November opens with strong potential in the Scorpio sector of our charts thanks to the influence of the New Moon in this sign that opened on Oct. 30th and is in effect through the first 2 weeks of November. Therefore, you should take advantage of this boost from the cosmos and be proactive about your efforts towards financial needs, intimacy, your sex life, reproductive matters, mortality issues, divorce, empowerment, or third party situations. What you do now can impact months to come. Mars moves into Aquarius on the 9th kicking off a new trend of activity in our social arena. Aquarius rules our friends, group affiliations, gatherings, the internet, astrology, and charities, so hosting Mars from now through Dec. 19th means we are going to see a lot more action in these areas. That sounds perfect for the holidays doesn’t it? It should help motivate everyone and may bring some passion to the forefront while out in these social settings so be open to romances that might blossom at parties, events or online. Mars can also stir anger, bring about fights or aggressive behavior, so try to avoid snapping at your besties or going head to head online with someone. Finally, Aquarius is the sign of rebellion, causes, revolution, and sudden surprises or changes, so hosting Mars here now may bring about some radical situations out there, do your best to side step dangerous moments. Venus changes signs right after Mars does, entering Capricorn on the 11th, so we will be getting used to two different energetics back to back. Venus in Capricorn becomes more business-like and ambitious, more serious and finite, so expect things involving women, love, income, or beauty to lean more towards tailored and executive now through Dec. 7th. The good news is you may find you are enjoying what is going on with the career, personal goals or authority types out there more during this phase or that you are having an easier time attracting what you need. I would like to make note of a powerful day, Nov. 24th, when Jupiter and Pluto will square, Pluto being in this same zone of career, goals and authority figures. This will be the first of 3 such squares so this first one is the beginning of a big story for you so you want to pay attention to what is going on with these themes. Pluto will be focused on the loan, inheritance, bankruptcy, taxes, insurance, or some other big financial matter, or Pluto will be focused on a death, birth, divorce, the sex life, or third party/power scenarios in the matter. Jupiter will be pushing for something big here via a partner, competitor, opponent, client/clients, specialist, agent, attorney, or other key player and it will be about the legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political need in the mix. So as Venus starts to move things into focus look ahead in your month and know that this story that is beginning in November will have 2 other chapter peaks, one in the first week of March, 2017, and the other in the last week of Sept. 2017. So now that we have Mars and Venus in new territory, Mercury changes signs as well, moving into Sagittarius on the 12th. At this point we can see more of an amplification with talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, offers, short trips, or decisions focused on those legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes. Mercury will keep this ball rolling until Dec. 2nd so if you need to ask for something, pitch ideas, hear the news, or come to terms, this is it. To add emphasis to this cycle, the Sun enters the same territory on the 21st and kicks off 30 days here that will push you to show up and get more personally or physically involved in these legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes. Finally, there is a New Moon at the end of the month, on the 29th, that opens up a 2 week window bent of helping us move into that next chapter or start something new in one or more of these arenas. So you’ll want to launch now. Speaking of the big Moons in the month, there is a Full Moon on the 14th in Taurus and this is the time of year when we can wrap something up or have that breakthrough or celebration when it comes to our income, purchases, possessions, or products. So you may wish to work towards that achievement while this energy is so strongly in league with this direction or you may be ready to mark an ending or garner some recognition or note your achievements. Finally, the gossamer planet of imagination, fantasy, delusion, and addiction, Neptune, is ending months of Retrograde and going Direct on the 14th. This turnaround is epic in that it is one more shift that breaks the hold of the year-long Saturn/Neptune square that hit its last peak back in September. With Neptune now ready to move into that next story we can turn away from the past fog, depression, isolation, bad habit, boundary issue, deception, karmic matter, or whatever has been ongoing with healing, hospitals, research, art, film, music, poetry, prayer, meditation, yoga, magic, psychic abilities, dreams, or karmic romance, and set sail for Poseidon’s next chapter here. Certain topics that were in the dark may come to light now but more than anything this is the time to create new dreams for your life and to engage your muse, to heal and to take your new found inspirations forward. ARIES: November opens with New Moon energy still very strong and compelling forward motion in the first 2 weeks of the month towards that next chapter you’d like to enter with your loans, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, settlements, investments, commissions, alimony, child support, partner’s money, or other outside financial resources. It is also giving you this time to move towards that next level in your sex life, with reproductive needs, divorce, mortality issues, or third party scenarios. This means if single you may meet someone who sparks your attention, if trying for a baby you could turn a corner or if dealing with reproductive health matters you could take the next step. It could help you fend off a divorce or enter into one, go sit down with the financial advisor, tax man, insurance agent, etc., to move things into a new level here, or to work out end of life scenarios or meet a new child who enters now. Mars is stirring up all kinds of activity for you this month, offering you more activity with friends and groups so you’ll want to be prepared for more outings and online action. Your ruler will begin to show you how much you will be doing here as soon as the 9th onward, a trend that will last until Dec. 19th. This same amped up activity can get things moving with your personal aspirations or original ideas, as well as with what you do at gatherings, with astrology, charities, or events. The only caveat is that Mars can sometimes stir anger rather than passion so do your best to keep it directed towards your best interests. Venus will be helping you reach goals, focus on career or deal with authority figures this month and this gets underway on the 11th onward. With her here you may be connecting with a woman/women who are good for what you’re after or you may find that earning money goes more smoothly or enjoyably, that you are feeling the love or reaching some love goal, or if you work in a beauty industry that something special is happening for you. Women bosses, Mom/Mother figures, female judges, or other higher-ups should be in your corner or you should be able to smooth out rough edges if needed. You’ll have this influence on your side until Dec. 7th. While I’m talking about goals, career and authority figures, I need to point out