We enter July on New Moon energy in Cancer that will continue to propel us forward with our emotional and security needs…,
our family interests, home and real estate needs, what we’re doing with roommates, parents, moves, or renovations, and any early childhood topics or history that may interest us now in some new way. This is in effect until the 9th giving us that push from the cosmos to help us either start something new in one of these areas or to take current interests to the next level so be proactive. Note that between the 5-9th the Sun will engage with this energy in a big way so these days may stand out as the days when you are really in there physically or putting your name on something about it, tying in your image or brand, or making it more personal. There will be lots going on behind the scenes, involving key players like specialists, partners, agents, attorneys, clients, competitors, or the like, and there will likely be some major turning point with a power situation here involving goals, career, authority figures like that parent or the boss, judge, mentor, or director, and any financial, mortality, divorce, sexual, reproductive, or third party needs in the equation. This may push you a bit or you may really be hitting projects and goals harder at this point, it just looks quite active and intense. By the last day of the month, on the 31st, Venus will enter this fray and take her place helping to smooth things out, attract the love, income, women, or beauty needs in these home, family, real estate, moves, renovations, parents, or roommate’s scenarios heading into August, so you have that to look forward to.
Prior to Venus heading into this sphere, she enters Gemini on July 4th opening up a short little jaunt through this sign of neighborhood, nearby places, short trips, transportation, electronics, siblings, neighbors, writing, agreements, sales, interviews, offers, talks, meetings, ideas, and decisions between now and July 31st. So this means this period can be much more pleasurable in these areas, it can help you smooth out issues or attract love, income, women, or beauty through these areas more readily. There’s a certain charm in speech and affability in connections so plan accordingly with your schedule.
Mercury heads into Leo on the 5th which adds more color to our talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, offers, interviews, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, short trips, and local activities, since Mercury rules Gemini where Venus just entered the day before and now Mercury is answering to the Sun, ruler of Leo. What does that mean in plain English? That this adds themes of true love, children, creativity, and fun into the mix. We’ll have Mercury focusing our thoughts, communications and ideas as well as these other mundane matters on these topics until the 25th so again, plan meetings, pitches, talks, and short trips accordingly.
To add to Mercury in Leo’s story, Mars also moves into this sign on the 20th and this is the first time we’ve hosted Mars here in a couple years! Mars will now tour Leo until Sept. 5th and while he is here he is all about heating up the passion, fighting spirit and action regarding lovers, kids, creative ventures, and recreational pursuits. It’s time to do it, just make sure that you are leaning towards the ardent passion of love rather than the angry aggressive lover, more towards the motivated and charismatic creative or recreational activities rather than the dare-devil, act first and figure the rest out later, accident prone kind of Mars in Leo. And for certain lean towards motivating with or about the kids rather than letting the short fuse get the better of you in fights. Mars in this fun, expressive sign can mean we now have a chance to make things happen in ways that may have eluded us over the last couple years so really bite into what you love and go for it. As if to add emphasis to the potential here, the Sun enters Leo on the 22nd for a 30-day cycle here which will urge us to show up and get more personally or physically involved with love, lovers, kids, creative ventures, and recreation. This puts a spotlight on us and helps us take the lead, make it about our needs being met or gearing us up to show the way. Finally, the New Moon on the 23rd then gives us all the cosmic push from the universe to help propel us into new love interests, kid’s interests, creative ventures, or recreational pursuits, OR it helps us take current scenarios into new chapters or directions, giving us the boost we need over the next 2 weeks.
The Full Moon on the 9th is the peak time for our year with any career needs, what’s going on with our leaders, bosses, judges, parents, mentors, or other higher-up types, where we are with big personal goals and ambitions, our status, reputation, or recognition/fame/notoriety. This is when things should be wrapping up, ending, finalized, coming through, achieved, or celebrated. It’s good to look back over the year behind you and think about how far you have come in any of these areas as you reach your zenith now.
For those of you who are concerned about end-of-the-world scenarios, whether that is because you believe we are in biblical end time scenarios or that a certain group in power has been manipulating events to mimic those signs to their own end, both of which could rationally be argued at this point since so many events are transpiring out there, I do want you to be aware of the dates of July 20-24th. These may be significant because if an ‘antichrist’ were to interrupt this period of presidential power and still remain true to the ‘42 months back in power’ scenario put forth biblically, then the interruption would need to occur sometime around July 20th giving the rest of the term left just the 3-and-a-half-year time constraint needed. Next, we have one of the most powerful Eclipses in the history of the United States occurring in August and the Trigger date for it falls within this frame in July so if there were to be an ‘eclipsing out’ to make way for some New Moon in Leo Solar energy this would be the first time it would arise. The Trigger date before the Eclipse a month later can bring an actual event or set the stage for that event that would then follow in August. Stay safe, be vigilant and pray for all involved that love overrides greed and corruption.
Finally, Mercury heads into Virgo on the 25th and our thoughts turn to work, paperwork, hired help, health, animals, co-workers, getting organized, being of service to others, and cleaning. Our minds tend to be more analytical and critical during this phase so expect to get down to the details over the weeks ahead and do plan on setting up meetings, focusing on your agreements or sales, writing or interviews, offers or decisions, about these topics.
Make the first 9 days of July about home interests, family, moves, renovations, real estate deals, emotional needs being met, security interests, parents, history, or roommates while you have the added boost forward from last month’s New Moon. You may start something new while this energy favors you or take current interests to the next level. Do note that between the 5-9th the Sun will amplify what is going on big time, drawing you to get involved on a personal or physical level and bring in something big with or about a partner, client, specialist, agent, attorney, opponent, or other player. It will also take on Pluto which means big goals, career or authority figures involved and themes focused on financial, sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, or triangle scenarios in the mix. You will feel pushed or find you are pushing for something here yourself. Whatever comes up for you by month’s end Venus enters the story on the 31st and will take you into August with more enjoyment, women, love, income, beauty, or smooth sailing here.
Now for what Venus is doing elsewhere this month, on the 4th she moves into Gemini which may mean that love flowers out locally or on short jaunts to nearby places, via talks, meetings, agreements, writing, proposals, flirtations, and decisions, or with siblings, neighbors, over vehicles, or electronics, hey it’s possible! Venus also rules income, beauty and women so you may now see that these topics are moving more gracefully in these areas of interest as well. It’s a period when your words hold more charm and attracting abilities so you may use this for love, income or beauty, and you’ll have until the 31st to take the most advantage of it.
