Will this month and next month change the world? I guess we’re going to see. We enter into the second set of the most powerful months of the year with New Moon momentum still carrying us forward in Leo energy. So, we have potential to start anew or further current interests that focus on creative ventures, true love, lovers, recreational pursuits, children, or perhaps a Leo or two. This is giving us a cosmic boost forward for the first week of August so partner with the energy to go for what you want. This is just the start to our Leo energy story this month because this New Moon that is in force during the first 7 days of August, began on July 23rd at zero degrees of Leo. We are actually getting a 2nd New Moon in Leo, this one a New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 21st of August and it falls on the 28th degree of the sign. So, at this point we get a major secondary boost into new experiences or next level chapters with lovers, kids, creative ventures, fun, or Leo’s in our life, this one capable of eclipsing out what has blocked or run its course as part of the story forward. This New Moon is in effect until Sept. 6th and travels with the blessing of the North Node of Destiny. In other words, there is something big about to happen this month with these themes or the stage is being set for it to play out up ahead so remain open. Venus and Mercury will also join in the Leo themes towards the end of the month adding to the story unfolding for you so let’s look at what it means. On the 26th Venus enters Leo where she’ll tour over the weeks ahead and do her part to smooth out any issues or attract more love, women who benefit, income flow, or beauty interests to what is going on with lovers, kids, creative ventures, or recreational pursuits. She should help make it all that much more enjoyable. Mercury enters the sign on the 31st where he’ll tour until Sept. 9th, a very brief period due to the fact that he is Retrograding back over degrees during this period. So, at this point you may have someone or something from the past return regarding love, kids, fun, or creativity, you may have current situations slow down or exit, or you may delve into current or past scenarios for a do-over. Take the time with it and get it right. So, what else is in play besides all of this Leo focus this month? Well, on the 3rd the planet Uranus will Retrograde so we are entering a do-over with this energy over the months ahead and it’s really about slowing down and going back over anything that involves our body, image, brand, name, title, or personal needs and how our original projects or freedom, personal aspirations or causes, friends, groups, internet, astrology, charities, or gatherings, are impacting how we are reinventing ourselves since 2011. This Uranus genius, shocking, exciting, unpredictable energy is working on each of us until the first few months of 2019 so see what is shifting gears for you around this date and ask yourself how you want to be over these months ahead. PS, Karma right now is ruled by this planet so it’s possible that a karmic matter that has run its course exits now or one returns from a past life at this point, again pay attention to what is unfolding. Talking about big stories that cover more scope than a month, we have our third and final Jupiter/Pluto square on August 4th. So, Jupiter entered Libra, the sign of balance, justice, equality, and higher esthetics, as well as our key relationships; partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, opponents, enemies, competitors, or advocates, to take up his once every 12 year desire to expand our horizons and bring us the potential to expand our horizons and set the stage for more happiness, prosperity, protection, or growth via these players and any Jupiter themes: travel, media, marketing, educational, legal, wedding, religious, or political interests. This particular time around, however, Jupiter was going to be squaring Pluto in Capricorn. The first square perfected on Nov. 25, 2016 and we saw what big thing was going on with our goals, career, status, fame, the people involved in authority like a boss, parent, judge, or mentor, and any Pluto themes; financial, sexual, reproductive, divorce, death, birth, power struggles, controlling interests, or third-party scenarios playing out. Jupiter Retrograded and went back into square with Pluto for the second time and hopefully a turning point on March 30, 2017 over the same themes between Jupiter in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn. And now here we are on August 4th at the final square between them and some kind of closure on this story of challenges in our own personal growth via these themes. So, look for it and be conscious of it and work it as you feel best. On the 7th we have the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 15 degrees of Aquarius. This is a very big ending, achievement, breakthrough, wrap-up, finalization, celebration, or other peak experience with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, causes, personal aspirations, or original ideas. Something is eclipsed out at this point. Do back up your computer and have some kind of contingency plan on the off chance that this coincides with some kind of cyber-attack or grid/emp power-down. I would also caution heightened awareness in crowds between the 3rd and 7th when this peaks. Otherwise, use this energy to bring things to their zenith. I told you this was going to be one heck of an intense month so what’s next? Mercury Retrogrades on the 12th in the sign of Virgo and will remain in Retrograde backing up through Virgo and part of Leo between now and Sept. 5th. So, in this first stage in Virgo, from now through August 31st, we want to slow down and go back over old ground with work, co-workers, health, hired help, paperwork, organizing, cleaning, or animals. Look at news, talks, meetings, short trips, writing, agreements, sales, local activities, interviews, offers, or decisions that can be revisited over these topics so that you get things right. The Sun will join this territory on the 22nd for a 30-day cycle that will put a spotlight on you and your involvement in these matters, helping you show up and take the lead, make it about you and get noticed if need be. Finally, we have 2 big-deal moments with Saturn this month, on the 25th and 27th. First, Saturn ends months of Retrograde motion and goes Direct on the 25th so at this point he is ready to start moving forward through Sagittarius for the very last time from now through Dec. 19th, at least he won’t return here after this point for another 29 years, so it’s a big deal. Saturn wants us to master a new level of proficiency, to test ourselves or be tested, to grow up, tackle responsibilities, leadership abilities, limits, no’s, endings, long term commitments, our goals, the higher-up, authority types like the parent, boss, judge, or mentor, the structures that support us/don’t support us, and get real about what we must do and then put in the effort. His focus is on legal, travel, foreign, religious, political, media, marketing, publishing, distant, educational, ceremonial, wedding, or adventure topics. So…what do you still need to cement here? I advise you to take it seriously and put in the effort over this last 4 months so you have a say in what occurs and how it occurs, come Dec. 20th and onward over the next few years, those in higher places will take the reins of anything you left undone in these areas and decide for you. The second big deal with Saturn arrives on the 27th and is an opportunity alignment between Jupiter and Saturn. So, at this point you can bring together those partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, competitors, or other key players with what you’ve been doing about these legal, travel, foreign, distant, media, marketing, publishing, educational, wedding, ceremonial, religious, political, career, personal goals, authority figures, and solid, rock-hard objectives that offer growth, protection, happiness, or prosperity. Since this is between slower moving planets it may be something that slowly evolves over the month and you notice how far you’ve come with these matters at this point or you may have an event play out now, either way this should be helping you see what is possible. ARIES: Love, what you do with/for kids, creative ventures, and recreation are in one of the biggest crosshairs or full-flowering potential of your life this month, Aries, so look at how it breaks down: 1) You enter August with New Moon momentum behind starting anything new or taking current interests to the next level with these love, lovers, kids, creative ventures, or fun interests, and it stays strong until the 7th. 2) A 2nd New Moon in the sign, this one a New Moon Solar Eclipse, takes place on the 21st and gives you a major boost into new or next level territory while allowing you to eclipse out what might be blocking this next step and it is in effect from the 21st-Sept 6th. 3) Venus will move into Leo on the 26th and tour here until Sept. 19th. Her presence here enhances love, brings positive women into the love, creative, kids, or fun pursuits, draws money into these scenarios, or focuses on beauty topics with them, and overall brings more enjoyment and helps you charm in these areas. 4) Mercury Retrograde which begins in Virgo will back into Leo on the 31st and take you back over past interests with lovers, kids, creative ventures, or recreational pursuits, slow down current scenarios or provide some exit plan with what is going on, or open up the potential to rework things about it from now through Sept. 5th, giving you a do-over. So, what’s it going to be when it comes to love, lovers, children, creative ventures, or fun, Aries? Uranus has been touring through your sign since 2011 bringing a radical transformation to you and your body, identity, name, title, image, brand, or needs by the time it is finished with you in the first few months of 2019. It’s shifting gears on the 3rd, Retrograding, and slowing you down enough to see if there is something of a personal or physical nature that is important to you to go back for and give another shot or is it time to release and change course or rework things current? The shift of this energy can always send you into rebellion mode or encourage some last minute spontaneity that sends you off in a different direction so pay attention to what is calling you at this point. Only caveat here is you could be a bit more accident prone at this date, take care with electrical items and anxiety as well. Jupiter began squaring Pluto last fall, the first square perfecting Nov. 25th, 2016. The 2nd square peaked on March 20th, 2017 and now on August 4th the 3rd and final square peaks so expect the final big push or challenge to arrive and for it to involve: 1) Jupiter themes: legal, travel, distant, foreign, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political interests. 2) In Libra: with or about partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, opponents, or competitors. 3) Pluto themes: financial, sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, power struggles, controlling interests, purging, or third-party matters. 4) In Capricorn: with or about the parent, boss, judge, mentor, or other authority figure, personal goals, career, status, or reputation. This is the last major push/obstacle between them from these signs for the rest of your life so show up and do what you need to do about it. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse occurs on the 7th bringing a major ending, celebration, breakthrough, achievement, or wrap-up with personal aspirations, original projects, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, or causes. Again, something is eclipsed out but this time to bring this final culmination. Do use caution in places of gatherings between the 3rd and 7th. Mercury Retrograde begins on the 12th in Virgo and backs through this sign until the 31st at which point I already discussed his backtracking through Leo up above. So, from the 12th-31st you have your do-over with work, health, paperwork, hired help, co-workers, pets, cleaning, or organizing. You may return to past projects, ideas, people, or issues to release, rekindle or rework things, slow-down in current scenarios so you figure something out, see current scenarios retreat or exit altogether, or rework ongoing situations in some way. If you are to experience the malfunctions and breakdowns and miscommunications of a typical Mercury Retrograde they will play out over these topics and with these people so do your best to double check facts and figures and be clear so you are understood. The Sun joins these topics on the 22nd and will travel here for the next 30 days helping you to show up and get more personally or physically involved in something here with your own needs in mind. Saturn ends months of Retrograde and goes Direct on the 25th for the very last time in Sagittarius. He will now tour moving forward through the sign from now until Dec. 19th and then not return for another 29 years so it’s important to do what he is about during these next 4 months if you still have anything left undone. Saturn is about goals, career, authority figures like the boss, parent, judge, or mentor, responsibilities, limits, endings, commitments, and ambitions. He is asking you to master something in these ways via Sagittarius themes: legal, travel, educational, foreign, distant, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political arenas. So, what do you still need to get real about here? By the 27th Jupiter forms a very opportune alignment with Saturn to bring any of these matters together with or about the partner, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, opponents, advocates, or other key players. It is the most important, positive alignment of the year between outer planets so do what you can to involve these topics to the best possible outcome for your life right now. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com. TAURUS: The push is on, Taurus, for whatever major next step you are taking in or about your home, the real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, history, ancestry, security needs, parents, or roommates. It’s creative, loving, fun, or involves kids or lovers and you can thank the New Moon in Leo being active in helping you move this forward up through the 7th of August. Then, as if that weren’t enough of a boost, there is a second New Moon in Leo, this one kicking off on the 21st and giving you another 2-week window to move things forward or start anew with home, family, real estate deals, moves, renovations, parents, history, ancestry, security needs, or roommates via those creative endeavors, lovers, kids, or recreational interests. This one is a Solar Eclipse so it is 3 times more powerful than the last and can help you eclipse out whatever is blocking you from moving forward in these areas as well as boost you into orbit. Venus will join in on the 26th onward, helping to attract more love, the income flow, women who are good for what you’re doing here, or beauty interests into the scenario. She can help you smooth out issues and find more pleasure as well. Finally, Mercury joins in on the 31st as he Retrogrades out of Virgo and into Leo. This gives you a short 6-day window to rekindle, release or rework something here via talks, meetings, ideas, news, offers, agreements, sales, writing, short trips, siblings, neighbors, transportation, electronics, or decisions that take you back over old ground for a do-over. The only glitch with this is that you may have mechanical or electronic issues on the home front or mix-ups or reversals with decisions or agreements over real estate or with family, etc., so do be diligent about this as you go back to the drawing board. Uranus is Retrograding on the 3rd giving you several months now to go back over old ground with the ongoing changes you’ve been making to yourself, your image, brand, name, title, body, or needs as they pertain to karmic situations, romance, artistic pursuits, spiritual practices, healing, hospitals, research, addictions, or imagination. Pay attention to any strong urges you may feel to rebel or make changes or shake things up in any of these areas now, it’s a time of inner excitement and awakening tied to reclaiming something, releasing or reworking things in these areas. You’ll be back in forward motion and into new territory come the 3rd of January 2018 so take this time to get back to something important to your own reinvention. The third and final Jupiter/Pluto square arrives on the 4th which has been part of a long story of tests and ambitions involving really big expansive scenarios with or for partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, competitors, or other key players over your work, health, paperwork, hired help, co-workers, animals, organizing, or cleaning needs. A period that has been about getting you into a more prosperous, happy or growth-oriented position here. And this has been in a challenging position to the higher-up/authority types in the mix such as the boss, judge, mentor, parent, or director, or with major life goals, career, financial situations, sexual interests, reproductive needs, divorce, mortality issues, legal needs, travel plans, media ventures, marketing ideas, educational situations, weddings, religious beliefs, politics, or third-party scenarios. So, at this juncture in the road look at how far you have come since it began last November and look at any last mountains to surmount with it now and then do what you can about it. Note, this one won’t return this lifetime so you can do this. We have a second Eclipse this month, this one a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 7th that is bringing things to a major head with a big personal goal, your career, status, fame, ambitions, or an authority figure such as a boss, parent, judge, or mentor. It’s a time to finalize things or wrap up projects here, to mark endings once and for all or to have a breakthrough, achieve what you’ve been striving for, or celebrate what’s going on. Again, eclipsing out of something is part of this wrap-up or achievement. Eclipses can bring their energy 5 days prior or after this date so expect peak experiences during this period. Mercury Retrogrades on the 12th in your zone of true love, children, creative ventures, and recreation and will be taking you back over old ground here to help you rekindle things, release issues or situations that are over or rework what needs a bit more effort from you. Forward movement into new territory is slowed down while the past or ongoing scenarios are favored during this do-over and you do want to take care with mix-ups, mechanical breakdowns or malfunctions that could come up related to these topics during these periods. Old creative ideas may be back on track now, or past lovers, or kid’s themes may return or you may recreate loving or creative interests with a new flair or pick back up on that old recreational interest. Mercury takes you back over these themes until the 31st at which time the Retrograde will shift into Leo. The Sun will also join in over these love, kids, creative, and fun topics starting on the 22nd onward so this will likely be when you start to show up and get more involved on a personal or physical level about it. It is a good time to make your needs known or tie in your image, brand, name, title, or needs in the mix. Saturn comes out of his long months of Retrograde and goes back into Direct motion on the 25th which is the very last big push forward from him in the sign of Sagittarius from now through Dec. 20th. After this period, he moves on not to return for another 29 years. Saturn wants us to master some new level of proficiency and tests us to get real about the topics he is traversing so we come out the other side in a stronger more stable way. For your sign, it’s been about getting real about loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, investments, settlements, alimony, child support, a partner’s money, commissions, royalties, or any other major financial need, as well as your sex life, reproductive needs, divorce, death, birth, controlling interests, power, and third party situations in your life. So, at this juncture, as Saturn starts to move you forward again into any last new territory about these matters, make certain you have looked at your limits, structures that support you in this, endings or long-term commitments needed, authority figures in the mix, goals, responsibilities, and if you should apply legal, educational, foreign, travel, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political interests to getting where you need to be with these topics. You have about 4 months to cement things while you are the one who can have the say in how this goes. Jupiter then completes a perfected alignment with Saturn that is very favorable on the 27th so when planning out your month you may wish to circle this time for cementing any of the above listed Saturn themes tied in with what Jupiter is doing for you via the partners, specialists, agents, attorneys, clients, or other key players over work, health, pets, paperwork, hired help, co-workers, organizing, or cleaning. It can all come together now or you can take it all into some new level as the door is now open. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com. GEMINI: August brings more news, ideas, talks, meetings, agreements, sales, short trips, writing, interviews, offers, local activities, and focus on siblings, neighbors, vehicles, and electronics to the forefront. That’s because you have New Moon energy still in effect when the month gets underway until the 7th and this can help you to start new interests or take current situations to the next level via these avenues. But wait, this year there is a second New Moon in Leo and this one is a Solar Eclipse starting on the 21st so at this point you get another boost, a bigger, far-ranging push out there to start new interests or take things into new chapters in these communicative, local, arenas. At this point you can eclipse out anything that may be blocking this whether that is an outworn idea or an actual situation, as you propel yourself forward over the next 2 weeks. Venus then joins in on the 26th onward bringing women on board, love to the forefront, income flow, or beauty interests via these talks, meetings, local activities, short trips, writing, agreements, proposals, sales, etc. Her presence here can also help you to smooth out issues if you have them and bring more pleasure to what you’re doing. Finally, Mercury takes his Retrograde back into Leo on the 31st and will give you 6 days of do-over here with any past people, ideas, issues, or opportunities so you’ll want to slow down a bit and see if you missed anything or want to release, rekindle or rework something. With all of the above you want to apply Leo themes: love, kids, creativity, or fun, so, time to launch! Uranus Retrogrades on the 3rd and will be taking you back over old ground over the months ahead, until Jan. 3rd, to reconnect with old parts of yourself via friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, original ideas, or your aspirations. You’ll want to be open to looking at your visionary direction here and past people or situations that can bring you back into some original side of yourself, free you or inspire that social flow about you and your image, brand, name, or needs. Watch for anything shifting at this point for clues about what might be important and also hone in on any areas here that you may feel like doing something radical or breaking free or making changes, you get the idea. The last of 3 Jupiter/Pluto squares peaks on the 4th and brings the final test or push that began with this story back