that you have a powerful new story that begins this month in one or more of these areas and it’s a story with 3 chapters. The first peaks around the 24th as Jupiter squares Pluto here. Pluto will want you to focus on the big financial interest, the sex, divorce, reproductive need, death, birth, or third party situation going on. Jupiter will want you to work out something big with a partner, client, competitor, opponent, specialist, agent, attorney, or other key relationship via legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes. So you will start to see what you can have as Venus gets this energy field opened up and by the 24th you’ll be in the thick of it. Note that the 2nd chapter comes in the first week of March, 2017, and the final chapter the last week of Sept, 2017. Mercury then moves into Sagittarius on the 12th to amp up the talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, offers, and decisions about these legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political interests now through Dec. 2nd. So this is the best time to ask for it, write it up, sell it, meet about it, hear it, or make those choices. The Sun will join in on the 21st onward, giving you a 30 day boost of more personal or physical involvement about these topics. So this is when you should step up and make your needs known or get in there and do your part. Finally, there is a New Moon at month’s end, on the 29th, that gives you your best 2 week window of the year to launch into something new in these matters or to take current interests to that next level, so it’s time to be proactive. The Full Moon, on the other hand, is on the 14th and is about major endings, culminations, break-throughs, achievements, or celebrations. For your sign this will involve your purchases, products, possessions, or income scenarios. So work towards what you’d like to achieve or wrap up in the days leading up to this moment. Finally, Neptune has been in slumber/Retrograde mode for months and on the 19th Neptune awakens and goes Direct. What this means for you is that you are now done with past karmic situations, clandestine romances, addictions, boundary issues, deceptions, artistic projects, spiritual practices, magical interests, psychic situations, or research projects, or at the very least you can now move forward into new territory regarding these themes. This should feel like you are coming out of some foggy surreal world and starting to get inspired in new ways, be open to the signs that point the way. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it’s right for you! TAURUS: November opens on New Moon energy still actively pushing you towards that next level with partners, agents, attorneys, clients, competitors, opponents, or advocates, so you’ll want to be proactive in the first 2 weeks of the month in connecting and furthering your financial, intimate, divorce, mortality, or third party interests with or about them while the energy is working for you. Mars is going to start to amp up more activity than you’ve seen in some time on the 9th onward in your career midheaven so you can expect to get very busy now motivating about career needs, fighting for what you believe in, coming from passion, and feeling somewhat driven about it. This same energy will also give you the same drive and activity with personal goals you set and go after as well as with what you are doing with or about authority type people in your life like the boss, parent, judge, leader, mentor, or others. So expect to be able to do more than usual. The only thing to watch out for is the potential for Mars to stir anger and if it does it would play out over these themes; goals, career or those authority figures, so watch the fuse. Your ruler, Venus, changes signs on the 11th, moving into your legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, and political arenas for the rest of the month. This will possibly bring a woman or women on board who are good for what you are doing here or you may focus your attention on a woman or women towards these themes. So for example; you may plan a trip with a woman now or a woman may enter the picture who is foreign or can help you find a great deal with travel. Venus also rules love and income so you may find that you are expressing or finding the love or earning the money when traveling, or you can sign the legal documents, wed, get into the marketing ideas, etc., to follow the keys to these themes. Overall, it should be a better than usual time in these areas. While I’m talking about what is going on with these legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes, I need to point out that you have a powerful new story that begins this month in one or more of these areas and it’s a story with 3 chapters. The first peaks around the 24th of this month, as Jupiter squares Pluto here. Pluto will want you to focus on the big financial interest, the sex, divorce, reproductive need, death, birth, or third party situation going on in the equation or it will be about changes that are happening. Jupiter will want you to work out something big with the work situation, co-worker, hired help, paperwork, health, organizing, cleaning, or animals in the matter, again both of these planets playing out over legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes. So examples could be you need to hire someone legal to deal with divorce, the taxes, or a death, or you need to travel with co-workers for financial interests, or a sexual attraction leads to a wedding that is celebrated with a gathering of friends, you can look at the lists above and figure out where your story is playing out between these themes. So you will start to see what you can have as Venus gets this energy field opened up and by the 24th you’ll be in the thick of it. Note that the 2nd chapter comes in the first week of March, 2017, and the final chapter the last week of Sept, 2017. Mercury then changes signs on the 12th which will indicate a period from here onward when talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, offers, or decisions will focus more on loans, debt, inheritance, taxes, insurance, investments, settlements, alimony, child support, a partner’s money, or other outside financial resources, or they will focus more on sexual interests, reproductive needs, divorce, death, birth, or third party scenarios. Not only do you have this amplified communication and information energy here now but this is followed by the Sun’s entry into these matters on the 21st, kicking off a 30 day cycle and then the New Moon on the 29th opening up a 2 week window about these matters. So with the Sun you will notice that you are now getting more personally or physically involved in these financial, sexual, divorce, mortality, reproductive, or third party scenarios. It will be a time when you can take the lead, shine a bit more and make it about you. With the New Moon you will get the cosmic boost into that next chapter over the 2 weeks that follow, allowing you to either start something new or move things forward in what you are doing. The Full Moon on the 14th is in your sign, Taurus, so it’s a big deal for you around this time, when things will be about what you’ve been striving for finally wrapping up or coming through. It can be a time of celebration or recognition or you may be ending something or noting achievements regarding your body, image, brand, name, title, or personal goals. If you do have something you’d like to achieve or end, aim for this period. Finally, Neptune has been in slumber mode for months and now on the 19th Neptune goes Direct again. This turn of surrealistic, inspiring and self-sabotaging energy is about things starting to move into the future again with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, your aspirations, freedom, or original ideas. So for instance you may have a friend who has been in retreat mode resurface or you may start to move into that next inspired chapter with a group you start or join, there are lots of ways you can move ahead here. Neptune rules art, film, music, poetry, and all muse-related interests, meditation, yoga, prayer, and all spiritual practices, romantic getaways, clandestine romance, and karmic unions, healing, hospitals and other institutions, dealing with addictions, deception, bad habits, and boundary issues, dreams, magic and psychic abilities, and research, development and investigations. So it is back on with these social interests in these areas, look around for what is moving forward now and join in. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it’s right for you! GEMINI: You have more momentum behind work opportunities, health goals, what you do with hired help, paperwork, co-workers, or animals, in the first 2 weeks of November than you have or will at any other time this year so be proactive in pursuit of what you’d like to set in motion or any brand new opportunities you’d like to go for now. This is the time to send out resumes or start new jobs, introduce new work ideas in current work scenarios, start a new work-out regime, diet, hire a trainer, join a gym, or see the doctor. You can adopt a pet or potty-train the one you have, start new projects with co-workers or connect with a new co-worker who arrives on the scene, get that paperwork off of your desk or receive the paperwork you’ve been waiting on, and hire the right people to help in all facets of life. It’s also a great time to get your life in order, simplify, de-clutter, organize, and clean. Mars is also going to get you more active in other areas of life starting on the 9th onward so expect to see more happening with legal matters, travel plans, people at a distance, educational pursuits, media or marketing interests, weddings, publishing, religion, or politics from this point onward. Mars will stir passions here so you may find you are very passionate about that person at a distance or political ideal, etc. Mars can also stir anger or fights so if you feel the fuse about to pop it will likely be over one of these themes, a good thing to know so you can keep it under control. Finally, it will motivate you greatly to make things happen and rightly so, you haven’t had this kind of boost in 2 years and it will help you move things along. Venus moves into a new sign on the 11th where she will now focus on your sex life, reproductive needs, divorce, mortality issues, triangles/third party matters, or any big financial themes like loans, debt, inheritance, commissions, investments, settlements, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, or other financial matters. So you may find you are dealing with a woman from this date onward over one of these themes or that you are working out an income need, connecting via love, or making it about beauty topics. Venus should help make it a bit easier or enjoyable if it is in a pleasurable arena or help you smooth things out if it is tough. While I’m talking about these sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, third party, and financial matters, I need to point out that you have a powerful new story that begins this month in one or more of these areas and it’s a story with 3 chapters. The first peaks around the 24th of November as Jupiter squares Pluto here. Pluto will want you to focus on the big financial interest, the sex, divorce, reproductive need, death, birth, or third party situation going on and any changes, deeper meanings or evolving needed. Jupiter will want you to work out something big with a lover, love life, children, creative project, or recreational pursuits via legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes. So you will start to see what you can have as Venus gets this energy field opened up and by the 24th you’ll be in the thick of it. Note that the 2nd chapter comes in the first week of March, 2017, and the final chapter the last week of Sept, 2017. Your ruler, Mercury, enters into new territory on the 12th, heading into your relationship zone now and through the rest of the month. So at this point you can expect to start to get into more talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, auditions, short trips, offers, or decisions with/about partners, clients, competitors, specialists, agents, attorneys, or opponents. It is time to connect big time so you may be involving people you are already involved with or finding new people to move things along. The Sun will join this relationship zone on the 21st and spend 30 days here putting a spotlight on you with these partners, reps, competitors, opponents, clients, specialists, and the like. It is when you’ll start to show up and get more personally or physically involved, take the lead and make it more about you. Then there is a New Moon on the 29th that opens up your best 2 week window of the year moving forward to take something to the next level with one or more of these relationships or to start brand new relationships that can carry you forward. So be proactive about connecting. The Full Moon on the 14th is about something culminating with healing, addictions or hospitals, your research, investigations or development, any karmic/past life unions, clandestine romances or romantic trysts, your art, film, music, poetry, dance, or other muse-related topics, your dreams, magical interests or psychic abilities, or with prayers, meditation, yoga, or other spiritual practices. So expect to see something break through, wrap up, end, achieved, or celebrated in one or more of these areas at this time. Finally, Neptune has been in slumber mode for months and on the 19th that ends as Neptune wakes and goes Direct. This means you are now ready to start to move forward again with new artistic, spiritual, romantic, healing, institutional, or research goals, or you are ready to see your career move forward in ways associated with these themes, or you are now going to see new progress with authority figures like the boss, parent, leaders, judges, mentors, or other higher-ups regarding healing, hospitals, research, artistic, spiritual, or romantic interests. So tune into your intuition and look for the signs, something is about to move with a big of magical quality. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it’s right for you! CANCER: As you enter November the New Moon is actively pushing you forward into new opportunities or next level situations with your love life, creative projects, children, or recreational pursuits and you want to be proactive about working with this energy in the first 2 weeks of the month to help you reach for what you want here. For some of you this may mean tackling something financial to make it so, for some it will be about deeper intimacy, reproductive interests, divorce, or mortality needs, but for all it is a powerful period when you can make things happen with lover, creative endeavors, the kids, or in recreational interests, so aim high. Mars is going to activate things in these financial, sexual, reproductive, divorce, mortality, or third party scenarios starting on the 9th onward so at this point you may find that you are way more active yourself about doing things, expressing passion, feeling driven to motivate yourself and others, or you may also find that from time to time it is sparking anger or fights. Do guard against any short fuse it might cause because with this energy here for the first time in a couple years, you really can make things happen. Venus enters into a new sign on the 11th onward so at this point she is going to start to influence your relationships. This should be good news for you Cancer. Venus will be about the romantic partners, business partners, agents, attorneys, clients, specialists, and even the opposition. With her influence you may attract or express the love, earn money via these people, make it about beauty, or focus on a woman or women. Things should go more smoothly and be more pleasurable. While I’m talking about partners, clients, specialists, representatives, and opponents, I need to point out that you have a powerful new story that begins this month in one or more of these areas and it’s a story with 3 chapters. The first peaks around the 24th of November as Jupiter squares Pluto here. Pluto will want you to focus on the big financial interest, the sex, divorce, reproductive need, death, birth, or third party situation going on with this partner, client, specialist, agent, attorney, competitor, or opponent. Jupiter will want you to work out something big with the home, real estate deal, move, renovation, family, parent, or roommate via legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political means. So you will start to see what you can have as Venus gets this energy field opened up and by the 24th you’ll be in the thick of it. Note that the 2nd chapter comes in the first week of March, 2017, and the final chapter the last week of Sept, 2017. Mercury then changes signs on the 12th where he’ll now tour the rest of the month and open up talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, offers, short trips, and decisions regarding your paperwork, hired help, job, health, co-workers, or pets. This is the time to see more information coming through and to enter into more communications about these themes, ideas should blossom and decisions can be made. The Sun arrives over these same work, health, pet, paperwork, hired help, and co-worker themes on the 21st and kicks off a 30 day cycle that will get you to start showing up and getting more personally or physically involved in these matters. This period is good for you taking the lead or standing out in some way, making it about you. Then the New Moon on the 29th is about these same topics and will open up your best 2 week window of the year to launch into something new or take things to the next level. So at this point you may land that new job or start a new project at work, get a new co-worker or hire new help, being new projects with already in place co-workers or hired help, sign new paperwork, or adopt a pet, you get the idea. The Full Moon on the 14th is about something coming to a climax for you with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, your freedom, original ideas, or personal aspirations. So at this time you may be in celebrations or garnering some recognition, you could be noting achievements or marking endings, or just wrapping things up that have been in the works. It’s likely that there is a spiritual, artistic, romantic, research, or healing theme behind it, and big emotions as things crest. Finally, Neptune has been in slumber for months and now on the 19th Neptune wakes and goes Direct and for you this means it is time to start to see things move ahead again with media, marketing, publishing, legal, educational, travel, foreign, wedding, religious, or political themes. Over the months ahead you may get inspired and put those inspirations out there via one of these ways or you may have some new karmic moments or romantic trysts occur while in pursuit of your travels or at the wedding. Your artistry may take hold in new media ventures or legal agreements, or you may travel for healing, or research new religious options, really, it’s a time to pay attention to your inner voice about where you should go and pay heed to the signs that will likely point you in the right direction. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it’s right for you! LEO: If you open up November like a home-body or want to be all about the family, well it’s probably because you are on the wave of the New Moon that lasts the first 2 weeks of this month and is about your home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates. So really, any or all of these subjects can be cause for forward growth or new opportunities. You’ll want to be proactive about where you can take this while the energy is behind you. Mars is going to fire things up in your relationship zone for the first time in 2 years starting on the 9th onward. This means from this date forward you will have way more action going on with or about romantic partners, business partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, competitors, or opponents. Mars is all about you getting motivated now, setting things in motion, expressing more passion, dealing with anger, or fighting for what you need so expect to be busy and do keep in mind that you will have a shorter fuse in connections with others now so you don’t end up toe to toe with someone and rather use this to move a mountain or two. Venus enters into new territory on the 11th and for you Leo this means some good vibes coming to your work arena, your health, paperwork, hired help, co-workers, and animal interests. So from here onward you may find that a woman or women are more key to enjoying things or smoothing them out here or you may perhaps get a pet for a woman you love or start tending to a woman’s health needs, etc. Venus also rules love, income and beauty. So her placement here can help you earn through your work more easily or hire the right person to help earning power, to express or attract the love via work, health outlets, while out and about with the animals, or with co-workers and hired help. And you may find that you can hire the right beauty influence now, perhaps an interior designer or make-up artist or painter or stylist. While I’m talking about goals, career and authority figures, I need to point out that you have a powerful new story that begins this month in one or more of these areas and it’s a story with 3 chapters. The first peaks around the 24th as Jupiter squares Pluto here. Pluto will want you to focus on the health scenario-perhaps reproductive or mortality issues or how the insurance policies or other financial interests are in play here. Pluto will be about your work and the third party scenarios, commissions, 401k or retirement funds, any sexual interests playing out here or power/control situations. Pluto will also be about the co-workers, hired help, paperwork, or animals and what is going on financially, reproductively, with divorce, sex, death, birth, or third party situations. Jupiter will want you to work out something big with a talk, meeting, agreement, sale, the writing, news, offer, idea, interview, or decision via legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes. So you will start to see what you can have as Venus gets this energy field opened up and by the 24th you’ll be in the thick of it. Note that the 2nd chapter comes in the first week of March, 2017, and the final chapter the last week of Sept, 2017. Mercury then moves into your zone of true love, kids, fun, and creativity on the 12th where he’ll tour the rest of the month so at this point you’ll also start to get way more into talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, offers, news, and decisions about these matters. This is the time to communicate and field the information and make choices about love, lovers, kids, fun, or creativity. The Sun joins in with these themes on the 21st and will tour here for 30 days. So at this point you’ll start to show up and get more personally or physically involved with lovers, kids, fun, or creative projects. It’s a great time for you to take the lead, stand out and make it about your needs. Then the New Moon on the 29th is also about these topics for you so at this point it will open up your best 2 week window of the year to launch into new love, creative, fun, or kid interests or to take current situations to the next level. Be proactive! The Full Moon this month is on the 14th and for your sign it is spotlighting your career, personal goals, status, and dealings with authority figures like the boss, parent, judge, or mentor. So you can reach a goal now or wrap one up, see some recognition for your efforts on the career front or with the parent or boss, or you can celebrate something on the career front, with that authority figure or goal. It’s about endings, achievements and celebrations and your goals, career and higher-up peeps. Finally, Neptune has been in slumber mode for months and now on the 19th he wakes and goes Direct. For you this means you are ready to come out of whatever incubatory state you’ve been in and to start to move into that next chapter with your sex life, reproductive needs, divorce, mortality issues, third party matters, or any major financial interests like the loan, inheritance, taxes, insurance, investments, settlements, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, commissions, or partner’s money. It’s time to get inspired again, to move ahead with new or next level karmic/past life stuff here, to infuse it with some fantasy, magic, artistry, spirituality, romance, healing, or research, and to tune into the signs and inner voice that calls you forward towards your destiny. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it’s right for you! VIRGO: New Moon energy is in effect as November opens and will do its part to help you move forward in the first 2 weeks of the month via talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, auditions, offers, ideas, short trips, local activities, moves, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, and decisions. It’s a lot of communication and information and environmental topics at work and the more proactive you are about going deeper, making changes and evolving situations the better you will do now. Mars is also going to fire things up for you on the work front, with paperwork, co-workers, hired help, getting organized, and tending to the details, as well as with your health and animals starting on the 9th onward. This is the first time in 2 years you’ve had this kind of heat helping you to motivate, get busy, express your passions about it, deal with anger, and fight for what you need. You can move mountains now, just don’t let the anger side of it short circuit your fuse. Venus enters into a new sign on the 11th which looks like a very lovely thing for you Virgo. Venus is going to arrive in your zone of true love, children, creative projects, and fun. So the rest of the month she will help attract the love, money, beauty, and women who can smooth things out in these areas or bring an easier, more pleasurable time with what is going on. This should be enjoyable. While I’m talking about goals, career and authority figures, I need to point out that you have a powerful new story that begins this month in one or more of these areas and it’s a story with 3 chapters. The first peaks around the 24th as Jupiter squares Pluto here. Pluto will want you to focus on lover, kids, creative project, or recreational pursuit and the big financial, sexual, divorce, reproductive, death, birth, or third party situation going on. Jupiter will want you to work out something big with income, products, possessions, or purchases via legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, religious, or political themes. So you will start to see what you can have as Venus gets this energy field opened up and by the 24th you’ll be in the thick of it. Note that the 2nd chapter comes in the first week of March, 2017, and the final chapter the last week of Sept, 2017. Your ruler, Mercury, moves into new territory on the 12th onward so at this point you’ll start to see more talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, offers, and decisions focused on the home, real estate deal, move, renovations, family, parent, or roommates. It’s time to hear the news, communicate the information or make the decisions about these topics. To emphasize this, the Sun joins in on the 21st and will tour here for 30 days, putting a spotlight on home, real estate, moves, renovations, family, parents, and roommates, asking that you start to show up, take the lead and get more involved on a personal or physical level. Then the New Moon on the 29th is also about these themes, opening up your best 2 week window of the year to help you enter into something new or take current interests to the next level so you’ll want to be proactive about where you’d like to take things in the home, with your family, your roommates, moves, renovations, parents, or real estate deals. Finally, Neptune has been in slumber mode for months and on the 19th Neptune wakes and goes Direct. This means you will now have forward motion with partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, or dealing with the opposition. All relationships are open now to new levels or you can start brand new relationships. In the months ahead Neptune can help you to get inspired about these people, to focus on art, film, music, or other muse-related themes moving forward, to get into next level spiritual practices, to move into that next chapter or new opportunity with healing, dealing with addictions or hospitals, to further research, investigations or development, or to spark romantic scenarios. So connect and trust that inner voice or the signs you are being given, it’s back on. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it’s right for you! LIBRA: November opens with New Moon energy still very powerful and behind your potential to move into new scenarios or take current situations to the next level when it comes to your income, purchases, possessions, or products. So you want to be as active as you need to be about these themes in the first half of the month while you have this cosmic energy behind what you do about it now. Mars is going to heat things up in your love life, creative life, with the kids, or in recreational pursuits as soon as the 9th onward this month. You can thank Mars who is arriving here for the first time in 2 years to make things happen. This can amp up your drive and activities to pursue what you desire, it helps you express more passion about what is going on and it can stir anger or bring out fights. So you can see there is great potential for getting busy, you’ll just have to keep a lid on any outbursts or warring tendencies. Your ruler, Venus, moves into new territory on the 11th onward so at this point you’ll have more of her energy affecting your home, family, parent, roommates, renovations, real estate deals, or move. So expect to see women play a more essential role, to see more potential to earn money via these topics, to express or attract love here, or to focus on the beauty themes. It should be more pleasurable and easy now. While I’m talking