Happy New Year everybody! I wish you all a love-filled, prosperous and enriching 2017. The month opens with New Moon momentum still propelling us forward from the 1st – 11th and it is a good idea to take advantage of this energy boost since it won’t be back with this kind of fresh-start potential for another year. The New Moon is in Capricorn and occurred just shy of the 8th degree so we can really gather steam in our efforts to move ahead with personal goals, career matters, gaining some recognition, or dealing with authority figures like the boss, parent, judge, mentor, teacher, or other higher-up now. Mercury is Retrograde as we head into our new year and the month of January, also in the sign of Capricorn until the 4th so if you need to rework, reconnect or release anything with another person or situation from the past as part of your forward growth then it seems the 2nd and 3rd are your best days. Mercury backs his Retrograde into Sagittarius on the 4th giving you a chance to review, release or reconnect over legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, religious, or political interests now through the 8th, your best day being Friday the 6th. On the 8th Mercury Retrograde ends and from now through the 12th Mercury heads back out of Sagittarius in Direct motion. You can now take whatever you reworked or figured out and take it into the next phase. Your best day is Tuesday the 10th. Mercury will then spend the rest of the month, from the 12th until February 7th, wrapping up his tour through Capricorn in Direct motion. So, this period will help you now take whatever you figured out about the goals, career, recognition, or authority figures into new or next level talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, offers, or decisions. Make note that during this forward progression of Mercury potential, there will be 3 days that stand out: the 23rd, 29th and 31st. The 23rd is opportune for what you’ve been working on behind the scenes or for some potential with situations that have been developing. The 29th allows you to get an added boost to empowering yourself via any changes or delving deeper into things. The 31st brings a wild-card into the mix, most likely through you, as you push for something a bit more interesting or different. Finally, as far as this Capricorn energy goes, the Sun applies to some of the outer bodies on the 6th-7th, the 10th and the 11th, so these days are days when you may be showing up and getting more personally or physically involved with the goals, career, fame, or authority figures. The 6th-7th the Sun is applying to Pluto here so it goes deep, is powerful, may be about deconstructing and rebuilding what is going on, or about involving third party situations, focusing on controlling interests, digging into the financial side of things, the death and rebirth scenario, or on a personal level, looking at the sexual, reproductive or divorce needs in the mix. The 10th squares Uranus so there is some breaking out of the rut or breaking free or sudden change to be dealt with. The 11th is a square to Jupiter so a big push is on with the partner, clients, specialists, agents, opponents, competitors, or advocates over any legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political needs in the mix. Venus arrives in Pisces on the 3rd of the month and will tour this sign until February 2nd. That gives you a nice period to find some time in private to develop your love affair or to research ways to earn money. It can help you with income flow around artistic projects, institutions, investigations, healing modalities, the romance industry, or research. It may bring some focus on a specific woman and what is going on behind the scenes with her or it may help you tend to beauty needs privately. As far as how love goes during this time it can be more magical, spiritual, romantic, and mysterious, or more delusional, deceptive, addictive, or self-sabotaging, so be aware of how it is playing out in your life and take it one step at a time. Big days for Venus this month are the 12th and 20th -both opportune, and the 25th-27th -more challenging or busy. We have our Full Moon at 6:34am eastern the morning of the 12th so we may experience the peak the night before, on the 11th or any time during the day today. This is when things are coming to a close and wrapping up, we are marking endings, getting finalizations, as well as when we can be reaching goals, garnering some recognition and celebrating. The Full Moon is in the sign Cancer so the focus of this high-point is on the home, family, roommates, real estate deals, security needs, how we feel nurtured/not nurtured, ancestry, history, patriotism, country, parents, renovations, or moves. Mars is active between the 17th and 19th, stirring up passions, anger, fighting spirit, motivating activity, and setting things in motion. Mars is in the same territory that Venus recently entered, Pisces. So, we will see more happening during these days regarding the romance, artistic project, spiritual practices, hidden agendas, hidden enemies, addictions, deception, healing, hospitals, other institutions, investigations, or research. This is going to involve some adjustments around the partner, opponent, client, specialist, representative, or other key player and what we’re dealing with in legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, religious, or political interests, as well as some obstacle to overcome regarding any authority figures in the mix such as the parent, boss, judge, teacher, director, or mentor, or a challenge with goals or career matters in the situation. Pace yourself. The Sun kicks off a new 30-day cycle through Aquarius starting on the 19th so at this point you may really start to get more personally or physically involved with those friends, groups, causes, charities, gatherings, online interests, astrological pursuits, or goals about freedom, aspirations or original projects. Dive in because not only do we get a New Moon here on the 27th that will then give you a 2 week forward thrust behind efforts here but what you are doing now seems to really pay off in the 2nd and 3rd week of February. Mars changes signs, moving into Aries at 12:39am eastern on the 28th, 9:39pm pacific on the 27th, where he will now tour until March 9th. Now, Mars LOVES it in his own sign, he is in the sign of ego and fire, passion and motivation, physical activity and the fighting spirit, and you are going to feel it! So, think about what you want to DO about your own needs, your body, image, brand, name, title, or identity, and then start doing it. Note that in the last week of February Mars will activate a VERY powerful T-square configuration with Mars and Uranus in Aries, opposing Pluto in Capricorn and squaring Jupiter in Libra. This means that by that point something big will be happening involving what you are doing for or about or through yourself and where you are with partners, clients, specialists, opponents, competitors, representatives, any legal, travel, relocation at a distance, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes, and the changes and evolving of situations tied to your goals, career, the authority figures, and your financial, sexual, divorce, reproductive, mortality, or third party needs in the mix. The last time you had Mars in his own sign Aries was February 20th-March 31st, 2015. So, think about what big project or personal agenda got underway then. Of course, at that time you didn’t have Jupiter in the mix connecting in with that partner, client, specialist, representative, or opponent over the Jupiter themes so there is more potential this time around. Finally, giving a nod to the Chinese Zodiac, the New Year of the Rooster begins on the 28th. If you were born in 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, or 2005, you are a rooster! Think of the year of the Rooster as the year of the Virgo as far as some of