Did you know that your soul knows only experience? You see, your soul has memory and it is the sum total of your existence. Take a look at this… It is your personality level/ego that interprets pain, limitation, patience, perseverance. Did you realize that the ego knows judgment, and attachment? It is the soul that knows growth, evolution, creativity, aspiration, inspiration, love, unfoldment, and is timeless.
Then when we look at the ‘The Spirit,’ the Life-force that animates all, the soul is individuated cumulative experience in creation. The soul is your personal signature, your life gift, memory of purpose, part of the Divine plan. Spirit is animated and condensed into individual forms to create the soul. Spirit is the breath of all life. The soul experience/s condenses to create denser bodies of energy i.e.: mental, emotional, and physical. This creates the vehicle for Source Expression and in turn evolves and transcends itself to facilitate soul development.
Now when we talk about Soul Alignment that is The Path of the Heart, our life path is circular, like a spiral of expanding awareness and joy. The keys are self-love, self-acceptance, acceptance and love of others, acceptance of what is in our life. Acceptance does not necessarily mean agreement. Struggle is resistance to what is. Change, growth or an alteration can only come about through acceptance first, and then consciousness.
We cannot change without some form of awareness and then conscious creation. Walking our path in the beauty way with our heart open despite suffering allows us to connect with all that we are with love and acceptance. We then create that viewpoint in our lives and experience with others, and in all we do. It does not mean that times are always smooth and easy, but we realize that is life and do not take it personally, or as a negative assessment of ourselves. Our self-worth is not determined by externals only— remember soul alignment, soul’s emphasis this time.
And as my Guide reminds me…… she says” Flower, Remember Who You Are; A Divine Spiritual Being expressing, creating, loving, and sharing as an individual spark of God, All That Is called you.” So I remind you of the same, We are that “Divine Spark.