Mercury enters Leo, a sign about love, children, creative endeavors, and recreation, on the 5th so this as well lends energy to talks, meetings, agreements, local activities, short trips, writing, offers, and decisions that focus on love, but Leo adds in these other factors as well. So turn your thoughts to these matters, say yes to invitations, speak up about what you desire, this looks good. On top of communications and choices flowing through love, kids, creativity, and fun, your ruler, Mars, is showing up in this same territory on the 20th where he’ll now tour until Sept. 5th! You haven’t had his influence here in a couple years and it is bound to heat things up, bring out all kinds of passion, motivate you and others to take action on these themes, and at times spark fights and angry outbursts, (do keep an eye on that fuse). The bottom line is with Mars here you can make things happen so choose an interest and start now. The Sun joins the story on the 22nd for 30 days and will start to urge you to show up and get more personally or physically involved with or about these lovers, the pursuit of love, the kids, your creative talents or projects, or recreational interests. It’s a great time to stand out, get noticed, take the lead, and make it about you. Finally, there is a New Moon on the 23rd in these same arenas at which point you can start something new or take current interests to the next level, you’ll have 2 weeks of added boost from the cosmos to do so, be proactive.
Pay attention to what is transpiring between the 20-24th since this period may coincide with next month’s Eclipse themes, again with a focus on love, lovers, kids, creative projects, or recreational interests. Some people get triggered at this point ahead of time and if that is you then there can be an eclipsing out of something that has been holding you back, blocking progress, is past it’s prime, or run its course, as part of a much bigger story that is about opening things up and giving you a push forward in these areas. So for example you could have an aha moment about how you’ve been doing something that is blocking love from coming in and you eclipse that habit out now and then find that the door is opening wide for new love interests who are not being put off by that habit. Or it could be that you are ending one love relationship for another or ending one way of being in love for another (as in going from dating to fiancé or engaged to married, etc.). The same applies for eclipsing out outdated situations with the kids, your creative project or recreational interests and opening up to new avenues or next level interests here. If none of this comes about during this period then it is more likely to arrive next month around the 21st so go with what shows itself to you.
The Full Moon on the 9th is about things peaking on the career front, with a boss, parent, judge, or other authority type, with your personal goals, your leadership abilities, your reputation, status, or fame/recognition level. At this point in the year you may reach a high point, finalize scenarios, wrap things up on projects, or end situations, or you may have some breakthroughs, celebrations or achievements in these areas. Do note how far you’ve come since this time last year, take the moment, take the bow.
Last but not least, Mercury moves into Virgo on the 25th turning your thoughts to work, health, paperwork, organizing, hired help, co-workers, the animals, and cleaning. You may hear news about something in one of these arenas as this kicks in or just start to make your mental lists and phone calls about what comes next. It’s a good time over these next few weeks to write things up, focus in on agreements, negotiations, sales, interviews, offers, talks, meetings, short trips, and decisions about these matters, and the details count. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com.
New Moon momentum is still behind your talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, short trips, interviews, ideas, and decisions, as well as with what you are doing with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, and local activities, for the first 9 days of July. This is the best time for you to open up, go for what’s next or to start something new here. Do note that the Sun will amplify this between the 5-9th big time so you can count on being more personally or physically involved at this point and for dealing with a lot going on with a few key individuals, the work or health, pets or people you work with, paperwork or organizing, as well as any legal, travel, financial, sexual, mortality, divorce, educational, media, wedding, religious, or political themes evolving. You are pushing for something or feeling pushed, either way it’s go time. By the 31st Venus will enter this territory of communications, siblings, neighbors, short trips, agreements, sales, writing, local activities, vehicles, electronics, and decisions, and take you into August on a lovely vibe that can help you smooth things out in these areas or attract the love, income, women, or beauty via these channels.
Your ruler is entering your zone of earnings, purchases, possessions, and products on the 4th and she will travel here until the 31st! This means during this period you will have a little more charm than normal when it comes to attracting income or putting your best face forward with your product, it can mean smoothing out rough patches or situations involving your income, possessions, purchases, or products, or it can help amplify the earning side of all of this, bring women on board who are good for what you are doing about it, tie in beauty themes, or love in these areas. It should definitely help you to enjoy what is going on or get what you want a bit more easily so apply yourself!
Mercury moves into your home base on the 5th to tour until the 25th so you get exactly 20 days to really get into those talks, interviews, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, short trips, proposals, offers, local activities, or decisions about the home, real estate deals, renovations, move, family, parent, or roommates. You may also hone in on the siblings or neighbors in the mix or make it about transportation or electronics needs here, it’s time to open up about it and that’s not all! Nope, next, Mars enters into the picture for the first time in 2 years to heat things up and get you way busier with all of these home, family, parent, roommate, move, renovation, or real estate needs. This will give you one of the most passionate and motivated times here to move your mountains or express your desires. It will also bring sudden outbursts, heated fights or accidents into play if you’re not careful so watch the fuse. You’ll have until Sept. 5th to move things along but the story this month is not done yet. Next the Sun enters the story on the 22nd and will kick off a 30-day cycle here that will urge you to show up and get more personally or physically involved in what is going on here. This is the time to take the lead and make it about your needs, name, title, body, image, or brand in the equation, you will get noticed. Finally, the New Moon on the 23rd kicks off a powerful 2 week window that can now help you to start something new in these areas or to take current interests to the next level, now that’s a lot of mojo to make it happen! One last note about this subject matter, between the 20th-24th you may be one of those who are triggered early by next month’s Solar Eclipse and if so during this period there could be an eclipsing out to make way for something new or next level opening up. So for example you could eclipse out the old garage to build the new one or eclipse out the bad habit of eating bonbons on the couch by tossing out the couch and setting up a workout room in the home, or eclipse out the old homestead by purchasing a new one. So, pay attention to what occurs around this time, it might be helping you move past something that was blocking you or is now wrapping up as you head into the next project.
The Full Moon on the 9th brings things to a head for you in legal arenas, with trips or people at a distance, with educational curves or pursuits, your media, marketing or publishing interests, the wedding, your religious scenarios, or politics. This is when things are finalizing, wrapping up or ending, or when you are having breakthroughs, celebrations or achievements in these matters. Work towards what you’d like to see culminate leading up to this point.