what it relates to: lots of daily routine and work potential, time to tackle things, move ahead with efforts. Think that the rooster is the first sound you hear on the farm as it crows at dawn or before and gets you out the door to your chores. If you combine this with the fact that this is a Fire Rooster year ahead, one with more creative, active, energy behind it, and with the numerology of the year 2017 which is a ‘1’ year, meaning it is about fresh starts for you as an individual, well then, I guess we have our work cut out for ourselves and this year bodes well for making things happen! So make the most of your first month of the new year and for more about the details you can listen to more JANUARY MONTHLY insights here! http://healthylife.net/RadioShow/archiveZM.htm ARIES: First and foremost, this month, you have so much going on with your personal goals, reputation, career, and dealings with authority figures like the boss, parent, mentor, or judge, so you can count on being amped up in at least one of these arenas. From the 1-11th you have New Moon momentum behind moving things into that next chapter or starting something new. Mercury is Retrograde over these themes as you head into this month so you may be releasing something past it’s time, reconnecting or reworking past situations or with past people, and rethinking things. This is strong the 1st-4th and then Mercury Retrogrades back into Sagittarius the 4-8th to help you review legal, educational, media, marketing, publishing, travel, distant, foreign, wedding, religious, or political needs. Mercury goes Direct on the 8th at which time you are ready to shift gears with these matters and move forward between the 8th-12th. Then on the 12th Mercury is back in forward motion in Capricorn as it will now be until February 7th. So at this point you can engage in the next chapter with goals, career or authority figures. Note that the 23r and 29th may bring some opportune ideas, news or decisions about it and the 31st will push you about it. Finally, the Sun is also active in these goals, career and authority figure areas especially on the 6-7th, 10th and 11th. So these days you may be showing up and getting more personally or physically involved with it all. Venus moves into Pisces on the 3rd and will tour here until Feb. 2nd, giving you plenty of time to get into the magical or secret side of romance, the money flow around research, artistic pursuits, institutions, or investigations, the beauty as it applies to your romance or artistry, hospitals or spiritual activities, or the key women who are engaging in any of this towards your best interests. Love will be more magical or delusional, private or deceptive, as will what you are doing about earning money, beauty and women this month, stay on the high ground. Note that Mars is also active in these same areas and is applying to other planets the 17th-19th so these days may push you into action as you tackle something big. The Full Moon on the 12th brings closure, celebration, breakthroughs, endings, or achievements regarding home, moves, renovations, real estate deals, family, parents, roommates, history, or security needs. Expect big moments to crystalize if you’ve been working towards something here. The Sun moves into Aquarius on the 19th kicking off a new 30-day cycle that is about getting more personally or physically involved with friends, groups, gatherings, causes, charities, astrology, social networking, or your own aspirations and original ideas. This puts a spotlight on you showing up and taking the lead, making it about your needs or getting active about image, brand, identity, or body in the action. Your ruler, Mars, is moving into your sign on the 28th, the first time you’ve hosted him since mid-February through the end of March 2015. This is going to give you a natural boost of energy from now until March 9th this year and help you to motivate about your own needs, body, image, brand, title, name, or identity. It is going to make it a more passionate period for you and possibly more easily spurred into fights so watch that part of it. This is a big time for you that you will see escalate in some way with a significant person or people and the goals you have by the last week of February. The year of the Rooster starts today as well which should bode well for really making it a big year for getting the work done, getting healthier, being of service to others, and staying busy. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and see if it’s right for you! TAURUS: You have more going on with legal matters, educational pursuits, weddings, media ventures, marketing ideas, travel plans, your politics, or religious interests this month, as you wrap up any do-over thanks to the Mercury Retrograde until the 8th, and push forward with new potential until the 11th, thanks to the New Moon energy behind these themes! That means reworking things, contacting people from the past about it, releasing or rethinking what you do or do not want, and moving towards that next chapter now. It’s likely that you’ll be in there involved with one or more of these topics on the 6-7th as things open up, the 10th and 11th as you push harder or deal with challenges, and then again on the 23rd and 29th when you are again back in the flow, and finally on the 31st when again you have some last-minute news or choice to make. In other words, you are really busy with this stuff so think about what you want as the month gets underway. Do note that as the Mercury Retrograde comes to an end it will dip back into your 8th house and ask you to return and review something in the financial, sexual, divorce, reproductive, mortality, or third party scenario. This Retrograde focus is from the 4-8th and then as Mercury goes Direct on the 8th you’ll have some forward motion with these topics between the 8th-12th. Venus is arriving in your social sector on the 3rd and will stay here until February 2nd. This is a wonderful time for enjoying your time with friends, for finding love or earning money with them or when online, in groups, at charities, into astrology, or at gatherings. You may get involved in some kind of artistic interest here during this time that goes really well so look at theater, movies, concerts, music, film, painting, museums, etc., as positive outlets. You may also find that you have higher aspirations this month to get away romantically and have some private time to spark the flames of love, if so this is an excellent time to do so. Finally, this influence may mean that a woman near and dear to you is healing or in the hospital for a procedure this month, also an overall positive time to do so, although I can’t see your birth chart for specifics. There is one caveat to all of this; Mars is also active in this part of the sky and will be in a heated configuration between the 17-19th so something here may be challenging you or you may be pushing harder to get something done during this period. I would avoid surgery during this period if you can and if you have to have it done now do follow your doctor’s advice to the letter to stem added bruising or bleeding. It is more likely this is a friend or associate who would be going through this and you would be visiting. The Full Moon this month is on the 12th so this is considered the emotional high-point of the month when you may wrap things up, mark endings, celebrate, or note achievements. For you this is focused on news you hear, interviews, talks, proposals, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, speaking roles, offers, or decisions that are peaking now. Or it is about a brother, sister, neighbor, the transportation, electronics, community activity, neighborhood, or short trips. So, work towards what you’d like to see come through or culminate in the days leading up to this peak. Hint; since this is in the sign of Cancer, there may be added emotions around this topic or it may involve your feelings about security, property, family, or history in the mix. The Sun starts to illuminate your career potential, leadership abilities, reputation, personal goals, and dealings with higher-ups like the boss, parent, judge, mentor, teacher, or other established person from the 19th onward. This means you stand out and are favored when showing up and getting more personally or physically involved with ambitions you have in these areas now through Feb. 18th. If you have goals involving your body, image, brand, name, or title, pursue them now. Mars goes undercover on the 28th where he is going to heat things up for you until March 9th. This means you are going to get busier, aim your passion and/or anger, and motivate about the themes ruled by your 12th house. So, plan to be more involved in romantic getaways or clandestine romance, artistic pursuits and projects, healing, dealing with addictions or hospitals, research or investigations, spiritual practices, magical interests, or psychic pursuits, during this period. It’s been a couple years since you had this kind of mojo to make things happen, just keep an eye on any short fuses about these matters. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and see if it’s right for you! GEMINI: You enter the new year and month of January with a lot of push-pull over some powerful topics and it is important to take your time during the first week and a half to really look at what you can rework, release, reconnect over, and move forward on when it comes to these themes: loans, inheritance, bankruptcy, taxes, insurance, investments, settlements, alimony, child support, a partner’s money, or other outside financial matters, as well as your sex life, reproductive needs, a death, birth, divorce, or third party scenario. Have you given your power away? Do you need to hammer something out or go back to the drawing board and get it right? You’ve been wrestling with this since last month with the Mercury Retrograde and now with New Moon energy also trying to give it focus, so don’t rush headlong into the year, pace yourself as this works itself out. The 6-7th favor you showing up and making it about what you need. Mercury goes Direct on the 8th at which point things begin to shift. The 10-11th push you a bit but by the 12th you should start to feel like you are entering new territory about it. There are also a few days that stand out at the end of the month for these subjects so note that the 23rd and 29th hold potential and that there is some last-minute change or challenge on the 31st. Mercury Retrograde does dip back into Sagittarius turning your focus on key relationships from the 4-8th as you reconnect with past partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, opponents, competitors, or advocates, or you when you see one of these people retreating or you head back to something from the past with one of these people. It’s a mini-do-over and you should take the time to rethink or rework things. Once Mercury goes Direct on the 8th you will have forward movement with these people from then until the 12th. If you have anything legal, educational, travel, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political to work out with or about this person, this period from the 4-12th is when it will be appropriate to do so. Venus enters your Midheaven on the 3rd and she will tour here until February 2nd! That is a nice long time to enjoy the benefits she will bring to your career, reputation, personal goals, and dealings with established/authority type folk. This is a good time to just enjoy yourself more in these areas but it is also a time when you may find you can charm or attract the love or money, women or beauty, by pursuing what you want and being present to make it happen. These matters; your goals, recognition, career, parents, bosses, judges, and other authority figures, where under a strain in 2016 but that configuration is now out of orb as we enter 2017, except for a wide orb that will bring a slight bit back between June-September this year, at present you are out from under it. So, there should be every reason to believe you can really make some headway with love, income, beauty, or women on the career front, as they pertain to personal goals or the authority types now. Key days that stand out are the 3rd, 12th and 20th when things may be going swimmingly well and the 25-27th when you’ll push for something more or need to overcome some issue with the key individual and any legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political need in the mix. Also, note that Mars is also in this territory and is going to be actively pushing something in one of these areas between the 17-19th so you’ll be busy at this point. The Full Moon this month is on the 12th and brings peak emotional endings, celebrations, achievements, or break-throughs with your purchases, gifts, possessions, products, or income. I think this is somehow tied to what you are doing at home or with family, real estate deals or renovations, moves or roommates, and your sense of security. If you want to see something specific wrap up or come through, then work towards it in the days leading up to the 12th. From the 19th onward the Sun will begin to illuminate you in these legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes. This is a 30-day cycle that puts this spotlight on you and urges you to show up and get more personally or physically involved in these topics. You will stand out and can make it about your needs so do you want to head to the classroom to learn or teach, put out the book or broadcast the show, hop on a plane or book the flight, walk down the aisle, show up in court, sign the legal documents, go to church, or get your politics on?! PS, there is a social side to this for you so you could visit or have a visit from a friend, make new friends at school, expand your teaching online or in groups, have a big social celebration of the wedding, get involved with a publishing or broadcasting group, join the church choir, you get the idea. Speaking of the social side of life, Mars is about to show up in your social zone for the first time in 2 years on the 28th. He will travel through this arena now through March 9th, sparking more activity, stirring passions, igniting fights, and motivating you to pursue your needs with friends, associates, groups, charities, astrology, social networking, the internet, gatherings, causes, your freedom, original projects, inventions, and personal aspirations. This is when you can really make things happen, just guard against your short fuse in these matters. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and see if it’s right for you! CANCER: You’ve been revisiting the past via relationships since last month, Cancer, and January opens with this energy still at play. So, expect to be rethinking, reworking, releasing, or reconnecting with partners, clients, specialists, opponents, competitors, agents, attorneys, or advocates up until the 8th. You also have forward New Moon momentum regarding these people until the 11th so all that reviewing you are doing seems to have a goal in mind and the potential to get there, take it slow and figure it out. There are some key dates that stand out when dealing with them or when trying to meet them, learn more about them, etc, and these are the 6-7th when there seems to be some opportunity available for you, the 10th when a last minute change or surprise challenges you, the 11th when something big is on the table, and the 12th when you really start to feel like you are heading out of the Retrograde sludge and into open territory. At month’s end the 23rd and 29th both seem to promise something with or about one of these individuals while the 31st again hosts that wild-card, last minute challenge. As far as the Mercury Retrograde goes, it has for the most part been focused on these key individuals but there is a