at the end of November last year. You’ve been asked to expand your horizons via partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, competitors, or others over creative endeavors, the kids, lovers/love, or recreational pursuits. The square to Pluto has pushed things involving third party scenarios, big financial matters, the parent, boss, judge, or other authority figures, goals you’ve set, career needs, sexual interests, divorce, reproductive needs, mortality issues, or controlling interests. So, take this last hurdle to heart, do what you can to surmount it and know that this is the last of the big ones here for a lifetime. The Full Moon then arrives on the 7th and it is the other big Eclipse this month, this one a Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius. So, at this point something is coming to a head for you involving legal, travel, foreign, media, marketing, educational, wedding, religious, or political themes. This is powerful for endings, wrapping things up once and for all, breakthroughs, celebrations, or achievements, via eclipsing out something here to reach this zenith. An eclipse has a window of 5 days either side of it so you may experience this in the days leading up to or following the peak period. Mercury then Retrogrades on the 12th in Virgo and will travel back over the themes of this sign and house placement until the 31st when the Retrograde backs into Leo as mentioned above. So from now through the 31st is your time to slow down and go back over any old ground involving your home, a move, the renovation, real estate deals, the family, a parent, history, ancestry, your security needs, or the roommates. Look at agreements, sales, writing, talks, meetings, ideas, and decisions here and if you need to release, rekindle or rework something. Do note that if you are to experience the malfunctions, mechanical breakdowns or mix-ups/miscommunications of a typical Mercury Retrograde they would be focused on things going on in these areas of life so double check facts and figures and hold off on electronic purchases for the home/family or final decisions until this is Direct if you can without hurting your circumstances, and that is unless it is something from the past coming back around. The Sun joins in on the 22nd onward so at this point you will likely get more personally or physically involved in these topics, a good time to take the lead or make it about your involvement and needs. Saturn ends months of being Retrograde and goes back to Direct motion on the 25th and this is going to be his very last forward thrust through Sagittarius from now through Dec. 20th for another 29 years. So, let’s face it, it’s time to get serious about what he’s been after you to cement via long term commitments, endings, structures that support, responsibilities, or ambitions for a couple years now. For Gemini, it is about relationships so you’ll want to get real about romantic partners, business partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, opponents, competitors, allies, or enemies now with a focus on any last things you need to consolidate one way or the other with/about them regarding legal, educational, wedding, religious, political, media, marketing, foreign, travel, or publishing needs. It’s best to have a say in which way this goes and you have that opportunity while Saturn is here asking you to focus on it so make a plan, you have 4 months left. Finally, Jupiter will move into an opportunity alignment with Saturn now in Direct motion on the 27th making this the very best time to bring this together with or for or about the kids, your creative ventures, true love, the lover, or your recreational interests in the mix. So again, who is it you can get ambitious about these themes, make commitments, mark endings, structure things more soundly, handle responsibilities with, or finalize things with so that the legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes in the mix are where you want them for love, kids, creative ventures, or fun? Is it about the partner, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, or opponents? This is epic, do what you can. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com. CANCER: It’s a very big month for you when it comes to the big, next level you can get to with your income, purchases, possessions, or products, Cancer. First, the month opens with a New Moon in these areas still in play and helping you to start anything new or take things to the next level with current interests here and this is operative until the 7th. Then, in an unusual turn, there will be a second New Moon in Leo on the 21st and this one is a Solar Eclipse! That means you get a second more powerful boost forward from the 21st forward when it comes to making money, your purchases, possessions, or products. There is a 2-week window that starts now that can help you eclipse out anything that is blocking your forward growth here and to take this cosmic boost as far as you can by being proactive about what comes next. Venus then joins in on the 26th onward so at this point women may start to help out or be at the center of what you are doing about it, love may flower around or be the focus of those purchases, etc., or income may color all topics such as making money through your possessions (perhaps selling online or at a yard sale) or income through products or purchases, and finally Venus may focus on beauty themes for purchases or income. Finally, Mercury Retrograde backs into Leo on the 31st and will give you a 6-day period ahead when you can slow down and go back over old ground with the income, purchases, possessions, or products. This period is a do-over so you may retreat from current matters, rekindle, release or rework things from the past and you may hear from past people or opportunities or issues to revamp things. If you are to experience Mercury Retrograde issues at this point it would play out over income, purchases, possessions, or products in play so double check facts and figures, purchase warranties and keep receipts if you do go ahead and make purchases now, (although you are advised to hold off if you can), and take care with mix-ups. Uranus is going to Retrograde on the 3rd and will now give you until Jan. 3rd a chance to slow down and go back over old territory involving your original ideas, aspirations, astrology, charities, gatherings, online interests, or friends and how it impacts your career, reputation, personal goals, or dealings with authority figures like the boss, parent or judge. Look at how you have been evolving in revolutionary ways as an individual and regarding your own identity within these dynamics since 2011 and then think about what you would like to slow down on and go back over to get it right during this period. The final Jupiter/Pluto square peaks on the 4th. This harkens back to the first time they squared off at the end of November last year and the story of challenge or ambition that took hold then regarding the growth/big expansive scenarios involving partners, clients, specialists, representatives, or competitors about your home, renovations, move, real estate deals, family, parent, or roommates. Squaring Pluto in this mix was about overcoming obstacles or furthering something that required a big deal of energy from these parameters when it came to these key players and the loan, debt, inheritance, taxes, insurance, investments, settlements, bankruptcy, commissions, alimony, child support, the partner’s money, or some other financial topics, or about these key players and the sexual activity, reproductive needs, divorce, mortality issues, controlling interests, or third party scenarios playing out. So meet this final push with gusto and do what you can to get through it, you won’t see a repeat of this pattern in these signs in this lifetime. The Full Moon then arrives on the 7th as a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse that brings something to a head with that financial, sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, or third-party matter. This is big as you will see final endings, whopper breakthroughs, or epic celebrations, achievements, wrap-ups, or other highpoints that eclipse something in the process. Mercury then Retrogrades on the 12th and will be taking you back over Virgo themes in your 3rd house from now through the 31st at which time the Retrograde will back into Leo as mentioned above. So now through the 31st is slowing down and going back over old ground with talks, news, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, offers, short trips, local activities, siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, electronics, or decisions that are colored by needs with hired help, paperwork, the job, health scenarios, animals, co-workers, organizing, or cleaning. It’s time to release something, rekindle it or rework it. Take care with mix-ups or mechanical glitches or breakdowns related to these matters and hold off on electronic or transportation purchases until after this period if you can without it hurting your needs. The Sun will join in the story starting on the 22nd onward so at this point it’s likely you are more personally or physically involved in these topics, a good time to show up and take the lead and make it about your needs. Saturn has been Retrograde for months and now on the 25th that ends as he starts to move in Direct motion again. Now through Dec. 20th is your very last push forward through Sagittarius for another 29 years so it is quite important that you get serious about what he has been urging you to master, tackle, end, or commit to via the paperwork, hired help, co-workers, job, health, pets, organizing, or cleaning over the last couple years. You have 4 months to get yourself on solid ground here and you may wish to look at how Sagittarius themes are playing out in these areas: legal, travel, foreign, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, educational, religious, or political matters. So, do you need to get real about legal paperwork or hire a legal aid, do you need to focus on marketing your work or publishing with a co-worker? Is there something to get real about with hired help over health or pets, you get the idea, look at the list make a plan, it’s time to do it. Finally, Jupiter will meet up with Saturn in an open-door, opportunity alignment, one that is rare and positive for these above Saturn Direct themes and what you are doing with the partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, or other key players over home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates in the mix. So, focus on these days as the prime potential for sealing something one way or the other or for taking that important step with the combination here. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com. LEO: August should be opening up with some positive things in flow for you since you enter the month on New Moon energy in your sign. This can help you to further your own interests, pursue that next level with your body, image, brand, name, title, or identity, or further desires or needs. You’ll have until the 7th with momentum behind what you do, remember that Leo themes; creativity, love, courage, drama, kids, or fun should color your choices for yourself. It doesn’t end here, however! There is a second New Moon in Leo this year and it arrives on the 21st as the New Moon Solar Eclipse so at this point you get a second and more powerful boost forward, time to reinvent yourself, eclipse out anything that holds you back or is outworn, time to start anew or take things to the next level with body, image, brand, name, title, identity, or needs. So again, be ready to move on what arrives or what you desire. Venus joins in your sign on the 26th onward so at this point you may have a woman arriving who is good for you in some way or you may be finding love or income is flowing more readily or that it’s the best time to beautify yourself in some way or attract others. Finally, Mercury Retrogrades out of Virgo and into your sign on the 31st and will take you back over any past needs, issues, opportunities, or connections with people to rekindle things, release them or rework them, again with a focus on you and what’s up with you. You’ll want to slow down during this phase so you don’t miss something and remember that there may be something significant for you with covering old ground until Sept. 5th. Uranus Retrogrades on the 3rd and will now take you over old ground where he is traveling until Jan. 3rd so you have plenty of time to look back at how you’ve been reinventing yourself since 2011 with this wild-card energy that’s been focusing on your beliefs, politics, religion, education, legal needs, media ventures, marketing ideas, wedding plans, or adventures. This slowed down, backtracking period is a do-over that allows you the time to fine-tune things or rework them, rekindle situations or release them, and if you don’t need a do-over you can take it as a breather to catch up with what has transpired here before the next round kicks in next year. The third and final challenging Jupiter/Pluto square peaks on the 4th so you are at the final mountain with key players, the talks, offers, agreements, meetings, ideas, sales, writing, interviews, short trips, local activities, moves, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, or decisions, that touch on those same topics of legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political needs. With Pluto to overcome or get around here there is a need to transform the work, health, pets, paperwork, hired help, co-workers, organizing, or cleaning in the matter or to focus on them in some powerful ways that involve loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurances, taxes, investments, settlements, alimony, child support, commissions, a partner’s money, the sex life, reproductive needs, divorce, death, or third-party scenarios. Whatever this is, and I’m sure you are very familiar with it at this point since the first square arrived last November and it’s been an ongoing story, this is the last major hurdle so step up and deal or push or respond. This configuration won’t return this lifetime. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse arrives on the 7th and brings a major finalization, ending, breakthrough, celebration, achievement, recognition, or wrap-up with the partner, client, specialist, agent, attorney, competitor, opponent, advocate, ally, or enemy. Aspirations are involved or it tied into or involves original ideas or projects, a gathering, the cause, a charity, the group, friends, associates, astrology, or freedom. It’s possible to experience peaks around this matter 5 days either side of this peak day so expect some big moments. Mercury Retrogrades on the 12th and from now through the 31st will back through Virgo and take you over old ground involving your income, purchases, possessions, or products, or it will slow down current situations or bring some reversal or change to ongoing scenarios so take your time as you feel this out. You want to double check facts and figures, mechanical and electrical items and agreements focused on these themes, hold off on purchases or final decisions until the period is past if you can without hurting your prospects, but do go back and see if there is anything to rework, rekindle or release. The Sun will join in on these topics starting on the 22nd kicking off 30 days with more focus on you getting personally or physically involved with earnings, purchases, possessions, or products. It’s a good time to take the lead and make it about your needs here. Saturn first crept into the sign, Sagittarius, back in December 2014 and from that point until now he’s been doing his level best to get you to grow up, master some new level of proficiency, tackle responsibilities, deal with limits or endings, make some long-term commitments, and/or get ambitious in the part of your life involving love and lovers, children, creative talents and ventures, or recreational pursuits. On the 25th Saturn comes out of months of Retrograde and begins his very last journey forward through these themes from now through Dec. 10th at which time he will have done his part to help you get on more solid foundations here as he says good-bye for another 29 years. To that end it is very important that if you still have anything serious to do in these areas involving travel, foreign, import/export, people at a distance, legal, educational, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, religious, or political matters in the mix, that you do so now. You’ll have about 4 months to cement things so you move on with a strong base to grow upon. On the 27th Jupiter forms a rare and opportune alignment with Saturn now in his forward motion which can help you with all of the above when it comes to partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, opponents, or other key players, and the talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, offers, ideas, short trips, local activities, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, or decisions in the mix, so speak up, listen up, get out there, make it count! There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com. VIRGO: New Moon energy is still actively in play as you enter August, helping boost you into new territory or take your interests to the next level with healing, tackling addictions, hospital matters, other institutions, research, investigations, rest and recuperation, romance, karmic matters, spirituality, magical moments, psychic perception, or artistic talents and projects. You will have the added boost from the cosmos behind what you do up until the 7th so be proactive. But wait, that is not all by any means. On the 21st we get a second New Moon in this same arena but this one is 3 times more powerful because it is a Solar Eclipse! So starting now and over the next 2 weeks you can again start something new or take things into the next chapter but now you can do it by eclipsing out what has been blocking you or what is outworn in the matter. It’s about new beginnings in these healing, hospital, addictive, romantic, karmic, spiritual, psychic, magical, research, investigative, or artistic arenas and Leo energy is behind all of it: love, creativity, fun, or kids. Venus will join in on the 26th onward which may bring a woman on board who is beneficial to the situation or add to the love, income flow or beauty in the story. It should help you to attract what you need or smooth out rough edges or enjoy the process more over the weeks ahead. Finally, Mercury will Retrograde out of your sign and into this arena on the 31st for 6 days, taking you back over old ground to rekindle, release or rework anything with these topics so slow down and allow for the past to come back around a bit as you feel this out. Uranus has been bringing excitement and sudden changes into your life in an attempt to help you reinvent yourself when it comes to personal empowerment and transformation via a focus on financial, sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, and third-party matters since 2011. On the 3rd the planet will Retrograde and ease up on new surprises or awakening moments here to give you a chance to catch up with the changes of the past months over the months ahead or to go back over anything to tweak it in some way. Although this has not necessarily been an easy transit it is one that only comes by once in a lifetime, (being over in the first few months of 2019), and is meant to reconnect you with your soul’s aspirations and ways to rewire who you are and where you are going based on a new identity that is developing or new ways of caring for your body, image, brand, name, title, or needs in these above-mentioned arenas. So besides taking this period to get your bearings and finesse any past financial, sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, or third-party matters, do look at how far you have evolved with certain aspirations and understandings about how unique you are and where you feel you want to be up ahead with your soul group and causes, it will all kick back into forward motion with new potential at the beginning of next year. The third and final Jupiter/Pluto square peaks on the 4th and brings you to the last hurdle in a story that began last November between these two. Jupiter has been pushing you to open up your world via partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, or dealing with competitors or other key players over your value, earnings, purchases, possessions, or products. Jupiter has been asking that you look at how you could expand your life in these areas by tackling any legal, travel, foreign, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, educational, religious, or political themes in the mix. Pluto has been asking that you go deeper, purge what needs to go, rebuild in more empowered ways, and transform situations involving true love, creativity, fun, or children. The two have been pushing one another for months now so you may have felt like it would never culminate but now at this final square you will see any last big obstacles to overcome or any last big pushes you want to make in ambitious ways over goals here, any authority type folk that might be part of the story that you want to approach or further things along with or what is finally almost in sight with all the efforts you’ve made to make changes that would bring more happiness, prosperity or growth here. This particular configuration will not repeat in these signs in your lifetime so step up and do what you can to move through it. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 7th brings a major ending, breakthrough, achievement, or celebration for you with a work scenario, a health matter, the hired help, any paperwork, the co-workers, animals, organizing, or cleaning projects. Set your aspirations to reaching a major zenith with this one in the days leading up to it. You may have experiences that resonate with this peak 5 days either side of this day. Mercury Retrogrades on the 12th in your sign and is going to slow down any new things going on to allow you the time from now through the 31st to go back over any old ground and rekindle, release or rework things. It’s a time to catch up with what’s been going on with your body, image, brand, name, title, identity, or personal needs, or to release things that are blocking you, revamp the old or connect with past people or situations that you need to catch up for as it pertains to you and your future. To that end, pick up the phone, answer your emails, write, meet, communicate, it’s all aimed at helping you figure something out during this short period. Do guard against typical Mercury Retrograde issues such as miscommunications, mix-ups, electronical malfunctions or transportation breakdowns, especially today and on the 31st as the energy shifts. Saturn has been teaching you lessons, asking that you master that new level of proficiency, deal with limits or endings, make long-term commitments, tackle responsibilities, deal with authority figures and your own authority, and set ambitions regarding your home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, roommates, parents, history, ancestry, and security needs since he first arrived in these territories in December 2014. It’s been a serious time here when things may have felt slow or heavy for you as you took on more and more here or dealt with less and less. It’s been important that you look at any legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political needs in the mix since Saturn is in the sign that rules these themes, the point being that by the time Saturn exits you would have found yourself on more solid ground having done the hard part. Saturn has been in Retrograde for months and on the 25th is going to start taking you forward into whatever is still left to do here from now until Dec. 20th, at which point he will exit this territory and not return for another 29 years. So, it is now that you want to get real about anything you still need to cement one way or the other in these matters so you are setting the foundations strongly to support you moving forward or ending anything that could hold you back. You will have about 4 months to make your move, be proactive. Finally, Jupiter will make a rare alignment with Saturn now in his forward motion on the 27th. This is one of great opportunity between them so the door is open to these home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, roommates, or security needs and the legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes, and what you value, being valued, your earnings, possessions, products, or purchases involving partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, or other key players in the mix. Be open to what is possible. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com. LIBRA: Something big is on tap this month for you involving your aspirations or original projects, or with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, social networking, your freedom, or causes. That’s because you enter the month with New Moon momentum behind these topics helping you start something new or take things into the next chapter in current interests with these areas from the 1st-7th. So, you’ll be able to move things along or get busier here or see opportunities rolling in. Then, on the 21st, we get a second New Moon in this same territory and this one is 3 times more powerful because it is also a Solar Eclipse! So now you get a second major boost forward into new situations or help in taking current interests to the next level with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, causes, aspirations, freedom, or original projects. At this point you can eclipse out what is behind you or blocking this next chapter as well. Leo themes color both of these New Moon boosts so think about creative ventures, recreational pursuits, the kids, or your love life/lover in the scenario as you move ahead. Venus then joins this story on the 26th onward which can bring more love into the equation or the money flow, women who are good for what you’re doing or a focus on women in the mix, or beauty themes at the core of it. Venus should help you attract and smooth out issues and enjoy what is going on more in the weeks ahead. Finally, Mercury will Retrograde out of Virgo and into these same topics with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, original ideas, and aspirations starting on the 31st through Sept. 5th. So, you’ll have 6 days here to slow down and return to old ground in these matters, a time to rekindle things with past people or situations, to release what is over or rework things in a better way. Look for talks, news, meetings, local activities, short trips, writing, agreements, sales, offers, or decisions to get you there in this do-over. Of course, keep an eye on the challenges of a Mercury Retrograde with mix-ups, mechanical breakdowns or miscommunications so you don’t have a rowe with a friend or issues online, etc. You’ll be back in forward motion again from the 5th onward. Uranus has been shaking up your world, pushing you to reinvent yourself, awaken, make or deal with sudden changes, and re-spark your originality since 2011 via partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, competitors, or other key relationships. This trend will end in the first few months of 2019 not to return for another 84 years so although it’s been exciting and destabilizing, up and down like a rollercoaster, it’s very much about bringing you into who you are meant to be for the rest of your life by allowing you to bring forth that genius, eccentric, original ‘self’ as you relate and engage with these people. So…on the 3rd Uranus is going to Retrograde and will now slow down new motion in these areas to take you back over old ground. The months ahead will allow you to just breath and catch up with any changes that have gone down over the past months or it will allow you to reconnect with past partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, or competitors, or revamp things with current relationships via any rekindling, releasing or reworking of things. Please focus a big part of this on yourself, i.e. your body, image, brand, name, title, identity, or personal needs in the mix. The final of three Jupiter/Pluto squares peaks on the 4th bringing the last challenge or big push in a story that began to challenge or push you last November. Are you ready for this one? Jupiter has been about you and these partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, competitors, or other relationships, doing what he could to open up a growth experience for you or to put you on the path towards more happiness or prosperity via the focus you have on your body, image, brand, name, title, identity, or personal needs in the matter. Jupiter has asked that you look at legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, religious, or political themes that could get you there. Pluto has been pushing goals, career needs or dealings with authority figures in or about the home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, with family, parents, or roommates, and asking that you deal with purging things, going deeper, deal with the financial needs, sexual attractions or issues, reproductive scenarios, divorce, mortality issues, controlling issues, or third-party scenarios in the mix. It’s been powerful, it’s been intense. So, here you are at the last round, time to show up and forge through, push through, work around, do what you can to move this along, after this you won’t go through this particular configuration again this lifetime. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse arrives on the 7th bringing a major ending, breakthrough, achievement, wrap-up, finalization, or celebration focused on a creative endeavor, the kids, a lover, the love life, or a recreational pursuit. This is the time to reach your aspirations or see that original idea come to light, to involve friends or attend gatherings or make it about your causes or ideals, a group or charity, as things reach their summit in these love, kids, creative, and fun zones. You may experience the peaks of this Eclipse either side of this day by 5 days and it will definitely help you to eclipse out whatever is done or blocking what you’re going for. Mercury Retrogrades on the 12th in your 12th house of artistic projects and interests, romantic pursuits, spiritual practices, healing, hospitals, addictions, deceptions, boundary issues, water issues, karma, investigations, and research. From now through the 31st you are going back over old ground here to release, rekindle or rework something via the news you hear, the talks or meetings, agreements or sales, writing or speaking roles, interviews or auditions, ideas or decisions, so look at ways to connect with past people, pull up old projects, rework current needs, or get some closure. Do guard against the typical Mercury Retrogrades issues of miscommunications, electronic or mechanical malfunctions or mix-ups, they will play out in these areas. Finally, hold off on any final agreements if you can without hurting your prospects until this is past or if you must sign documents ask for professional input on them, give yourself some wiggle room or expect things to change up ahead. Saturn has been testing you, asking that you master that next level of proficiency, deal with limits, endings, responsibilities, authority figures, long-term commitments, disciplines, and ambitions regarding your writing, agreements, ideas, talks, meetings, sales, neighborhood activities, neighbors, brothers, sisters, transportation, electronics, short trips, flirtations, offers, and decisions, since Dec. 2014 when he first showed up here. It may have seemed very serious, burdensome or slow as you’ve moved through these areas with a nod towards growing up and getting yourself to the next level of authority here. Now, on the 25th, Saturn goes Direct for one last time in these areas and from now through Dec. 20th will get you focused on any last, serious needs you have here so you end this cycle on more solid ground that can support you heading out from here. Saturn won’t return to do this again for another 29 years so this next 4 months is when you want to let your ambitions shine, get serious, cement things one way or the other, and do the work! Finally, Jupiter makes a rare alignment with Saturn now in his forward motion on the 27th and it is one of opportunity. This is just one for the record books for you Libra since Jupiter is in your sign as this peaks. This means you need to show up regarding your body, image, brand, name, title, identity, or a personal need, make it about growth, happiness or prosperity, focus on the partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, or opponents and what you need in legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, foreign, distant, wedding, religious, or political arenas, and you need to link this to the solid, cementing energy of Saturn via talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, offers, interviews, short trips, local activities, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, ideas, proposals, or decisions that make it real. The door is open. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com. SCORPIO: It’s big Scorpio, ready? You enter the month with New Moon energy opening up potential for you on the career front, with any personal goals, your reputation, fame, status, ambitions, or dealings with authority figures like a boss, parent, director, producer, judge, or mentor. This can help you to start something new or take current scenarios to the next level from the 1st though the 7th. Then, it gets better. On the 21st we have a second New Moon in this same arena but this one is 3 times more powerful because it is a New Moon Solar Eclipse! So again, you have a 2-week window that can help you start something new or take things to another level with goals, career, status, fame, reputation, ambitions, or authority figures. At this point you can eclipse out anything that is blocking growth or that has run its course as part of that next chapter forward. Pour on the Leo themes: creativity, love, kids, and fun, since this can enhance your objectives or make your goals about these topics. Next, Venus arrives on the 26th onward and she brings more love, women who are good for what you’re doing or a focus on the women in the mix, money flow, or beauty themes, she helps attract what you want, smooth out rough edges or bring more enjoyment. Finally, Mercury takes his Retrograde out of Virgo and into this territory on the 31st so you’ll have now through Sept. 5th to cover old ground with goals, career, fame, reputation, ambitions, and authority figures. You want to slow down and reconnect with past people or projects, release or rekindle where needed and/or rework ongoing scenarios to you get it right. Whatever comes or goes during this brief period is meant to be, allow and take your time to figure it out. Of course, watch out for typical Mercury Retrograde issues of miscommunications, malfunctioning electronics or transportation, or mix-ups and agreements that are about goals, career or these authority types. Again, take your time, double check facts and figures and hold off on final agreements until after this passes if you can do so without hurting your prospects. Now, since 2011 Uranus has been doing his level best to shake things up, help you reinvent yourself, bring out your original or unique aspects, and make personal changes that could align you with your higher self via your work scenarios, health, co-workers, hired help, paperwork, organizing, cleaning, or