Finally, Mercury moves into your zone of true love, creative ventures, kids, and fun on the 25th so it’s time to put in the effort to enjoy yourself or at least to start thinking about it, make a few calls, meet up, talk, write, look at agreements, sales, short trips, or local activities about it. You’ll have a few weeks to sort it all out. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com.
July opens with a lot of momentum behind making money, your purchases, what you’re doing with possessions, and/or products, and that is due to New Moon energy still boosting you forward up until the 9th. You want to be proactive about setting things in motion, whether that is about starting something new in these areas or about pushing things into that next chapter in current scenarios. Make note that between the 5th-9th things are due to really amplify with these themes as Mars fires things up and sets the activity flowing so you’ll be extra busy with earning, spending, products, or possessions. This period is a push that involves key players and the creative projects, kids, lovers, or recreational pursuits in the mix, as well as some one-on-one time with someone over financial, sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, or third party matters in the mix. By the 31st Venus joins this story and from here forward will do her part to smooth things out, attract the women who can help or who are integral to earning, purchases, possessions, or products. Venus will also help you attract love, amplify income, or focus on the beauty topics in the scenario so her presence will make August go more with the flow after all the efforts of this month.
Before Venus does all of this she is going to spend most of July, from the 4th-31st in your sign and this is just lovely for you. Hosting Venus gives you an added charm and attractiveness that others respond to so you may find you are the center of attention or getting your way a bit more during this period. It can help you with any beauty regimes or procedures you might want to instigate now. It can help you attract the love, income or women to your side who are good for you, and definitely help with focus on your body, image, brand, name, title, or personal needs. So enjoy!
Your ruler, Mercury, is heading into your communications zone on the 5th where he will zip through between now and the 25th. This will be an asset in talks, meetings, with agreements, negotiations, sales, writing, interviews, short trips, vehicles, electronics, siblings, local activities, neighbors, offers, ideas, and decisions. So you only have 20 days, how can you best use this added energy here? It gets even better, starting on the 20th Mars enters this arena so his presence here over the weeks ahead will definitely bring more passion, fighting spirit, sudden outbursts, or action behind your words and choices, writing and agreements, sales and short trips, siblings and neighbors, meetings and interviews, or what you’re doing with transportation or electronics. Mars is the triggering energy so you may find you are pretty unstoppable in these areas, just do remind yourself that you can go from zero to 60 in a second with angry retorts or aggressive driving so you don’t spoil all the good side effects of having this energy here. The Sun will then join in on the 22nd kicking off a 30-day cycle that puts a spotlight on all of these topics and urges you to show up and start getting more personally or physically involved, making it about you and your needs being met and taking the lead. It should definitely get you noticed. Finally, the New Moon on the 23rd opens up a 2-week window that gives you the added boost forward with these talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, offers, short trips, local activities, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics so you’ll want to plan accordingly and launch with new situations or next level prospects in current ones from this date forward. One last note, pay attention to what occurs between the 20th-24th as a certain percentage of you can have experiences in these areas that are tied to next month’s Solar Eclipse during this pre-trigger phase. If so it could mean eclipsing out of something that has run its course or has been blocking you and getting an even bigger boost forward into new arenas or next chapters in ongoing situations. This can be eclipsing out of outworn ideas, bad habits, old choices, or the actual situations or people involved to move into that next chapter, again what it coming up now is tied to what will be front and center at the Eclipse August 21st.
The Full Moon on the 9th is about some epic high point with loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, taxes, insurance, settlements, investments, alimony, child support, commissions, a partner’s money, or other financial scenarios, or it is about a peak with sexual interests, reproductive needs, mortality issues, divorce, or third party situations. At this time things should be resolving, getting any finalizations, or you may have breakthroughs, achievements, celebrations, or other peak experiences around one or more of these matters.
The last shift on the list for us to look at is Mercury moving into your home base on the 25th. This means thoughts will turn to home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, roommates, security needs, childhood memories, history, ancestry, or emotional scenarios over the weeks ahead. Mercury will open up talks, news, offers, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, sibling or neighbor interactions, the electronics in the mix, or decisions that will help you in these areas. Time to ask for it, share it, sign it, sell it, pitch it, write it, listen for it, or choose. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com.
Hopefully you are feeling your oats as you enter July since you do so with New Moon energy in your sign propelling you forward and giving you the edge out there when it comes to your own needs being furthered or what is going on with your body, image, brand, name, title, or identity. It’s time to be proactive about pursuing your interests and you have until the 9th with this boost so start the month with a bang. Note that the Sun is going to be heating things up for you between the 5th-9th in these personal or physical Cancer sign topics so you may find you are much busier showing up and getting involved in something important to you or that there is more need to put your name or title to something or to focus on the body, image or brand now. This definitely will involve at least one other key player and push for something big at home, with home, the real estate deals, move, renovations, parent, roommate, or family, as well as being about some powerful changes or purging, evolution or transformation, bringing focus to big financial matters, sexual interests, reproduction, mortality, divorce, or third party matters. So yeah, set these dates aside for whatever this amplified activity will be about. Finally, by month’s end Venus enters your sign to start to smooth things out or bring more love, income flow, women, or beauty focus to your sign. This is lovely for attracting the good stuff and enjoying yourself more as you head into August.
Before Venus joins in with these other planets to focus on your needs she will be entering your magical and oh so strange 12th house on the 4th and spending her time there until the 31st smoothing out issues and attracting the love, women, income, or beauty interests your way via 12th house matters. So that means these matters going on via film, music, art, museums, theaters, painting, poetry, or other muse-related arenas, via healing, dealing with addictions, hospitals, or other institutions, via romantic getaways or clandestine romance, via spiritual beliefs and practices, meditation, yoga, prayer, magical interests, or psychic abilities, or via research, investigations or projects in development. It’s a month to have some privacy and behind the scenes time on these matters and to work things out before bringing them out into the light of day next month.