small window when it is going to dip back into Sagittarius and ask that you review paperwork, hired help, co-workers, jobs, health matters, or pet situations. This is from the 4-8th when old situations, people, issues, or opportunities will revive, and then as Mercury goes Direct on the 8th things shift a bit and you will see some forward momentum with these topics from the 8-12th. Venus is arriving in your 9th house on the 3rd and she will tour here until February 2nd. This is a magical or mystical period while Venus is in Pisces. For you the 9th house matters she will hone in on are travel plans, people at a distance, legal matters, educational pursuits, weddings, religion, politics, educational interests, media ventures, or marketing ideas. So, you may find that love is blossoming while involved in these themes or that you can now earn money here more easily, or that a woman or women are more focal in these matters or that you are pursuing a beauty need in these ways. Special days are the 3rd, 12th and 20th when she is enjoying the potential in these areas, and the 25-27th when something more is going on that pushes things a bit. Also, note that Mars is also in this territory and is going to be actively pushing something in one of these areas between the 17-19th so you’ll be busy at this point. The Full Moon this month is in your sign Cancer! This peaks on the 12th so the days leading up to this may be emotionally charged as you are reaching the culmination in some area of life that is important to you, your body, image, brand, name, title, or identity. You may celebrate reaching a goal or garner some recognition or wrap something up you’ve been working on or mark an ending to some chapter of your life. It’s a big day and if you have something you’d like to achieve or wrap up, work towards it in the days leading up to the 12th. Note that the sign Cancer rules emotions, security, nurturing, family, property, and country, so you may feel that something here is important to what you are reaching. From the 19th onward the Sun will be lighting up your 8th house and urging you to show up and take the lead with your financial needs, sex life, reproductive situation, divorce, mortality issues, or third party scenarios. This means for the next 30 days you can get more personally or physically involved with the loan, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, investments, settlements, commissions, alimony, child support, or partner’s money, or with your sex life, reproductive needs, divorce, mortality issues, or third party matters. Put your needs forward. Think back to Feb/March 2015 and what you were busy about then. Mars is returning to heat up the story and get you much, much busier than you’ve been since then when it comes to your career, personal goals and what’s going on with the parent, boss, judge, or other authority figure. You will have this added momentum to pursue goals, career and what you’re doing with the authority types until March 9th so aim high. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and see if it’s right for you! LEO: In the first third of January you really need to keep the momentum around the reorganizing, decluttering, cleaning, reworking of your work skills and projects, rethinking your job, revisiting past co-workers, work projects, hired help, health issues or pursuits, and animal interests, and fine-tuning what you can here so that you can not only wrap up the last of the Mercury Retrograde do-over but take advantage of New Moon energy that is helping you move things forward. Expect the 6-7th to open up some potential in what you are doing and for a shift to start to occur between the 8th-12th as the Retrograde ends and gets back to forward motion in these matters. Other dates that stand out are the 10th and 11th when you’ll push harder or need to tackle challenges, the 23rd and 29th when things are opening up for you, and the 31st when any last big push is underway. Mercury Retrograde will also veer off of these subjects for a short span between the 4-8th and ask that you reconnect or release something from the past involving a lover, the kids, a creative project, or recreational interests. So, during this period rethink what you want and fine-tune what you can. From the 8-12th you will see forward movement again and remember it is all about communications and decisions now. You are going to get to host Venus in your 8th house this month, starting on the 3rd and lasting until February 2nd. Her presence in this part of your chart should help smooth out issues or attract the love, income, beauty, or women in beneficial ways to situations involving sexual intimacy, reproduction, divorce, loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, or a partner’s money. So, in other words, you may find a wonderful female tax expert or loan officer, fall in love with a woman or meet the right female matchmaker helping you rekindle your intimate life, hire a woman divorce attorney, or find the right woman OBGYN. You may also find ways to earn money in the financial industry, or invest in something beautiful. Key days are the 3rd, 12th and 20th when things are looking up, and the 25-27th when you are pushed or pushing for something more. Also, note that Mars is also in this territory and is going to be actively pushing something in one of these areas between the 17-19th so you’ll be busy at this point. The Full Moon this month arrives on the 12th and is a culmination of something in your artistic, spiritual, romantic, addictive, healing, hospital, investigative, research, magical, or psychic arenas. This may mean wrapping up projects, marking endings, celebrating, garnering some recognition, or noting achievements in these areas. So, work towards what you’d like to see come through or wrap up in the days leading up to the 12th with your art, film, music, painting, poetry, meditation, yoga, prayer, hospitals, dealings with addictions, healing, spas, retreats, prisons, research, investigation, romantic getaway, clandestine romance, magic, or psychic needs. Because this is a Full Moon in Cancer, the themes of this sign; property, family, emotions, nurturing, security, or history, may color this peak period. The Sun enters new territory on the 19th and will now open up a 30-day cycle that spotlights relationships for you Leo! This is the time to step up, show up, get more personally or physically involved, in what you want with partners, agents, clients, competitors, specialists, attorneys, or other key players. You should put your needs forward and take the lead. If you can focus this on your aspirations and/or involve causes, friends, groups, the internet, charities, astrology, or freedom, then so much the better. Mars is back in the game starting the 28th and will tour here until March 9th to rekindle the fire beneath making things happen in legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political arenas over this period. You haven’t had this kind of momentum here in 2 years so expect to get very busy with at least one of these themes. You may experience more passion, motivation and sometimes anger, just keep a lid on that fuse, you can really make things happen now. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and see if it’s right for you! VIRGO: Lovers, children, creative ventures, or recreational pursuits, these topics are going to be taking up a whole lot of your rethinking, reviewing, reconnecting with past people, situations, ideas, or issues, reworking of things, releasing what is not working, and gathering some forward momentum as you move towards that next chapter as January gets underway. This is thanks to the ongoing Mercury Retrograde asking for some fine-tuning or do-over while the New Moon is pushing you into the next level. So, slow down and take your time so you get it right. Expect some good openings here between the 6-7th, a shift as Mercury goes Direct on the 8th, some push or challenges on the 10th and 11th, some noticeable forward momentum on the 12th, and then towards month’s end, more good opportunities on the 23rd and 29th, with one last push/challenge on the 31st. Mercury Retrograde spend all December covering these themes and will keep it focused here in the first of January but there is a small span when the focus dips back to look at home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates so that you can rewrite, rework, release, or reconnect over it. This occurs from the 4-8th. On the 8th Mercury goes Direct so you are moving forward and will have that forward momentum the 8-12th. So, speak up, look at agreements, involve neighbors, siblings, transportation, electronics, and decisions as you work this out. Venus is going to bless you with her presence in your relationship zone starting on the 3rd. She will stay in this area until February 2nd giving you plenty of time to smooth things out or attract what you seek. Relationships means a focus now on romantic partners, business partners, specialists, agents, attorneys, clients, opponents, competitors, or advocates and Venus themes: true love, income, beauty, or women. So, look around for the good things the universe is bringing you via these key people and be proactive about pursuing what feels good here. Note that special days are the 3rd, 12th and 20th when things look up, and the 25-27th when the push is on over something more here. Also, be advised that Mars is active in the same matters between the 17-19th provoking some kind of activity that is amped up so this would mean lots more motivation, passion and busy activity or fighting and anger sparking up, take heed. The Full Moon is on the 12th and is about a big moment involving friends, groups, gatherings, the internet, astrology, charities, or your aspirations, freedom, original ideas, or an Aquarius in your life. This is when you are wrapping things up, marking endings, celebrating, or noting achievements here. Since this is a Full Moon in Cancer, the themes of that sign may color what is occurring: property, family, emotions, security needs, or nurturing. Work towards what you’d like to see culminate in the days leading up to this peak. The Sun enters Aquarius on the 19th and will tour here over the next 30 days which is your call to action to get in there and do the organizing, cleaning, decluttering, work, and to tackle anything involving health, animals, hired help, co-workers, or the job. You will stand out and should be getting more personally or physically involved in these matters now, putting your interests forward, and pursuing your aspirations in the matter. Back in Feb/March 2015 you hosted Mars in Aries and got busier than usual with loans, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, investments, or some other big financial matters, or you were all about the sexual interests, reproductive needs, divorce, mortality issues, or third party scenarios. Mars is now returning to kick up that same kind of motivation, passion, activity, and fighting spirit over these themes starting on the 28th. Mars will tour here this time until March 9th so plan on getting busy and making things happen, just be aware that your fuse is shorter over these topics and guard against outbursts. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and see if it’s right for you! LIBRA: I know it may feel like a pain but you still have a ton to tackle when it comes to your home, any moves, renovations or real estate deals, your family or parent, or the roommates, Libra. Mercury Retrograde dragged you back into the past over these themes during the month of December and is still actively asking you to purge, reconnect with past people or situations, rethink things, rework what is possible, and fix what can be fixed. You also have New Moon momentum helping you move into that next chapter actively pushing you forward in the first 11 days of this month, so the combination is going to commandeer most of your energy as the month begins, show up. Expect some possible upward mobility here the 6-7th, a shift in the dynamic on the 8th as Mercury Retrograde ends, a big push or challenge the 10-11th, and then real fresh momentum from the 12th onward. Also, note that towards the end of the month, the 23rd and 29th hold added potential with these matters while the 31st is a push/challenge. Mercury Retrograde is going to take a short dip out of these subjects the 4-8th at which point you can review, release, reconnect, or rework things involving agreements, sales, writing, interviews, talks, meetings, offers, siblings, neighbors, transportation, electronics, local activities, moves, short trips, or decisions. When Mercury goes Direct on the 8th you’ll feel that shift and then have some forward momentum with these themes between the 8-12th. So, plan accordingly. Now for some good news, Venus, your lovely ruler, is moving into your zone of work scenarios, co-workers, hired help, paperwork, health, and pets, starting on the 3rd. She will tour here until February 2nd, giving you plenty of time to enjoy the good vibes she brings to these situations. Her presence here can aid you in attracting the income you need, bringing or expressing more love around what is going on, smooth out rough situations, draw women to the scene who are beneficial in some way, and/or add beauty to the scenario. So, if you can interview with a woman, work in the beauty industry, want to earn more at work, want to start a money-making gig with a co-worker, find yourself falling for said co-worker, want to hire a health professional, work out with an associate, find more time to love on the pets, well, you get the idea, there is good flow here. Some key dates of note are the 3rd, 12th and 20th when there seems to be a bit more goodness going on and the 25-27th when there is some push going on over one of these topics. Do also note that Mars is active in this same territory the 17-19th when things will heat up big time with more activity at which point you may be challenging yourself or feeling challenged. The Full Moon this month arrives on the 12th and is at the apex of your chart, a big deal for achieving or wrapping up personal goals, for striving to some new height on the career front, garnering some recognition, wrapping up career projects, or retiring from that career position. It can also bring peak moments regarding a parent, boss, director, teacher, judge, mentor, or other authority type, again with breakthroughs, endings, achievements, or celebrations. Since this is a Full Moon in Cancer, the themes of that sign can color these goals, career matters or authority figures, so focus in on emotions, security needs, property, family, or history in the mix. Work towards what you’d like to see culminate in the days leading up to this date. More good news, the Sun is taking his rays and aiming them at your house of true love, creative endeavors, children, and recreation, starting on the 19th. This opens up a 30-day cycle that will urge you to show up and get more personally or physically involved in one or more of these areas. It is a time when you stand out and can take the lead, make it about your needs, and involve your name, body, image, brand, or title in the matter. Since this is happening in Aquarius you may find that some of this is really working for you when out with friends, online, at gatherings, or in group activities, so I think it’s time to connect! Mars is moving into your relationship zone on the 28th, a place he has not been in about 2 years, and here he is going to light a flame that sparks all kinds of amplified activity with, for or about the romantic partners, business partners, clients, specialists, agents, competitors, opponents, advocates, or attorneys. Mars is going to keep you busier here until March 9th helping you to motivate yourself and others, to express more passion and to fight the good