Rights Reserved Views:]]>
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Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.