Mercury is heading into your zone of earned income, purchases, products, and possessions starting on the 5th and will travel here through the 25th. These 20 days are great for getting into talks or interviews, meetings or negotiations, agreements or sales, writing or pitches, short trips or local activities, and to make some choices about your earning power/potential, purchases, possessions, or products. If you’ve been waiting to hear back from someone about any of these topics it’s likely to come during this period. Mars is also going to be getting into these topics starting on the 20th and he is bringing the heat, pushing for action about it, motivating you, bringing your passion or fighting spirit to bear about it, and from time to time sparking anger or outbursts so keep that in mind. You’ll have until Sept. 5th with this added boost so make it count. The Sun then joins in on the 22nd kicking off a 30-day cycle that spotlight you in these matters and asks that you start showing up and getting more personally or physically involved in making money, pursuing income, making purchases, dealing with possessions, or focusing on product. This period helps you stand out and makes it easier for you to take the lead and promote your own needs in the matters. Next there is a New Moon on the 23rd that opens up a 2-week window that will help propel you into that next chapter or start something new with income, purchases, product, or possessions. Finally do note that some of you may be having experiences between the 20th-24th that are the pre-trigger for next month’s Solar Eclipse in these matters so it is possible that something is eclipsed out in one or more of these matters while giving you a major push into that next level or new thing and if so this would be about 3 times more powerful so watch for it.
The Full Moon on the 9th brings climactic peaks with or about romantic partners, business partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, competitors, opponents, or other key players so plan on reaching goals, celebrating, or having breakthroughs, or getting your finalization, wrapping things up or marking endings. What’s going on with authority figures like the boss, parent, judge, or mentor, or your career and personal ambitions may color this peak moment.
Finally, on the 25th Mercury moves into Virgo turning your thoughts to the talks, meetings, offers, agreements, writing, sales, local activities, or decisions that you need to focus on regarding health needs, work, paperwork, hired help, co-workers, cleaning, organizing, or animals. This same shift may bring some focus on the health, work, paperwork, pets, hired help, or co-workers involving your brothers, sisters, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, or short trips. You’ll have several weeks to open things up here, get into the details and form opinions so plan accordingly. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com.
July starts out with you actively engaged in something behind the scenes. This could be charging up your batteries through rest and recuperation, what you’re doing about healing, addictions or hospitals, or it could be about a big push on an art project, film, musical endeavor, or other muse-related interest, it could be about romantic time with someone or the research you need to move forward, or it could be about reconnecting with something spiritual or magical or psychic. You really do want to give it your energy at least for the first 9 days while you have this push from the New Moon to help you launch into that next chapter or start something new. Note that between the 5th-9th the Sun will amplify what’s going on here, pulling you into it on a personal or physical level, and pushing you with big news or talks, offers or agreements, sales or writing, ideas or decisions with someone. It will also bring you into a one-on-one with someone over the work, health, pets, paperwork, hired help, co-workers, or organizing and cleaning as you tackle any evolving or changing scenarios and how that impacts financial, sexual, reproductive, death, birth, divorce, or third party matters, yep, give yourself extra time to focus on these days. By the 31st Venus will enter the picture and start to smooth things out or attract the women, income, love, or beauty interests that make this go more easily and this will take you well into August.
Before Venus heads there she will be entering your social field on the 4th and traveling there until the 31st so you will see a lot more pleasurable moments with friends, in groups, online, with astrology, charities, gatherings, in the pursuit of your aspirations, or around your original projects during this period. Venus will bring the women into the picture in some beneficial way or open up the flow of income or love through these outlets or bring the focus to the beauty interests here. It should be sweet.
Mercury heads into your sign on the 5th which is your cue to start promoting your own interests and needs between now and the 25th. This 20 day period can help you open up the talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, offers, short trips, local activities, interviews, or decisions that put the focus on you, your body, image, brand, name, title, identity, or personal needs so speak up, ask for it, listen for it, sign it, sell it, and make your choices. Mars also enters your sign starting on the 20th so from now until Sept. 5th you host the fire planet that is all about making things happen, the magnetism and passion, a fighting spirit, and motivating you to show up and do what your will sparks you to do. It will be hard for others to resist you during this phase and you will have more stamina all things considered so plan on moving a mountain or two, just keep a leash on the anger/aggressive side of this that could land you in a fight or two if you’re not aware of it. The Sun then enters Leo on the 22nd kicking off a 30-day cycle that will urge you to step forward and put forward your interests, yes I know this sounds like a whole lot of focus on you and it is and it’s time so just smile and go for it. This is a spotlight on you that will help you lead and get noticed. The New Moon on the 23rd is then going to give you a boost forward over the next 2 weeks when it comes to you, your body, image, brand, name, title, or personal needs. Think Leo themes: love, kids, creative ventures, or recreational pursuits, and ways to make this about you or to fulfill your needs. Do note that between the 20th-24th it’s possible to experience the pre-trigger of next month’s Solar Eclipse in your sign so you may be eclipsing something out to propel yourself or your needs, your body or image, brand or name, into that next chapter or something new. If so it’s time.
The Full Moon on the 9th is about something coming to a peak on the work front, with a work project, the co-workers, hired help, paperwork, organizing, cleaning, health needs, or animals. This is when you can get your finalization, wrap things up, mark endings, or when you can have breakthroughs, celebrate or note achievements in these areas.
Mercury moves into Virgo on the 25th where he will tour the next few weeks so your thoughts will turn to making money, what you want to purchase, what you’re doing with possessions, and what’s going on with your products. This period will help you to get into talks, hear news, field offers, interview, negotiate terms, deal with agreements, sales, writing, short trips, local activities, or decisions about these themes so start now. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com.
Expect July to get underway with an emphasis on pursuing your aspirations or original projects, freeing yourself from any restrictive scenarios, and connecting with friends, groups, online interests, astrology, charities, or gatherings. You have boosted energy here until the 9th that can help you to enter into new situations here or to take current ones to the next level so be proactive about it. Also note that since this stems from the sign Cancer there may be home, family, security, or emotional factors coloring what you do in these matters. From the 5th-9th the Sun will spotlight something with these social or aspirational interests putting you at center stage and helping you to focus things on you and your needs or get more personally or physically involved. This will align with partners, specialists, reps, clients, or other players as well as push for something big involving a purchase, your income, possessions, or products. It should also put you one-on-one at some point with another person over love, kids, creative ventures, or recreational pursuits and may be deep, powerful, triangular, or transformational. By the 31st Venus enters the stage of friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, aspirations, and original projects to kick off several weeks helping you via women, love, income, or beauty interests in the mix. This period should smooth things out or help you attract and/or enjoy the good stuff.