fight. Just do be aware that Mars is also the one who triggers anger and fights so if you feel it coming on, put the flame thrower down! There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and see if it’s right for you! SCORPIO: Last month most likely kept you guessing with Mercury Retrograde active in the house he is associated with for your sign; communications, information, transportation, merchants, sales, agreements, siblings, neighbors, local activities, short trips, and decision-making. As you enter January he is still pushing you to revise, release, reconnect, or rethink what you want out of these areas of life. Do you still need to rewrite something, renegotiate terms, go back and interview or audition again, meet up with someone from the past, return to an old neighborhood, get back to old sales, where is your do-over? You have until the 8th when Mercury will go Direct to fix whatever needs fixing and let go of the rest. You also have an active New Moon boost forward as the month begins in these same arenas so it is possible to face in both directions right now, really, it is! Key days are the 6-7th when you may see some improvements, the 8th when Mercury shifts and so does whatever you are into, the 10-11th when you are challenging yourself or feeling challenged to move it forward, and the 12th when real fresh energy starts to be felt. Also, note at the end of the month you may have some good momentum in these matters on the 23rd and 29th, while getting another major push on the 31st. Mercury Retrograde is going to take a small break from these topics from the 4-8th when he asks that you go back over something involving income, purchases, possessions, or products. You may hear from past people, review past ideas, issues or opportunities, and again release, reconnect or rework things. On the 8th when Mercury Retrograde ends you’ll start to shift this in some way and find you have some forward momentum between now and the 12th. Now for the good news, Venus is entering into your zone of true love, children, creative projects, and recreation on the 3rd and she will tour here until February 2nd! This is about helping you find more pleasure and enjoyment in these areas, to smooth out issues, attract the love, income, beauty, or women into the mix that can make it all feel better, and to bring more sparkle to you when in pursuit of these topics. Key days are the 3rd, 12th and 20th when things are looking up and the 25-27th when you are pushing or feeling pushed over something going on here. Take note that Mars is also active in these areas of life right now and he will be kicking something into high gear here between the 17-19th so you may have accelerated passions, more activities or more anger and fights during this period, so consciously lean towards that positive on this one. The Full Moon peaks on the 12th this month bringing a breakthrough, wrap-up, ending, achievement, or celebration around 9th house matters for you. That means that you can have something big peaking now in media, marketing, publishing, or broadcasting outlets, with educational pursuits, the wedding, any legal matters, your travel plans, with people at a distance, your religious interests, or politics. Since this Full Moon is in Cancer, themes of this sign may color what is culminating now so think about your emotional needs, security needs, the property, family, or history involved. The Sun moves into your zone of home, real estate deals, renovations, moves, family, parents, roommates, history, ancestry, and security needs starting on the 19th. This puts a spotlight on you here and it will stay this way for the next 30 days! It means it’s a good time to take the lead and show up, get more personally or physically involved in what is going on and make it about your needs being met. You will stand out. If there is any way to tie in your aspirations or focus in on friends, groups, the internet, or gatherings here, so much more the better. Mars is going to spur you into action when it comes to work, hired help, co-workers, paperwork, your health, the pets, getting organized, and cleaning, starting on the 28th as he arrives in this territory for the first time in 2 years. This is going to make you busier than you’ve been since then about at least some of these themes and it is a great motivator. You will feel more energy around what is going on and can express more passion. Mars can stir anger and fights as well so do be cognizant of the potential to fight with others over these themes from now until March 9th when Mars moves on. This period may also coincide with a vibrant, motivated younger male that enters into the equation to move things along with your work, health, animals, paperwork, cleaning, organizing, or as a co-worker or hired help. Time to do it. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and see if it’s right for you! SAGITTARIUS: Make the first week and a half about really reworking or releasing anything that is blocking success for you with income, returning to any past income opportunities, revisiting ideas with past people over ways to make money, or renewing old ideas or projects to see if they have potential. Double check all facts and figures regarding any mix-ups or agreements over your earnings and look for ways to move things in the next level. You can also use this same period to do the same thing involving purchases, products or possessions. Mercury is wrapping up his Retrograde do-over here on the 8th and the New Moon will be done pushing you forward towards that next level by the 11th so be proactive. You may have some good moments with this on the 6-7th, feel that things are shifting as Mercury Retrograde ends on the 8th, push harder or deal with any challenges the 10-11th, and really see that new potential is there from the 12th onward. Do note that there are also a few days that stand out for these matters at month’s end; the 23rd and 29th when things open up, and the 31st when you are pushing or feeling pushed again over it. It is important to note that Mercury Retrograde will also dip back into your sign briefly from the 4-8th to review, rework, release, or reconnect on a personal or physical level, over your body, image, brand, name, title, or needs, and you should give these days over to your own interests and rethinking things as they arrive. On the 8th as Mercury goes Direct you will then have until the 12th with it now moving forward in your sign, allowing you to shift gears and start to move towards what you want or need. Venus is arriving in your 4th house on the 3rd and she will tour here until February 2nd which bodes well for what is going on in or about the home, your real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates. Venus can help smooth out issues, attract more love or income here, bring in beauty, or focus on a woman, all of which should be more pleasurable. Key days are the 3rd, 12th and 20th when something lovely could occur, and the 25-27th when you are going for something more or meeting a challenge. Do note that Mars is also active in this part of the world right now and will heat things up the 17-19th so these particular days may mean a whole lot more is actively going on about home, real estate, family, parents’ roommates, moves, or renovations, or there is more passion or anger, fighting spirit or male energy playing out here. Plan accordingly. The Full Moon on the 12th is about reaching some final moment or peak achievement with the loan, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, investments, settlements, alimony, child support, commissions, partner’s money, or other financial resource, or with your sex life, a reproductive matter, a death, birth, divorce, or third party situation. You may have a breakthrough, wrap up efforts, mark endings, achieve your aims, celebrate, or in other ways see things culminate, work towards what you would like to see come through in the days