animals. You may have leaned on Uranus-ruled themes to get here: friendships, group activities, online interests, astrology, charities, gatherings, causes, or aspirations. On the 3rd Uranus will Retrograde giving you the months ahead to catch your breath and look at how far you’ve come in these areas or to head back over old ground to rekindle, release or rework something. It may also be a time when something current exits on cue giving you space to start new when Uranus is back in forward motion in January 2018. So, pay attention to what is going on in these areas as the planet shifts gears, it may be the focus for the months ahead. The final of three Jupiter/Pluto squares peaks on the 4th and you find out what the last obstacle or major push is going to be in the story that began last November. Jupiter has been trying to bring growth, happiness or prosperity via art, film, music, poetry, painting, theater, concerts, museums, or other muse-related topics, via prayer, meditation, yoga, or other spiritual practices or beliefs, via romantic getaways or clandestine romance, via healing, dealing with addictions, deceptions, boundary issues, hospitals, or other institutions, via the veil between worlds, psychic moments or magic, or via research, investigations or projects behind the scenes. Jupiter has been doing this with or through partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, opponents, or other key players over media, marketing, publishing, legal, travel, educational, wedding, religious, or political interests. Pluto on the other hand has been pushing for a purge, going deeper, making or dealing with changes, working through third party matters, death, divorce, sexual interests, reproductive needs, financial scenarios, and controlling interests via your ideas, talks, meetings, agreements, sale, writing, offers, short trips, local activities, neighbors, siblings, vehicles, electronics, or decisions. The two have been going at it with each other to force some kind of breakthrough or aha moment for you between the two sides for months now and here we are at the final push. So, note what is on the table now, step up to it, work through it or go for it, this is it, after this you will never in this lifetime go through this configuration in these signs again. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 7th brings a powerful ending, breakthrough, wrap-up, celebration, achievement, or finalization for you regarding your home, at the home, with the family, about the family, over a parent, with the roommate, over a real estate deal, the renovation, or move, about history or ancestry, or your security needs. This one can eclipse something out for good as you reach that highpoint. It’s likely that aspirations or original ideas/projects play into it or it is about your freedom, friends, gatherings, online interests, group activities, or causes that are influencing this peak. Note that you may have experiences with this culminating Eclipse 5 days either side of this peak date as well. Mercury Retrogrades on the 12th in these same social arenas and will be taking you back over old ground, slowing down current matters or inviting some exits patterns to friendships, group activities, gatherings, online interests, astrology, charities, causes, personal aspirations, or original projects. It’s time to reconnect with past people or ideas, revamp current stories or get some closure in these areas. Keep communications open since this will come via news, meetings, talks, writing, agreements, sales, short trips, offers, or decisions about it. Of course, do watch out for typical Mercury Retrograde issues of miscommunications, mechanical or electronic malfunctions or mix-ups related to these topics and try to hold off on final agreements or choices until this passes on the 31st if you can do so without hurting your prospects. If you must go forward with things give yourself some wiggle room since things may change up ahead. Saturn has been testing you, pushing you to master some new level of proficiency, grow up, deal with limits or endings, make some long-term commitments, deal with authority figures, get disciplined, and follow ambitions when it comes to your income, what you’re doing with possessions or products, and/or your purchases since he first arrived here in December of 2014. Fun, right? Well, here’s the story, he is going to go into Direct motion again and for the last time over these themes starting on the 25th at which point he will push you to get real about anything left to do about these topics so you are on solid ground when he leaves here for good on Dec. 20th. Note, he won’t return for another 29 years so it really is important to make these next 4 months count, put in the effort, solidify things one way or the other, start now. Finally, Jupiter aligns with Saturn in his new forward motion on the 27th under a rare, opportune aspect that offers you the potential to cement something with the income, purchase, possessions, or products, with a focus on the partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, or competitors, any legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, religious, or political focus about it, and the artistic project, spiritual pursuit, romantic connection, institution/hospital, research, investigation, healing, or karmic balance in the mix. Work towards this day. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com. SAGITTARIUS: August is epic and it starts with New Moon energy still in play, pushing you forward with any legal, travel, foreign, distant, media, marketing, publishing, educational, wedding, religious, or political interests up through the 7th. This can help you to start something new or take current interests to the next level, especially if what’s at the core of it is your creative interests, lover, love life, kids, or recreational interests. Then, on the 21st is the New Moon Solar Eclipse in the same sign again, this one at the end of the sign. Again, you get a major boost forward, this one lasting until Sept 6th. At this point you can eclipse out anything that has held you back or is over, to move into that new chapter or next level with these legal, travel, educational, foreign, media, marketing, publishing, distant, wedding, religious, or political pursuits. Since Eclipses are far more powerful you may have experiences with this 5 days plus or minus around this peak starting date related to the ‘eclipsing’ part of your next move. Venus then joins in on the 26th onward so at this point the focus may be on a special woman or women in general, on the love/lover, the income, or beauty interests in the mix. This can help to attract the flow around what you are doing or smooth out issues and should certainly help to make these travel plans, legal situations, media ventures, marketing ideas, educational pursuits, wedding, religious experiences, or political interests more enjoyable. Finally, Mercury joins the story on the 31st as he Retrogrades out of Virgo and into this arena from now through Sept. 5th so at this point things start to come into play in these areas via news, offers, talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, short trips, local activities, or decisions about it as you go back over old ground and rekindle things with past people or situations, release or get better closure, or rework things. Uranus has been working to shake things up, break you out of ruts, help you reinvent yourself, and awaken original ideas and new ways of doing things since 2011. He’s been doing this for your sign via creativity, recreation, kids, and/or love/lovers. On the 3rd he is going to begin a Retrograde phase that will be in play over the months ahead and it’s a do-over for you. So, you can think about going back and reconnecting with past people, ideas, issues, or opportunities to rekindle things, get better closure or rework them. You can slow down in current situations to fine-tune things in some way, you can break away from a current situation if you feel this shift in direction is about your time to go. Or you can take this period to catch your breath and rev up for the next round of excitement that will kick in once Uranus is Direct again. However, this goes, know that the wild-card effect of this energy is to bring you to the right place in these situations by the 3rd month of 2019 if you haven’t landed there yet, so pay attention to what is shifting or pulling you in other directions around this time. The final Jupiter/Pluto square perfects on the 4th bringing you to the final challenge between these slow-moving energies in a story that began to push or test you back in Nov. 2016 when they first squared. So, let’s look at what this has been about and what you’ll be in there in a big way about now. First, Jupiter has been doing his uppermost to open up your life via partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, competitors, or other relationships through friendships, group activities, gatherings, online interests, astrology, charities, personal aspirations, or original projects. You’ve been urged to look at where you are in these matters with your Jupiter themes: legal, travel, educational, foreign, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, religious, or political interests. Pluto has been about goals, career needs, higher-up/authority type people, and your income, purchases, products, or possessions. He’s urged you to look at where you are with shared or outside financial needs such as the loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, investments, alimony, child support, commissions, etc. or with your sex life, reproductive needs, mortality issues, divorce, or third-party matters in the mix. So, you’ve had something big going on between something in the Jupiter columns and something in the Pluto columns and you are now at the last major push. So, step up to what needs doing and remember that this is the last time this lifetime these two go at it over these topics. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse peaks on the 7th and for your sign this is some big moment revolving around a talk, news you hear, an offer, proposal, meeting, agreements, sale, interview, short trip, local activity, sibling, neighbor, vehicle, electronic, or decision. Your aspirations or original projects may color this or there may be something social about it. An Eclipse of this sort is powerful and meant to be a final ending, a major achievement, a longed-for breakthrough, or some other impacting culmination so expect emotions to run high around this date. And speaking of ‘around this date’, you may have experiences with this 5 days plus or minus on either side of its peak regarding these themes. On the 12th Mercury Retrogrades in your career midheaven where he’ll now take you back over old territory regarding your career, personal goals, reputation, fame, or dealings with authority figures like the boss, director, teacher, parent, or judge. This is in effect until the 31st so slow down, look at old decisions or ideas, be open to running into the past and seeing what still has merit, what you should close the door on or what needs more finessing to get right. You may have something/someone exit in current scenarios or future momentum slow down so that you have the space to figure this out during these days ahead, it’s a do-over so take your time. Do be aware of the typical Mercury Retrograde glitches like electronic or mechanical malfunctions, mix-ups or miscommunications, they would play out in these areas of life if they arrive, and do hold off on final decisions if you can do so without hurting your prospects. If you have to purchase or sign agreements regarding these personal goals, career needs or authority figures during the Retrograde make sure to give yourself some wiggle room to adjust to changes that will be on the horizon. The Sun will join this story on the 22nd which kicks off a 30-day