Before Venus arrives in these areas at month’s end she will be taking up residence in your Midheaven between the 4th-31st. So at this point she can benefit you via women, love, income, or beauty interests that are goal-oriented, about what is possible on the career front or with authority types like a boss, parent, judge, or mentor. So plan to connect with these higher-ups or to set out towards personal goals and for your status, reputation or career momentum to benefit from this attractive and enjoyable energy.
Mercury moves into Leo on the 5th-25th giving you a good 20 days to amp up the talks, news, offers, agreements, meetings, sales, writing, short trips, or decisions involving healing, hospitals, dealing with addictions, behind the scenes developments, research, investigations, romance, artistic pursuits, or spiritual practices. This period is great for ideas flowing, hearing what you’ve been waiting to hear, asking for it, pitching it, or choosing something. You could also use this period to focus more on a brother, sister, neighbor, vehicle, electronic interest, or local activity tied into these themes. Mars will join this story on the 20th kicking off several weeks of amplified activity, passion, fighting spirit, and motivation about these matters. You haven’t hosted Mars here in a couple years so it is go time, you’ll be able to move a mountain or two, just guard against arguments over these topics. You may also find you are having more aggressive or vivid dreams during this period and if so write down what comes, it may have a message for you! The Sun joins in with these healing, hospital, research, investigative, developmental, rest/recuperation, behind the scenes actions, romantic connections, artistic projects/pursuits, and/or spiritual moments, kicking off a 30-day cycle. This puts the spotlight on you showing up and getting more involved in these matters and will help you make it about you, your body, image, brand, name, title, or needs in the mix. Then the New Moon on the 23rd opens up your best 2 week window this year to launch into something new in one of these areas or to take current situations to the next level so work with this momentum to move ahead. Finally, do note what occurs between the 20th-24th as it may bring experiences for some of you tied to next month’s Solar Eclipse. If so it will be helping you eclipse out what is past, has been blocking or is outworn while giving you a very powerful push into a new chapter with these themes or into something completely new, see what happens!
The Full Moon on the 9th is a culmination with a creative project, lover, children, or recreational pursuits. This is about peak experience as things wrap up or you get your finalization, you mark an ending or have a breakthrough, or there are celebrations or achievements in these areas. Note how far you’ve come and work towards what you’d like to see climax in the days leading up to this Moon.
The last shift we’ve not touched on is your ruler, Mercury, heading into your sign, Virgo, on the 25th. This is a great period for connecting your ideas and information with others, for focusing the talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, offers, or decisions on you. You can again hone in on body, image, brand, name, title, identity, or some personal interest by speaking up. You’ll be heard now and may get the information you need. This is also good for interviews, auditions, connections that are helpful to you in some way with siblings, neighbors, over transportation, electronics, short trips, or local activities as well. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com.
July gets underway with a lot of potential for you on the career front, with personal goals and higher-up types like teachers, directors, judges, parents, bosses, or mentors. This is thanks to New Moon energy still pushing you into new opportunities or helping you take things to the next level up through the 9th. Be proactive at home or with property, moves or renovations, family or roommates, as you aim for these goals, career objectives or authority figures. Expect to be extra crazed with some of this stuff between the 5-9th as the Solar energy revs things up over these themes. This may help you get personal objectives going here as well as aligning the work, paperwork, hired help, co-workers, health matters, or animals, as well as putting you in there one-on-one with someone over financial, sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, or third party matters. By the 31st Venus will show up to smooth things out or help you attract more pleasure on the career front, with goals or authority figures. She may help you focus on the income, love, women, or beauty here in the weeks ahead.
Before Venus moves into this territory she will be sweeping through your 9th house between the 4th – 31st. Here she will smooth things out, bring more enjoyment or attract pleasurable experiences via travel, educational, legal, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political channels. Look for women to be key or the love to flower or income opportunities or beauty themes that play out, it should be good!
Now for the Leo part of your stars! Mercury will show up here on the 5th – 25th so you’ll have 20 days to really get in there and talk, meet, flirt, except invitations, write, negotiate, pitch ideas, propose, interview, focus on agreements, sales, short trips, or local activities that are gearing up with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, causes, freedom, original projects, or your personal aspirations. But Mercury is not the only contender here! Mars dives into the same territory of aspirations, originality and social context for you starting on the 20th where he’ll now tour until Sept. 5th. You haven’t hosted Mars here in a couple years so it’s go time now. Mars will stir passions, spark anger and fights from time to time and/or motivate you to really move a mountain or two here so plan on going gangbusters. Next, the Sun arrives on the 22nd kicking off a 30-day cycle that puts a spotlight on you and helps you to stand out in these arenas. It’s time to show up, get more personally or physically involved with friends, gatherings, the internet, astrology, group activities, aspirations, and original projects. It’s time to make it about you. By the 23rd the New Moon opens up a 2-week window over these same themes, boosting you forward into new opportunities or helping you take things to the next level in current interests. Keep in mind that some people out there will be pre-triggered by next month’s Eclipse this month between the 20-24th and if you happen to be one of them then during this window you may ‘eclipse’ out outworn ideas, habits or scenarios to get a major boost forward added to this same social, original and aspirational territory. It’s a whopper of a month for you in these matters!
The Full Moon on the 9th brings culmination with family, roommates, parents, home, real estate deals, moves, or renovations. At this point you may be wrapping up projects, marking an ending, garnering attention, celebrating, or noting achievements in these areas. It’s about the goals in the mix, your status, the career momentum, or that authority figure tied to it.
Finally, Mercury moves into Virgo on the 25th so the last few days of July will start to focus your thoughts on work or health, the animals, your paperwork, getting organized or cleaning, and the co-workers or hired help. This will take you into August with more talks, meetings, writing, agreements, sales, interviews, offers, short trips, local activates, or decisions about these matters. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com.
You have cosmic boost behind legal endeavors, educational pursuits, weddings, religious interests, politics, travel plans, media projects, marketing ideas, and with people at a distance for the first 9 days of July, so be proactive about what you are pursuing, especially if you can do it from home or it involves home, real estate deals, family, or roommates. You can expect to be busiest with this between the 5-9th as the Solar energy puts a spotlight on you and what you are showing up to do now about it and pushes all kinds of activity with it. This may involve creative projects, the kids, lovers, fun, a lot going on behind the scenes, with artistic outlets, spiritual pursuits, romantic getaways, healing, hospitals, or research, and at least one very powerful connection with someone via talks, meetings, agreements, writing, sales, or decisions that focus on financial, sexual, reproductive, divorce, mortality, or third party situations in the mix. By the 31st Venus moves into this realm of travel, legal, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, and political agendas where she will start to smooth things out or attract the love, income, women, or beauty interests in the mix which bodes well for where this is going on August!