leading up to the 12th. Also, note that this Full Moon is in Cancer so property, family, emotional needs, or security themes may color how this plays out. The Sun arrives in Aquarius on the 19th and will tour here the next 30 days which puts a spotlight on you out in your local community, on short trips, with siblings or neighbors, with your talks, meetings, agreements, writing, sales, offers, and decisions, as well as with transportation or electronics. This is the time to get more personally or physically involved in moving your needs forward, take the lead and shine. If you can involve your aspirations, friends, associates, groups, online interests, or causes, so much the better. Mars is about to light things up for you with lovers, children, creative projects, and/or recreational pursuits starting on the 28th. You haven’t had this added heat here to trigger activity for about 2 years so plan to get busy from now through March 9th. It can help you make things happen, bring out more passion or fuel anger or fights, so take care with that last part since you would be most likely to heat up over the ones you love or your creative vision. Overall, it is a good influence that will take you further if you are proactive about what you want. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and see if it’s right for you! CAPRICORN: 2017 is starting out by giving you the opportunity to reinvent yourself in some way, an ongoing theme that was active in December, and will keep you busy rethinking, releasing, reconnecting with past people, ideas, issues, or opportunities, and reworking what you can between the 1st and 12th. So hone in on your own needs, ask the tough questions, pursue a do-over with your body, image, brand, name, title, or identity, push forward while going over any past needs or ideas, it’s about you. You may really need to communicate about goals or career matters, or reach out to the parent, boss, judge, or other authority figure about it. Key days are the 6-7th when there is potential breakthroughs, the 8th when Mercury Retrograde ends and things shift, the 10-11th when you are pushing harder or pushed in some way, and the 12th when you actually can start to see that fresh new territory is in sight. Also, note that at month’s end there are a few days that stand out; the 23rd and 29th when again there is more potential for you, and the 31st when again you will be challenged or will be challenging yourself. Mercury Retrograde is going to dip back into Sagittarius from the 4-8th at which point you will need to review any past situations involving artistic interests or projects, spiritual practices, clandestine romance or romantic getaways, healing, addictions, hospitals, self-sabotaging tendencies, karmic situations, the research, or investigations. Again, this is about past people or situations coming back around or withdrawal for a moment in current scenarios around these themes, and a do-over to figure things out. As Mercury goes Direct on the 8th things shift and you have from the 8-12th to see things starting to move forward again. Venus is going to spend most of January in your 3rd house, starting on the 3rd and touring here until February 2nd. So, this is really good for helping you to smooth things out or attract what you want through talks and meetings, interviews and auditions, sales and agreements, offers and proposals, writing and speaking roles, or when dealing with brothers, sisters, neighbors, transportation, or electronics. You may also see some of the benefits from Venus in your local activities or short trips. So, remember what Venus is about; love, income, beauty, and women. Want to see good things flowing in these areas, then head into the territory she is traveling; ask for it, express it, write it, sign it, sell it, propose it, interview about it, take a short trip, get local about it, involve the siblings or neighbors, vehicles, or electronics. Key days to watch for are the 3rd, 12th and 20th when things have extra potential, and the 25-27th when there is something pushing a bit more. Also, note that Mars is traveling in the same territory now and will trigger something here between the 17-19th which means you will be busier locally, on the short trip, with the sibling, neighbors, cars, electronics, writing, sales, agreements, meetings, talks, interviews, offers, proposals, or decisions. Mars will heat up the activity or passion, or stir anger and fights, so feel it out and if you sense that fuse is about to ignite that mouth of yours, you may want to count to 100, backwards. The Full Moon on the 12th is a culmination in your relationship zone Capricorn. This may mean you are wrapping up a project or agreement with an attorney, partner, agent, client, competitor, or specialist, or that you are reaching an ending with them altogether, or that you are achieving something you’ve been working towards or ready to celebrate some epic moment regarding them. Since this is in the sign of Cancer, that sign’s themes may color what occurs, so look at feelings, security needs, nurturing, family, or property matters to influence. The Sun enters Aquarius on the 19th kicking off a 30-day cycle that puts a spotlight on you making money, with your purchases, possessions, or products. This is when you want to show up and get more personally or physically involved in pursuing your aims here and when taking the lead can help you stand out. If you are ready to pursue your aspirations or involve friends, associates, groups, the internet, or gatherings as part of the way to get there, then so much the better. Think back to Feb/March 2015, that is the last time you had the added heat and activity that is about to reoccur for you when it comes to home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates. Mars enters this territory on the 28th and will tour here until March 9th, giving you plenty of time to motivate and make things happen here. You may find that you are all lit up over wanting to push things forward or that you have more passion about it or on the challenging side, that anger and fights are aimed in these directions. Just know that you can get more done now and do your best to avoid confrontations about these topics. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and see if it’s right for you! AQUARIUS: January opens with a continuance of motivation and reworking of things that are ruled by your 12th house, Aquarius. That means you can expect to be reviewing information, reconnecting with past people memories, issues, or opportunities, releasing what is no longer working, and revamping what has new potential, all while looking towards the future with these matters. What are they? Your art, film, music, poetry, or other muse-driven interests, your prayer, meditation, yoga, psychic abilities, magical interests, or healing, your dealings with institutions like hospitals, spas, retreats, or prisons, your karmic/past life balance with people, your private or secret romantic needs, and any research, investigations, or development behind the scenes. Mercury Retrograde is giving you until the 8th to rethink or revisit these themes while the New Moon is pushing you towards your next chapter in the first 11 days of the month. Key days that stand out are the 6-7th when something opens up about it, the 8th when the Retrograde ends and something shifts, the 10-11th when you are pushing harder or challenged in some way, and the 12th when you can finally start to see the upcoming potential. Note that there are also a few important days at month’s end about these matters; the 23rd and 29th when things are open again, and the 31st when you are pushed or pushing for more. Mercury Retrograde is going to do a short dip into Sagittarius from the 4-8th so at this point you will want to revisit friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, your aspirations, freedom, or original projects to reconnect and review