cycle that urges you to show up and get more personally or physically involved in these goals, career matters or with authority figures. At this point you can make it more about your needs or lend a hand by being there in the thick of it, you’ll definitely stand out and can take the lead a bit more now. Sage, you’ve been hosting Saturn in your sign since Dec. 2014 and it may have seemed like a whole lot of testing going on as you have been being asked to grow up in some way and step up to the next level of mastery with your own identity, image, body, brand, name, and personal needs. Saturn has been Retrograde now since February so you’ve had a bit of a respite or time to go back over something to figure it out. Now on the 25th Saturn goes Direct for the very last time in your sign and will now move through Sagittarius and out the other side by Dec. 20th. At that point, he won’t return for another 29 years so this is some very important 4 months ahead when you want to really get serious about what you do and don’t want, make commitments to yourself, get disciplined, be ambitious, tackle responsibilities, end what is no longer serving you, and edge your way towards this finish line. Finally, Jupiter forms an opportunity alignment with Saturn in his newly forward motion on the 27th which brings these personal or physical potential going on with you into alignment with something very growth-oriented or with the potential for more happiness or prosperity via the partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, friends, gatherings, online interests, astrology, charities, groups, and any legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, religious, or political themes. Work towards what you think would set your sails flying! There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com. CAPRICORN: Get ready, August is major! First, you enter the month on New Moon energy that can help propel you into something new or take current interests to the next level up through the 7th. The focus is on loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, investments, settlements, alimony, child support, royalties, commissions, a partner’s money, or other financial interests, or about sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, or third-party scenarios. So, seek out financial experts or connect intimately or further your interests as you may, this is the time. But wait, it doesn’t end here! On the 21st we have a New Moon Solar Eclipse that is in the same territory, a second boost from the cosmos and this one is 3 times more powerful and can help you to eclipse things that may be blocking this new direction or next chapter as you go forward. You’ll have 2-weeks with this in play so be ready to move on these matters. It’s possible to experience the events of the eclipse 5 days prior so this broadens the scope even more. Venus then joins in on the 26th onward to bring women into the story, make it about love, your income, or beauty interests in the mix, and to smooth out rough situations or help you enjoy what is going on now. Finally, on the 31st Mercury Retrograde backs into these topics and gives you until Sept. 5th to go back over any old ground with these financial, sexual, reproductive, divorce, mortality, or third party needs to see if something can be salvaged, if you need better closure or if there is some reworking of things to be done. Of course, do wait out these days to make final decisions about things if you can and do watch for mix-ups or malfunctioning equipment regarding these topics. Uranus is the next energy at play this month so let’s look at his story, shall we? Since 2011 he has been doing his best to shake things up, awaken you to new aspects of yourself, bring about changes that could get you out of ruts, and help you reinvent yourself, all via what’s been going on at home, with moves, renovations, real estate deals, history, ancestry, family, a parent, or roommates. You’ll be done with all of this by the 3rd month of 2019 so there is still some excitement to come. On the 3rd of this month Uranus Retrogrades so at this point you get a breather from some of the crazy that’s been going on or you can use the shift to go back to something from the past for a do-over here. Look at your list of topics, do you want to rekindle, release or rework things? Watch what comes up for you around this date for clues as to what may be returning, exiting or revising over the months ahead. The final Jupiter/Pluto square perfects on the 4th so you are now at the last challenge or push involving the story between them that began to amplify last November at the first square. Jupiter has been trying to open something up for you with or through partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, or other key players by focusing you on your personal goals, career, reputation, status, fame, or dealings with authority types like the boss, parent, director, teacher, or judge. It’s been a time to look at Jupiter themes in these areas; legal, travel, people at a distance, relocation, foreign, educational, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, religious, or political matters. Pluto on the other hand has been going deep within you to purge old parts of who you are and transform you in some powerful way. This has been about your body, image, brand, name, title, identity, or personal needs with a focus on Pluto themes: where you are financially, sexually, reproductively, with divorce, mortality issues, empowerment, control, or third-party scenarios. So, at this final push/challenge you will be stepping up and going for or moving through whatever this is between the two arenas. Once this square completes the planets start to move apart with Jupiter breaking the configuration completely by Oct. 10th. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 7th brings something to a major ending, breakthrough, finalization, celebration, or achievement regarding your income, a purchase, the possessions, or products. Expect aspirations or social influences to play a part in what is culminating now and to be once again able to eclipse out whatever is blocking this peak moment or is over at this point. Again, you may experience events related to this 5 days plus or minus the peak. Mercury Retrogrades on the 12th -31st in Virgo giving you a do-over with any legal, travel, distant, foreign, educational, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, religious, or political interests. It’s time to slow down and head back to past people or situations to rekindle, release or rework things, or to see a retreat/withdrawal in current scenarios to give you space to figure something out or change course, or finally just the time to rework current scenarios. To that end talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, offers, and decisions will hone in on these themes. Of course, do be on guard about the typical Mercury Retrograde issues of malfunctioning electronics or mechanical items, mix-ups and miscommunications, and hold off on final decisions in the above list of topics until this is back in Direct motion if you can do so without hurting your prospects. If you do need to sign agreements or purchase items during this phase leave yourself some wiggle room and buy the warranties. The Sun joins in on the 22nd kicking off a 30-day cycle that is about you showing up and getting more personally or physically involved in these matters so it looks like you’ll be hopping a plane or in the courtroom or in the classroom or at that marketing event, wedding, church, or political event, you get the idea, make it about your needs. Saturn moved into your mystical, behind-the-scenes zone back in Dec. 2014 and has been testing you ever since when it comes to karmic ties and balance, romantic trysts and clandestine romance, artistic projects and talents, spiritual practices and beliefs, magic, psychic moments or abilities, bad habits or addictions, healing and hospitals, other institutions, investigations, and research. It’s been a time meant to get you to get serious and master some new level of being here. On the 25th Saturn ends months of Retrograde and goes Direct for the very last time in these territories. You’ll now have until Dec. 20th to make your commitments, end things, structure more support, deal with authority types, limits, responsibilities, disciplines, and ambitions about and cement things one way or the other. Once Saturn exits at year’s end he won’t return here for another 29 years so you can see this is important right now. Do what needs doing. Finally, Jupiter makes an opportunity alignment with Saturn in his new forward direction on the 27th which opens up the door between these artistic, spiritual, romantic, karmic, healing, hospital, research, and developmental interests, and the partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, opponents, or other key players over goals, career, reputation, fame, or dealings with authority figures such as the boss, parent or judge. Again, it can mean cementing things via any travel, distant, legal, media, marketing, wedding, religious, educational, or political channels in the story. Be proactive while this is helping things move one way or the other. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com. AQUARIUS: August opens with New Moon energy in motion helping you to start something new or take current interests to the next level with romantic partners, business partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, competitors, or other relationships. This boost forward lasts until the 7th so be proactive. But guess what? There is a second New Moon in this relationship zone this year and it arrives on the 21st by way of a New Moon Solar Eclipse! This is huge because it has 3 times the power to help you start something new or enter into next levels with current scenarios as well as eclipsing out anything outworn or holding you back as it does so. So, expect to be moving forward with or about these partners, clients, specialists, representatives, or other players and expect all of it to flower from Leo energy themes of true love, creative ventures, children, or recreational pursuits. You’ll have 2 weeks with this momentum in play however the 5days either side of this start date may be the most powerful. Venus then enters the story on the 26th onward to bring women into the story or make it more about love or add income flow or beauty themes to the mix. Her presence can help attract what you desire or smooth out issues or bring more pleasure. Finally, Mercury Retrograde backs into this sign and starts to take you back over old ground or into a reversal or do-over from the 31st-Sept. 5th. So slow down and expect to hear from past people or go back to old ideas, issues or opportunities, to rekindle things, release them or rework them. Do watch for miscommunications, malfunctioning items or mix-ups and try to hold off on final decisions until this is out of Retrograde if you can do so without hurting your prospects. Your ruler, Uranus, has been working to awaken your mind and set you free with new choices, the talks and meetings you have, your agreements or sales, writing and speaking roles, your local community, moves or short trips, transportation, electronics, siblings or neighbors, and the big decisions that are all about you and your needs. It has been about how these things are impacting your identity, name, title, image, body, and needs since 2011 and will continue to do so through the first few months of 2019. This month Uranus will Retrograde on the 3rd taking you back over old ground in these areas from now through January 3rd. During this time, you can go back over old ideas or choices, revisit past people, issues or opportunities, and see if you’d like to release/get closure, rekindle or rework things. If any reversals occur at the turn of direction then that too can be part of the do-over. Pay attention to what comes up since you’ll probably be working on it over the months ahead. The final Jupiter/Pluto square arrives on the 4th bringing the last big push or challenge between them. This story began back in November 2016 as Jupiter began to push for something big with partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, opponents, or other relationships over travel, distance, relocation, education, media, marketing, legal, wedding, religious, or political themes. Pluto on the other hand has been about going deeper, purging, transforming, or reacting to changes going on with romantic, artistic, secret, spiritual, magical, psychic, addictive, deceptive, healing, hospital, investigative, or research themes. Pluto has been asking that you deal with the financial, sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, or triangles in these areas by setting goals, focusing on career or dealing with authority types or your own leadership abilities. So now as these two powerhouses push against each other for the last time you will also be asked to step up and deal with the issues or go for what you’re going for, with this in mind; this is the last big square from these planets in these placements of your lifetime, make it count. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse arrives on the 7th in your sign, Aquarius! This is a big deal as well since it is 3 times more powerful than a typical Full Moon and about you. At this point you can eclipse out what has been blocking you or is over and reach that goal, wrap things up, mark an ending, celebrate, get your final word, or have a breakthrough based on you, your name, title, image, brand, identity, body, ego needs, or personal desires. You may experience events related to this peak moment 5 days plus or minus the day of its zenith. Mercury Retrogrades on the 12th and will back through Virgo until the 31st giving you the weeks ahead to go back over old ground financially, sexually, reproductively, with divorce, mortality issues, controlling interests, power struggles, or third party/triangle situations. Old ideas may resurface or people from the past could pop back in, issues or opportunities could return, you could slow down in current situations to figure something out or take the time with a current situation to rework things. It can bring you closure, help you rekindle things or revise where needed. Do take care with the details and double check facts and figures, any mechanical or electrics items or final decisions in these matters until the energy is back in forward motion again if you can hold off without hurting your prospects. If you must make a choice now leave yourself some wiggle room and purchase warranties with items that could break down. The Sun enters this territory on the 22nd onward so you will now have a spotlight on you with these matters and that can help you to stand out, take the lead, tie your name or title into it, or get more involved on a personal or physical level. This is a 30-day trend. Saturn has been testing you since Dec. 2014 to get serious about your aspirations, any original ideas or projects, your friends, associates, group affiliations, online pursuits, astrology, charities, gatherings, freedom, or causes. This has been a time of endings, some long-term commitments, structuring things to support you better, responsibilities, dealings with authority figures over it, and/or ambitions about it. Saturn has been Retrograde most of 2017 but on the 25th Saturn goes Direct and he does so for the very last time in these matters. From now through Dec. 20th Saturn takes you on your last big push to get real about these matters and then he exits and won’t return for another 29 years. So make it count. Finally, Jupiter meets up with Saturn in his newly Direct motion on the 27th forming a very opportune alignment between each other which means the door is open between these aspirations, friends, groups, gatherings, online interests, original ideas, astrological pursuits, charities, or causes, and the partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, or competitors, and the travel, distance, foreign, relocation, legal, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes. Again, going big and getting serious about commitments, endings, structures, responsibilities, authority types, limits, or ambitions about it gets you there. If you don’t know everything you need to know about it ask an expert! There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com. PISCES: August opens with New Moon momentum behind your work, health, paperwork, organizing, cleaning, co-workers, hired help, or animal interests. This gives you momentum to start something new or take current interests to the next level up through the 7th. Then, wait for it…, a second New Moon, this one a New Moon Solar Eclipse arrives on the 21st that is also about these same topics. So now you have 3 times more push from the cosmos to move into something new or again take things to the next level with work, health, paperwork, pets, hired help, co-workers, organizing, or cleaning. Since this is in Leo you want to be creative or focus on opportunities that would be fun or involve lover or kids as part of the mix. You also want to eclipse out anything that is or has been holding you back as you go for this next opportunity if it arises. You may experience some events tied to this 5 days before or after this kick-off but you’ll have 2 full weeks to move ahead. Venus then joins the story on the 26th onward at which point you may find that women are more integral or love is amplified or income is flowing or it’s about beauty themes. This is great for smoothing things out or attracting what you desire and at the very least should help you enjoy yourself more during this period. Finally, Mercury Retrogrades backs into these topics starting on the 31st and will take you back over old ground until Sept. 5th. So, at this point past people or situations may return, current ones may slow down or retreat and you will have a quick do-over to see if anything could be reworked, rekindled or released. Now for the unpredictable, exciting, awakening Uranus energy! You’ve been hosting it in your income, purchases, possessions, and products zone since 2011 and it truly is about helping you reinvent yourself from then to 2019. On the 3rd Uranus Retrogrades taking you back over old ground with these topics and how your emerging identity, image, brand, title, name, or physical involvement is evolving. So, look at what shifts gears around this date and if there is anything you wish to rekindle, release or rework from now through Jan. 3rd. The final Jupiter/Pluto square peaks on the 4th bringing the last challenge or push in a story that began to nudge you back in November 2016. Jupiter has been about the partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, or opponents over financial matters, sexual needs, reproductive scenarios, mortality issues, divorce, power struggles, controlling interests, or third-party matters. It’s asked that you address any legal, educational, media, marketing, travel, wedding, religious, or political sides of the equation in an effort to open up your world in some way during its transit here. Pluto has been breaking things down and purging issues to bring about a transformation via the same financial, sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, or third-party matters but here it’s been focused on your aspirations evolving, any original ideas or projects behind it, and what’s going on with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, or causes. It’s been important to look at where you are with goals or authority types in the matter as well. So now at the final square you need to step up and go through the transformation between them for one last push. Note, this won’t repeat again this lifetime from these quarters. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse peaks on the 7th bringing something to a major ending, wrap-up, breakthrough, or marking achievements and celebrations. The focus will be on film, music, art, or other muse-related topics, healing, addictions, spas, hospitals, or other institutions, karmic unions, romantic getaways or clandestine romance, spiritual practices or beliefs, magic or psychic interests, or research and investigations. You may eclipse out anything that is over or has been blocking you towards this climactic highpoint and you may have experiences 5 days plus or minus the peak highpoint. Mercury Retrogrades on the 12th-31st through Virgo and takes you back over old ground with partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, opponents, or other key relationships. It’s a cosmic do-over, a time to rethink things, run into past people, slow down in current developments, retreat or experience a withdrawal from the other person, or rework ongoing matters with/about them to get it right. So, stay open to talks, news, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, offers, interviews, or decisions involving relationships. Also, do guard against the typical Mercury Retrograde issues such as mix-ups, malfunctioning electronics or mechanicals, or miscommunications. Hold off on final decisions until this is past if you can do so without hurting your prospects. If you do have to sign agreements or purchase items give yourself some wiggle room and buy warranties. The Sun joins in with these relationship topics starting on the 22nd onward so at this point it will urge you to show up and get more personally or physically involved with or about them. It should help you stand out and take the lead and make it about your needs in the mix. Saturn began testing you when he entered Sagittarius back in Dec. 2014 over your personal goals, career direction, dealings with authority figures such as the boss, parent, judge, director, or mentor, your own leadership abilities, fame, and reputation. It’s been a time to get serious, to look at any endings, long term commitments, responsibilities, limits, disciplines, and ambitions here by challenging you to master some new level of proficiency or to get real about what stays and what goes. Because of the Sagittarius themes in the mix you’ve needed to look at these goals, career and authority figures via your legal situations, media or marketing pursuits, educational needs, travel, the people at a distance, foreign influences, wedding plans, religious experience, or politics. So, now on the 25th Saturn ends months of Retrograde and goes Direct for the very last time through this territory, wrapping up this story by Dec. 20th this year. That means the next 4 months are so important for you to do what still needs doing with these goals, career needs, your reputation, status, and/or those higher-up/authority figures, and it starts now. Finally, on the 27th Jupiter moves into an opportunity alignment with Saturn in his newly forward motion and the door opens for you between those partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, opponents, or other relationships over the financial, sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, or third-party matters, and your goals, career, the authority figure, your reputation, fame, or status. Again, any legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political interests are front and center and it’s time to make commitments, mark endings, get serious, tackle those responsibilities, or make it about your ambitions in the matter while the flow is open. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com. Get Zoe’s DAILY FORECASTS Catch The Zoe Moon Astrology Show every Thursday at 8pm eastern/5pm pacific for a look at YOUR WEEK AHEAD! www.blogtalkradio.com/zoemoon HEAR MORE INSIGHTS about what’s coming in the AUGUST MONTHLY BROADCAST here! http://healthylife.net/RadioShow/archiveZM.htm ]]>
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Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.