Before Venus gets into these topics she will be touring through your zone of sex, reproduction, finance, divorce, death, birth, and third party matters from the 4th-31st. Her presence here may mean you are focused on a woman in these matters or women in general, on love or income scenarios playing out or on the beauty themes that are relevant. The good news is she is likely to smooth things out, attract more pleasure or just bring an ease of flow in these areas for now so enjoy.
Mercury is then entering Leo to join up with the new passage of the North Node of Destiny here for the first time in 18 years so the weeks ahead are bound to be ones to write home about. This is about Leo themes of love, income, women, and beauty as they pertain to your 10th house of fame, career, status, personal life goals, and dealings with authority figures. So, you may now hear news, get into meetings, propose, sign agreements, negotiate terms, write, focus on sales, short trips, siblings, neighbors, transportation, electronics, offers, or decisions that open this up for you in some new way. But this is just the start. On the 20th Mars joins in and he has not been here in 2 years but again, it’s been 18 years since he was here while the Destiny point was touring, so this brings action, passion, fighting spirit, potential to work out anger issues, and lots of motivation about career, personal goals, fame, and those authority figures as they pertain to beauty themes, love, women, or income potential. This period from now through Sept. 5th will be some of the busiest you’ve had in these arenas. The Sun then joins the story on the 22nd kicking off a 30-day cycle that will get you showing up and more involved on a personal or physical level, and help you make it about you, your body, image, brand, name, title, or personal needs in the scenario. The New Moon on the 23rd then opens up your best 2 week window of the year to launch into something new or take current interests with career, personal goals, higher-up/authority types like the boss, judge, director, parent, or mentor, to the next level. One last note, this is heady stuff and you want to be proactive about aiming high and going for what you want. Do note that some of you may be also experiencing something between the 20-24th as this period could bring a trigger from next month’s Solar Eclipse over these Leo topics/10th house matters, and if that is you then it would mean an eclipsing out of something past, outworn, holding you back, as some major new launch/opportunity takes hold. It’s about new beginnings with more power than other times but by eclipsing out bad habits, old ideas, situations that you’ve outgrown, etc., to step into this next phase. Big!
The Full Moon on the 9th brings a peak for news you hear, agreements, interviews, auditions, sales, meetings, talks, ideas, pitches, proposals, offers, writing, short trips, local activities, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, or decisions, that again will be either goal-oriented, about career or involve some higher-up like the boss, parent, judge, etc. This is when you can be get the finalization you’ve been waiting on, wrap up projects or situations, mark endings, celebrate big events or accomplishments, garner some recognition, or mark achievements in these areas.
Finally, Mercury will move into Virgo on the 25th to tour for a few weeks and at this point your thoughts will turn more towards aspirations, original projects, friends, social networking, group activities, gatherings, online interests, astrology, charities, and causes. At this point you may start to get more invitations that are social, meet up or talk more with friends and the rest, put forward the writing, agreements, sales, offers, or decisions about it, or get more active locally or on short trips about it, lucky you! There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com.
July opens with New Moon momentum still quite powerful for you in any pursuit you might have involving loans, insurance, taxes, investments, settlements, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, a partner’s money, or other financial interests, OR with your sex life, reproductive needs, divorce, mortality issues, or third-party matters. You have until the 9th with potential to start something new in these areas or take current needs to the next level so do what you need to do about it as you see fit while you have this cosmic boost. It looks like you may be extra active about it between the 5-9th when home, family, moves, real estate deals, roommates, parents, renovations, or security needs are in alignment and you can get one-on-one with someone over shared possessions, purchases, income needs, or product and evolve the situation or purge. You may be able to harness the good will of friends or set up a gathering or do something big online in relation to all of this as well. By the 31st Venus is moving into this part of your chart so you should be entering August with some smoother sailing or more enjoyable energy here to look forward to.
Before Venus heads that way she is moving into your relationship zone on the 4th and will tour here until the 31st. This is lovely for helping you attract the love or income via partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, or other key players. Venus may bring women on board who help or help you focus on women clients or partners or specialists, etc., with more reward this month. It can be a stellar time to focus on any beauty needs you have with a partner or specialist or clients as well. The great thing about her presence in relationships is her ability to smooth out rough edges, attract the good stuff or bring more pleasure, so connect and enjoy!
Now for the big news of the month, your 9th house of travel, foreign, educational, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, legal, religious, and political matters is about to be lit up like you haven’t seen in like, well, forever. First, the North Node of Destiny is traveling here for the first time in 18 years and will continue to do so for the next year and 5 months so there is something fated awaiting you in at least one of these arenas and perhaps many of them. Planets moving into this arena this month have not been here with this added Destiny boost in 18 years so it’s a big deal. On the 5th Mercury arrives, and at this point you may start to hear news, meet people, get into talks, interviews, auditions, take short trips, get more involved in local activities, write, sign agreements, make sales, field offers, proposals, pitch ideas, or involve siblings, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics about it. Jot down ideas, answer emails and phone calls, Mercury is taking you towards the next level. On the 20th Mars joins in and will tour here now until Sept. 5th. Mars has not been here in 2 years but again, it’s been 18 years since he was here while the North Node of Destiny was here so at this point you should get more active, express more passion, have more fighting spirit, be able to hash out anger issue, or motivate about these legal, travel, foreign, educational, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, religious, or political interests. Others will notice the fire you have about it and get inspired, you can move mountains, just don’t let it get you into fights! Since all of this is occurring in Leo you want to focus on those topics but make it about love, creative ventures, kids, or fun. The Sun then joins in on the 22nd and will tour here for 30 days. So, at this point it’s likely you will be showing up and getting more personally or physically involved in these trips, media ventures, marketing ideas, learning curves/classrooms/teaching scenarios, weddings, religious experiences, or the political agenda. This is the time to take the lead, make it about you and your image, brand, name, body, title, or personal needs in the matter. Then the New Moon on the 23rd is also in this area and it opens up your best 2-week window of the year to start something new or take current interests to the next level here so be proactive. Finally, some of you may have significant experiences between the 20-24th since this may trigger some of you regarding next month’s Solar Eclipse in these areas. If so then you are eclipsing out something outworn or holding you back to step into something brand new or next level that is really big, you’ll know it if you see it.