things, or you may pull back a bit or see them pulling back for some time to think about things, it’s a short do-over. You’ll see things shift gears in these areas on the 8th and then have from then until the 12th to move ahead with anything you are interested in. Venus moves into Pisces on the 3rd and will tour here until February 2nd which means you have some nice things flowing around being valued, gifts, possessions, purchases, or income during this period. It may come from or focus on a woman or it may mean that love is flowering in these areas or there is something aimed at beauty in the mix. It should help you enjoy this side of life more and there are some key days that stand out. The 3rd, 12th and 20th open things up here, while the 25-27th push something bigger in the matter. Note that Mars is also active in these areas and will trigger some activity between the 17-19th so at this point you may see more happening about these themes or find you are more passionate about making things happen or that there is some anger or fighting over the topic. If you feel your fuse about to ignite, step back and wait it out. It’s more likely that you will get to benefit from the added push and forward momentum. The Full Moon on the 12th is about culminating high-points that for you focus on work situations, health, animals, paperwork, hired help, getting organized, or co-workers. This is when things will be reaching a peak as you wrap things up, mark endings, celebrate, or achieve in these matters. Since this is a Full Moon in Cancer, that signs themes may color how this plays out so look at emotional needs, security, family, property, and history to flavor what is climaxing. The Sun enters your sign on the 19th which give you added vital energy and puts a spotlight on you for the next 30 days. This is a time when you can really show up and get more personally or physically involved in what you need or what is going on with your body, image, brand, name, title, or identity. It’s a good time to connect socially, online or about your aspirations and original or unique ideas as well, as long as you are at the core of what is going on. Mars has not been in his own sign for a couple years but on the 28th he arrives and from now until March 9th he will be triggering all kinds of activity for you in your local arena or via short trips, with writing, agreements, sales, or offers, with talks, meetings, interviews, or auditions, and with brothers, sisters, neighbors, and about your vehicles, or electronics. You can make more happen now than at other times in these areas and it will give you more motivation to do so. It can stir passionate ideas or communications or help you express passions via that short getaway or local activity, and it can also spark angry words or fights so you should keep an eye on your fuse and what you say. Overall, it is a great time to move things along in these areas. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and see if it’s right for you! PISCES: The first part of January, at least the first 11 days, are really going to push you to go back over any old issues, opportunities, connections, or ideas, and release what is blocking you, rework what has potential or rethink what you want so you are moving forward. This is going to occur through talks and meetings, offers and decisions that focus in on your aspirations, freedom and original ideas, as well as via your friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, and/or social networking. So really dig in, allow what is meant to go, go, and do your part to revision what has legs and can take you into that next chapter. Mercury Retrograde ends here on the 8th so there is likely a shift sometime between now and the 12th, while the New Moon energy is pushing for forward motion until the 11th. Key days that stand out are the 6-7th when something is opening up, the 8th when Mercury goes Direct and things start to shift, the 10-11th when you are pushing harder or challenged, and the 12th when you finally see the new potential opening up. There are also a few key days towards month’s end; the 23rd and 29th when things are open, and the 31st when you are tested or pushing again. Mercury Retrograde is going to dip back into Sagittarius between the 4-8th so during this small window you should go back over personal goals, career needs or anything involving authority figures like the boss, parent, judge, or mentor. Review what is possible, rework what is not quite right, release what is over, once the Retrograde ends on the 8th you’ll have until the 12th with some forward momentum in these areas. Overall, remember Sagittarius themes: legal, travel, foreign, educational, media, marketing, legal, wedding, religious, or political matters, these may color the do-over you are having about goals, career or authority figures. Venus is moving into your sign on the 3rd and will travel through Pisces until February 2nd which is a very good thing for you. This is a period when your beauty shines inside and out, when you can charm others without even trying, and when the love, money flow and women should favor you a bit more than at other times of the year. It is great to focus this on your body, image or brand, or make it about your signature, name or title, or in any way you can experience pleasure and enjoyment on a personal or physical level. Key days are the 3rd, 12th and 20th when things open up, and the 25-27th when something challenges this or you are challenging yourself for more. Also, note, Mars is also active in your sign and will be triggering something between the 17-19th so at this point you will be charged up to the max and actively doing something that pushes you. This may be about passions or something you are motivated about or it could be about anger and fights, so plan accordingly and watch the fuse. The Full Moon on the 12th is when emotions run the highest and things are coming to an end, wrapping up, you’re having breakthroughs, noting achievements, garnering attention, or celebrating. The focus of this peak period is about love, lovers, children, creative ventures, or recreational pursuits. So expect to see something coming through or finalizing in one or more of these areas and for the themes that Cancer rules to color the moment: emotional needs, security, nurturing, home, family, or history. The Sun is entering your mystical 12th house on the 19th and will tour her for the next 30 days. This puts a spotlight on the more private, hidden things in life for you. It will urge you to show up and get more involved in these matters on a personal or physical level. So, let’s look at what the 12th house rules: romantic getaways, clandestine romance, karmic/past life unions, healing, dealing with addictions, hospitals, prisons, spas, and other institutions, art, film, music, poetry, and other muse-related themes, prayer, meditation or yoga, magic or psychic interests, investigations, research, and projects in development. So, expect to take the lead, step up and make it about you. It has been since Feb/March of 2015 since you hosted Mars in your zone of income, purchases, possessions, and products, and now on the 28th he returns. So, expect to get a whole lot busier pursuing these interests from now through March 9th. Mars will stir up the motivation to make things happen and get you more passionate about it, but again, Mars is also the trigger for anger and fights and during this period they would play out over earnings, your stuff/possessions, products, or purchases. At the core, any outbursts will be about showing you how you are valued, what you value and if your values align with whomever you are at the mat with, and let’s not have it come to that, right?! There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and see if it’s right for you! Views:]]>
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Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.