The Full Moon on the 9th is bringing a peak for you involving income, purchases, possessions, or products. So, you may be finally getting the offer or news you need to hear about the money or purchase, or wrapping up a project or resource or garnering some recognition here or celebrating achievements or endings in these areas now.
Finally, Mercury will move into Virgo on the 25th and your thoughts will start to turn towards career matters, personal goals or the parent, boss, judge, mentor, director, or other higher-up. You may hear about or from these people/situations, start to get into talks or meetings, take short trips or get more active locally, get into agreements or sales, write, interview, or make choices now and this trend takes you into August. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com.
Relationships, Capricorn, think partners, specialists, clients, agents, attorneys, the competition, whoever you need to connect with or move things along with/through/about, July opens with New Moon momentum helping you to start something new or take things to the next level and you have until the 9th with this kind of cosmic boost so be proactive. Since this is in the sign of Cancer you may find that it is about emotional or security needs, home, real estate deals, family, parents, roommates, moves, or renovations. Note that it looks as though you’ll be busiest with this between the 5-9th when talks, news, offers, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, short trips, siblings, neighbors, or decisions are aligned and something big is in the mix with goals, career momentum or authority figures about it. It should allow you to evolve something personal or physical, focus on purging or empowerment. One last note about this topic of relationships, Venus will arrive in this part of the chart on the 31st this month and take you into August with her ability to smooth things out, attract the love, income, beauty, or women on board to help scenarios or bring more enjoyment next month, so you have that to look forward to.
Before Venus does this however, she is entering your zone of work, health, paperwork, hired help, co-workers, and pets on the 4th and will travel here until the 31st. So, this is great for hiring someone positive or for making money with co-workers, attracting income or loving what you do more on the job or falling for someone while working or at your health or pet needs. You can smooth things out or just enjoy these areas more now and it should help you charm your way into a few nice moments. Don’t forget women may be even more helpful to you in these areas so seek out women doctors or co-workers, etc.
Now for the big news of the month, you know that the North Node of Destiny showed up in Leo last month for the first time in 18 years to start to put you on your path over the next year and a half. For your sign, it is about big financial topics, sexual attractions and relationships, reproductive matters, divorce, mortality issues, and third party matters that play out via Leo themes of lovers, kids, creative ventures, or recreational pursuits. So, this month as the planets pour in here it will be the first time in 18 years that you’ve had activation with this combination so things are about to get interesting. First, Mercury arrives on the 5th and will bring news, talks, meetings, short trips, local activities, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, or offers into the mix. Mercury can also open these things up via siblings, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics. So, if you are looking for love/intimacy get out there locally or take a short trip, talk to people out on your routine neighborhood activities, ask neighbors or siblings to introduce you, perhaps flirt with the car salesman or best buy manager, lol. If you are looking to move things along with the investments, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, settlements, loans, inheritance, bankruptcy, end of life scenarios like a will or cemetery plot, the divorce, or a situation involving you and 2 other key individuals, get creative, open up communications, get back to people about their calls or emails, meet, get out there locally, you get the idea. On the 20th Mars then joins this story. He has not been here in 2 years but again it’s been 18 years since he was here while the Destiny point was traversing these topics so it’s going to really heat things up. It’s now time to see way more activity going on here, to spark passions, fighting spirit, face anger issues, and/or motivate and do it. Mars will fire these areas up from now until Sept. 5th and can help you move mountains as long as you don’t get all wrapped up in the anger side of it. The Sun joins in on the 22nd kicking off a 30-day cycle that puts a spotlight on you in the matter and gets you noticed. This is when you’ll start showing up over the sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, or financial matters and when you can take the lead, make it about you, your body, image, brand, name, title, or personal needs about it. Again think about Leo; love, kids, creativity, fun, what do you want to do? The New Moon on the 23rd then opens up your best 2-week window that can help you to start something brand new or take current interests to the next level in these areas so be proactive. One last note, some of you may be triggered by the pre-trigger date for next month’s Solar Eclipse and if so it would play out sometime between the 20th-24th. This would mean eclipsing something out there has run its course, is outworn or is blocking further progress as it gives you a 3-times more powerful new/next level opportunity to move ahead, again, same topics. You’ll know it if you see it.
The Full Moon on the 9th is in your sign so you likely have something that is personal or physical going on with you that is reaching some zenith around this time. This is about you and your image, body, brand, name, title, or some personal goal you have and it may have some focus on career, status or dealings with authority types since Capricorn rules these themes. Expect to wrap things up, mark endings, get finalizations, mark achievements, or celebrate.
Finally, Mercury will move into Virgo, a fellow earth sign, on the 25th onward. At this point thoughts turn to any legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, religious, or political interests you might have. Virgo will be behind it so you may have paperwork coming through, getting into work projects or involving co-workers or hired help, focusing on health interests or pets, or getting organized about it. This period will bring news, help you in talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, short trips, local activities, or decisions about it. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com.
July opens with some good potential for you with work or health objectives, and this can as well put you into forward momentum with co-workers, hired help, paperwork, organizing, cleaning, or pets. Thank the New Moon that kicked in last month as it continues to help you start something new in any of these areas or take current interests to the next level with more boost up until the 9th. It might be a good time to focus some of this on home projects or work from home, involve family, real estate deals, moves, renovations, roommates, or parents since Cancer is the sign behind it. It looks like you’ll likely be busiest between the 5-9th as a nice flow develops to income, purchases, possessions, or products in the mix and something big kicks in with key players over any legal, travel, distant, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes that apply. There is also something indicating a powerful scenario playing out behind closed doors here involving others that could be about research, romance, artistry, spirituality, hospitals, other institutions, or projects in development. Finally, do note that at month’s end, on the 31st, Venus will move into these situations so you will enter August with some good things flowing or coming into view with these work, health, pet, paperwork, hired help, or co-worker themes, as Venus smooths things out or attracts the love, income, women, or beauty interests into the mix.
Before Venus moves into these matters she is arriving in your zone of true love, fun, kids, and creative projects on the 4th and will tour here until the 31st so I’d say it looks like something pleasurable or lucrative is on tap. Again, Venus wants to help you smooth things out if you need to in these areas, she can bring more pleasure, and help you charm and attract the love, money, beauty, or women that can help, so enjoy!
Now for the big news of the month, relationships! Last month the North Node of Destiny arrived in this arena for the first time in 18 years to kick off a year and a half cycle for you that wants to put you on your path with romantic partners, business partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, or other key players. This is going to be Leo themed so again it is about true love, creative ventures, children, or recreation with/about them. This month, as planets move into this territory it will be the first time in 18 years that they’ve been with this Destiny point so it is really big what is in store. First, Mercury arrives on the 5th and can bring news, talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, offers, short trips, local activities, involvement with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics, that can get you into these one-on-one scenarios or are at the heart of them. It’s time to connect, pick up the phone, answer the email, get out there. Mars then joins the story on the 20th and will tour here until Sept. 5th. Mars has not been here in 2 years but again, it’s been 18 years since he was here with Destiny. So, this is when the action begins, when passion is stirred, when anger sparks, and when you get busier and more motivated about or with these partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, opponents, or other players and things amp up over love, kids, creative ventures, or fun. It’s go time. The Sun then joins in on the 22nd kicking off a 30-day cycle that puts a spotlight on you and helps you to show up, take the lead and make it about you and your body, image, brand, name, title, or personal needs in the mix, you’ll definitely stand out. The New Moon on the 23rd then gives you a 2-week cosmic boost forward that will either help you start something brand new or take current interests to the next level with these partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, or others over love, kids, creative ventures, or fun. Destiny and all of these energies are now calling you forward, be proactive. Finally, some of you may experience the pre-trigger to next months’ Solar Eclipse in this area which is about a huge new start or next level, eclipsing out anything that is outworn or blocking passage into this territory with or about these players so you’ll know it if it happens, sometime between the 20-24th.
The Full Moon on the 9th brings a peak for you with any film, music, poetry, painting, museums, theaters, concerts, or other muse-related topics, romantic interludes, getaways or clandestine romances, spiritual practices, magical interests, psychic pursuits, investigations, research projects, hospital matters, or dealings with other institutions. It may bring final word, wrapping up of projects, endings, celebrations, or achievements here.
Finally, Mercury moves into your financial, sexual, reproductive, divorce, mortality, and third-party arena on the 25th onward so at this point your thoughts turn to these subjects and you may hear news, get into talks or meetings, sign agreements, make sales, write, interview, take short trips, get more active locally, or make some choices about these matters. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com.
July opens with a lot of potential for you in creative endeavors, with/about kids, love, lovers, or recreational pursuits, thanks to New Moon momentum in play until the 9th. This means you can start brand new interests here or take current situations into next chapters or levels so be proactive. You may wish to focus some of this on home, family, real estate deals, moves, renovations, parents, or roommates, or involve them since Cancer rules these themes. It looks like you’ll be busiest with whatever you are doing here between the 5-9th when these creative projects, kids, lovers, or recreational objectives align so favorably with your sign and push you into something big with someone over sexual, financial, divorce, mortality, reproductive, or third-party matters. It may also mean something powerful going on with friends, at gatherings, with groups, online, with astrology, charities, or aspirations in the mix. One last note about all of this, on the 31st, Venus will move into this area and take you into August helping you to smooth things out or attract more love, income, women, or beauty interests into the mix, something to look forward to when it comes to enjoyment here.
Before Venus does this she moves into your home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, and roommate situations on the 4th and travels here until the 31st. So, this is really good for you again to smooth out any issues and to charm and attract more love here or bring in income, women or focus on the beauty interests you have here. It should make it a more pleasurable time in these areas of life.
Now for the big news of the month. Last month the North Node of Destiny arrived in the territory of work and health for you and this then also includes co-workers, hired help, organizing, cleaning, paperwork, and pets. You haven’t had Destiny conspiring to open up pathways for you here in 18 years and now you will have it here for a year and a half. The big news is that this month as the planets pour in here they will start to trigger some of the opportunities for you or start to bring the people and situations into play that will take you there. Remember this is in Leo so it’s about creativity, love, kids, and fun in these areas so you want to stay true to that as you go forward. First, Mercury arrives here on the 5th onward so at this point you may hear news, get into talks and meetings, interview or audition, sign agreements or make sales, get out there locally or on short trips, involve siblings or neighbors, or make some decisions that will get the ball rolling. Mars then enters this territory on the 20th. You haven’t had Mars here in 2 years and again it’s been 18 years since he was here while Destiny was at play so it’s big! Mars will heat up all kinds of activity, get you busier, more passionate, help you address anger, fight for things you believe in, and motivate yourself and others. It’s go time, rev it up Pisces! You’ll have this here until Sept. 5th. The Sun then enters the equation on the 22nd for a 30-day cycle here. This puts a spotlight on you and gets you noticed on the work front, with health or animals, co-workers or hired help, paperwork or organizing skills, and it is the best time to show up, get more personally or physically involved, put your name, brand, image, title, body, or needs into the mix and lead the way. Then you get a New Moon on the 23rd that opens up your best 2 weeks of the year here to start something brand new or take current interests to the next level with the job, health, paperwork, hired help, co-workers, cleaning, organizing, or pets. Again, with your creative talents and projects, kids, lovers, or fun interests propelling you forward. Finally, some of you may be triggered by the pre-trigger to next month’s Solar Eclipse regarding these same themes and if so it will happen between the 20-24th. This would be something really big starting or opening up for you in one of these areas while allowing you to eclipse out any outworn or blocking scenarios in your way. You’ll know it if you see it!
The Full Moon on the 9th may be a celebration with friends or a big party or event, some online achievement or charity event, or a personal aspiration or original project that you are achieving at this time, or you could be wrapping things up or marking endings in these areas as well. The focus is social so think groups, associates, friends, get-togethers, the internet, astrology, charities, or your own dreams and wishes peaking at this point.
Finally, Mercury enters Virgo on the 25th kicking off several weeks of more thought and communication about or from partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, opponents, competitors, or other relationships. This is your cue to focus on talks and meetings, agreements, sales, writing, offers, interviews, proposals, short trips, local activities, and choices with these people. The details matter. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com.]]>
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About Bellesprit

Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.