about home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates, I need to point out that you have a powerful new story that begins this month in one or more of these areas and it’s a story with 3 chapters. The first peaks around the 24th as Jupiter squares Pluto here. Pluto will want you to focus on the big financial interest, the sex, divorce, reproductive need, death, birth, or third party situation going on in connection to the home, real estate deal, move, renovation, family, parent, or roommates. Jupiter will want you to work out something big for yourself, so focus on your body, image, brand, name, title, or personal needs via legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes. So you will start to see what you can have as Venus gets this energy field opened up and by the 24th you’ll be in the thick of it. Note that the 2nd chapter comes in the first week of March, 2017, and the final chapter the last week of Sept, 2017. Next, Mercury will move into new territory on the 12th which is going to amp up your communication, information and local environmental themes over the weeks ahead. So to get specific, it is now time to get into talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, offers, interviews, short trips, local activities, moves, or interests you have with neighbors, siblings, vehicles, or electronics. Ideas will be important as will decisions. To add to this, the Sun enters the same topics on the 21st and will kick off a 30-day cycle here. This means that at this point you will likely start to show up and get more personally or physically involved in these matters. It’s a good time to take the lead and make it more about you and your needs in the mix. Finally, the New Moon on the 29th is also about these matters so at this point you’ll have your best 2 week window of the year to start something new or take current themes to the next level. So in basic breakdown; you could start sending out resumes on the 12th onward, get called in to interview from the 21st onward and start the new job from the 29th onward, or you could read about different car ads and send out emails to sellers from the 12th onward, show up and test drive the cars from the 21st onward and drive the car into it’s new home from the 29th onward, as examples. Really a good time to be putting out the information, communicating and making choices. The Full Moon lands on the 14th and is a time of big peaks in your sexual, reproductive, divorce, mortality, financial, or third party scenarios. So at this point you may celebrate, achieve, see breakthroughs, wrap things up, or mark endings with loans, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, commissions, investments, settlements, a partner’s money, the birth of a child, your reproductive issues, sexual attractions, divorce, or triangle that is in play. Finally, Neptune has been in slumber mode for months and now on the 19th he wakes and goes Direct. This means you are coming out of whatever incubation period and will now start to get inspired and take things forward with your work, health, pets, paperwork, hired help, co-workers, organizing, and cleaning. You may apply new or next level modes of healing or hospitals, retreat and recuperation, artistry, spirituality or romance, or research and investigations to these themes to see forward growth. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it’s right for you! SCORPIO: Let’s hope you enter November with lots of motivation to put yourself out there, further your goals and focus on that next chapter when it comes to your body, image, brand, name, title, or needs, Scorpio. You will have New Moon energy in your sign for the first 2 weeks of November so it is hands down your best window to get into new things that can help you get there or to take your interests into that next chapter. Your co-ruler, Mars, is showing up on the home base to bring much more passion and activity to your home, any real estate deals, moves, renovations, or the family, parents or roommates over the weeks ahead. You haven’t had this kind of heat here in 2 years so you really can make things happen with a little effort. The only thing to guard against it the warring, angry side of Mars, so do your best not to go off on the contractors, parent, roomies, or movers, etc., since this energy is best used to further your efforts in these areas. Venus is moving into new territory on the 11th onward so her presence now in your talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, offers, short trips, local activities, with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, or decision-making, can bring love into the mix, income opportunities, women at the center of something good, or beauty themes into focus. So talk it up, listen for it, you should be able to smooth out rough patches or attract the good stuff here while she tours. While I’m talking about goals, career and authority figures, I need to point out that you have a powerful new story that begins this month in one or more of these areas and it’s a story with 3 chapters. The first peaks around the 24th as Jupiter squares Pluto here. Pluto will want you to focus on the big financial interest, the sex, divorce, reproductive need, death, birth, or third party situation going on via these talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, offers, short trips, local activities, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, or decisions to be made. Jupiter will want you to work out something big with behind the scenes activities, healing, addictions, hospitals, research, clandestine romance or romantic getaways, karmic/past life unions, artistic pursuits, spiritual practices, magical interests, or psychic abilities, via legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes. So you will start to see what you can have as Venus gets this energy field opened up and by the 24th you’ll be in the thick of it. Note that the 2nd chapter comes in the first week of March, 2017, and the final chapter the last week of Sept, 2017. Next, Mercury enters into new territory on the 12th onward so you’ll have more talks, meetings, agreements, sales, interviews, offers, writing, or decisions springing up now with a focus on making money, purchases, possessions, or products. This is the best time to communicate, field information and make choices about these income, purchases, possessions, or products in the weeks ahead. The Sun joins in on the 21st and tours here for the next 30 days so you’ll also start to now get more personally or physically involved in making money, making purchases, what you’re doing with your possessions or your products. This is a great time to take the lead, show up, shine your light, and make it about you. Finally, the New Moon on the 29th opens up your best 2 week window of the year to launch into something new or to take current interests to the next level with earnings, possessions, products, or purchases. So be proactive! The Full Moon on the 14th is when you’ll see something peaking with a romantic partner, business partner, client, specialist, agent, attorney, competitor, opponent, or other key relationship. It can also be when peak experiences occur regarding justice, equality or balance in your life. So note that big endings, achievements, breakthroughs, or celebrations are on tap with relationships and work towards what you’d like to see culminate. Finally, Neptune has been in slumber for months and now on the 19th Neptune awakens and goes Direct. For you this means that whatever incubation state you’ve been in you are now going to come out of it and start to move forward again when it comes to creative projects, true love, children, or recreational interests. It’s time for new chapters of karmic/past life scenarios here, for new artistic vision or opportunities in the mix, for new healing, dealing with addictions or hospital progress, for new spiritual connection or practices to get you there, or for new research and development behind the scenes that will open it up. So look for the signs, listen to your inner voice, it is back in play. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it’s right for you! SAGITTARIUS: November opens with New Moon energy in play that will continue to help forward you with artistic pursuits, spiritual practices, romantic trysts, karmic/past life scenarios, healing, hospitals, dealing with addictions, or the research and development for the first 2 weeks of the month. This is going to help you go deeper or to make changes that open up new possibilities or that next chapter so be proactive about where you’d like to go. Mars is arriving in your communications, information and environmental arenas on the 9th for the first time in 2 years and you can expect this to amp up the activity and get you busy in talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, short trips, local activities, with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, offers, and decisions for the rest of the month. You feel more passionate about your ideas, what you hear and what you say. You may find that passion if playing out in meetings or local activities and short trips. You may find you can really move a few mountains with agreements, writing and sales. You may also find that you have to watch your fuse since Mars can mean more anger or aggression and that this is not helping your end game. Overall it should be a time of more going on and possible via your input. Venus moves into new territory on the 11th where she’ll now work from the rest of the month and her aim is going to be on your income, purchases, possessions, and products. This is lovely for purchasing art, things of beauty, objects of affection, and luxury items, just don’t go overboard. It is also good for bringing more ease of earning power or enjoyment while earning. It can bring women into focus with all of the above and help you smooth out rough edges or attract what you need. And finally you may find you are just loving what you are doing or love is at the hub of why you are doing it. While I’m talking about goals, career and authority figures, I need to point out that you have a powerful new story that begins this month in one or more of these areas and it’s a story with 3 chapters. The first peaks around the 24th as Jupiter squares Pluto here. Pluto will want you to focus on these income, purchases, possessions, or products via the big financial interest, the sexual situation, divorce, reproductive need, death, birth, or third party situation going on. Jupiter will want you to work out something big with a friend, group, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, your freedom, original ideas, or aspirations via legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes. So you will start to see what you can have as Venus gets this energy field opened up and by the 24th you’ll be in the thick of it. Note that the 2nd chapter comes in the first week of March, 2017, and the final chapter the last week of Sept, 2017. Mercury then moves into your sign on the 12th where he will now tour the rest of the month. This is great for you as far as getting into talks, meetings, writing, agreements, sales, short trips, offers, or decisions that focus on you. So put forward your needs, make it about your body, your image, brand, name, or title, and share ideas, ask questions, make choices. The Sun enters your sign on the 21st kicking off a 30 day cycle here. This period will get you more personally or physically involved with your needs and can be a great time to take the lead about getting fit, active, or engaged in your interests. Others will notice you more and follow your lead at this time than at other times of the year. Finally, the New Moon in your sign is on the 29th, opening up your best 2 week window of the year to launch forward into new interests or to take your current needs to the next level. So be proactive and make it about you, it’s time. The Full Moon on the 14th brings big endings, achievements, recognition, or achievements focused on your work, health, paperwork, co-workers, hired help, organizing, cleaning, or animals. So you may be hitting the high point as you wrap things up or reach your goals now. Finally, Neptune has been in slumber mode for months and now on the 19th Neptune wakes and goes Direct. So over the months ahead you will move from this incubation or past focused phase and start to get inspired in new ways when it comes to your home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates. With Neptune now moving forward you could aim this at more artistic energy in these areas or more romance, more spirituality or research, or more healing, recuperation or hospital focus, but it’s time for the next chapter. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it’s right for you! CAPRICORN: You head into November on a social wave or at the very least on a wave that is aimed at your aspirations Capricorn. This is because the New Moon energy is going strong until the 14th and these first 2 weeks will help you to move into new situations or take current ones to the next level with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, your aspirations, freedom, or original ideas. Be proactive in opening up to the new potential. Mars is going to get active from the 9th onward this month and he is going to be all about amping up the action when it comes to making money, your purchases, products, and possessions. Mars has not been in these arenas for 2 years so it is really time to make things happen. You may find more passion for what you are doing or see some passion spark over a purchase, gift or while out earning your living. Mars is also about anger and aggression so if you are to have outbursts they will likely spark over these themes now, keep it in mind so you don’t blow a fuse. Overall, this energy will help you move things forward via your efforts. Venus changes signs, moving into your sign on the 11th. This is always a good thing, Venus brings the love, beauty, income, and women into the area it travels so you should find you are attracting more of this now or that you find you can charm others or smooth out issues more easily. It’s a good time to focus on your own beauty so if you want to have a make-over, haircut, wardrobe change, or new photos, as well as any procedures, this is a good period (assuming nothing is at odds in your birth chart). Venus can also be focusing the good stuff on your body, image, brand, name, title, or personal needs now. While I’m talking about goals, career and authority figures, I need to point out that you have a powerful new story that begins this month in one or more of these areas and it’s a story with 3 chapters. The first peaks around the 24th as Jupiter squares Pluto here. Pluto will want you to focus on yourself, your body, image, brand, name, title, or needs via any big financial interests, sex, divorce, reproductive needs, mortality issues, birth, or third party situations going on. Jupiter will want you to work out something big with your personal goals, career or dealings with authority figures like a boss, parent, judge, or mentor via legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes. So you will start to see what you can have as Venus gets this energy field opened up and by the 24th you’ll be in the thick of it. Note that the 2nd chapter comes in the first week of March, 2017, and the final chapter the last week of Sept, 2017. Mercury then moves into new territory on the 12th onward. So at this point more talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, offers, or decisions will start to amp up over romantic retreats, karmic/past life unions, spiritual practices, artistic pursuits, healing, dealing with addictions, hospitals, or research and development. Make sure you are opening up and communicating, processing information and making choices about these themes now. The Sun then joins in on the 21st onward where he will tour over the next 30 days. So you’ll likely get more personally or physically involved in these matters now. It’s a good time to take the lead and make it about your needs here. Finally, the New Moon on the 29th opens up your best 2 week window moving forward to launch into brand new interests or take current ones to the next level in these areas, so be proactive. The Full Moon on the 14th is about peak moments for you regarding your love life, lover, the kids, a creative venture, or any recreational pursuits. So at this point something may wrap up, end, come through, you may have a breakthrough, achieve, or celebrate, and it can be in one or all of these matters. Finally, Neptune has been in slumber mode for months and now on the 19th he awakens and goes Direct. So you may start to feel that things are coming out of a holding pattern or incubation period and are now ready to move into some new chapter when it comes to your talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, offers, or decisions. The same can be said for what’s going on with brothers, sisters, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, short trips, local activities, or moves. So look at ways to get inspired, move in new directions or next level with boundaries, deceptions, karmic matters, romance, artistry, spirituality, healing, addictions, hospitals, or research in the situations. Listen to your inner voice and look for signs to show up and guide you forward. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it’s right for you! AQUARIUS: I would assume you will enter November already pushing for some big personal goals or motivated about your next career step or what is going on with that next chapter with a boss, parent, judge, or other higher-up/authority figure. If not, please think about how you could do so since you do have New Moon energy helping you get there or get it started in the first 2 weeks of the month. This is your best time of the year to be proactive about it. Mars is also going to get you busier than usual starting on the 9th onward and that is because Mars is entering your sign then. You haven’t hosted this kind of heat in 2 years so expect to feel it, to want more to happen, to be more active physically, and to put a lot of energy into your body, image, brand, name, title, or personal needs now. Over the weeks ahead it will bring more passion to and through you, help you motivate about making things happen, but can also stir anger or aggression so do pay attention to your fuse and the fuse of others since things can easily ignite under this influence. Venus moves into new territory on the 11th and for the rest of the month will bring her energy to your clandestine romances, romantic getaways, karmic/past life situations, healing, dealing with addictions, hospitals, research, artistic pursuits, spiritual practices, magical interests, and psychic abilities. Venus can mean more love or money flow here, more enjoyment, beauty or women who can help or are at the core of what is going on, and more ability to charm others over these themes. While I’m talking about goals, career and authority figures, I need to point out that you have a powerful new story that begins this month in one or more of these areas and it’s a story with 3 chapters. The first peaks around the 24th as Jupiter squares Pluto here. Pluto will want you to focus on these artistic, spiritual, romantic, karmic, healing, addictive, hospital, magical, psychic, or research themes and how big financial interests, sex, divorce, reproduction, death, birth, or third party situations are involved. Jupiter will want you to work out something big with a legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political theme. So you will start to see what you can have as Venus gets this energy field opened up and by the 24th you’ll be in the thick of it. Note that the 2nd chapter comes in the first week of March, 2017, and the final chapter the last week of Sept, 2017. Mercury will then enter into new territory on the 12th onward bringing lots more talks, meetings, ideas, offers, agreements, sales, writing, short trips, or decisions with a focus on friends, groups, gatherings, the internet, astrology, charities, or your aspirations, freedom and original ideas. This is going to be a social time for you and a good one for interesting ideas and choices. The Sun enters into the story on the 21st and will tour here for 30 days so you’ll likely start to get more personally and physically involved from this point onward. It’s a great time to stand out, take the lead and find yourself at the center of attention so say yes to invitations and show up. The New Moon in these social arenas arrives on the 29th so the 2 weeks that follow this are your best time to make new friends, start new group affiliations, internet projects, charities, gatherings, or aspirations, or to take current ones to the next level. The Full Moon on the 14th helps you wrap things up, mark endings, celebrate, or note achievements regarding your home, real estate deal, move, renovation, family, parent, or roommates. So you can aim this breakthroughs, closures or highpoints at this period and work towards what you’d like to see culminate. Finally, Neptune has been in slumber mode for months and now on the 19th he awakens and goes Direct. So over the months ahead you’ll start to get inspired again about new opportunities or next chapter directions with your income, purchases, possessions, or products. Neptune can help you via research, your artistic abilities and projects, the spiritual side of things, the romantic energy, healing, hospitals, magic, and psychic abilities in the mix. Tune into your inner voice and look for the signs to guide you there. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it’s right for you! PISCES: November opens with New Moon energy underway giving you the first 2 weeks of the month to move into new interests or take current ones to the next level via travel, people at a distance, legal, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes. So be proactive about showing up and going for what you want here. Mars is also going to start to heat things up from the 9th onward behind the scenes and in any romantic getaways or karmic/past life unions, spiritual practices, healing, dealing with addictions, hospitals, artistic pursuits, boundary issues, deceptions, or research themes. You haven’t had this fire energy here in 2 years and it will help you to get more passionate about these matters, make things happen, and motivate, but it can also stir anger or aggressions so you’ll have to be aware of this possibility and do your best to keep a lid on any fuse that might ignite over these themes. Venus moves into new territory on the 11th and will tour her the rest of the month so you’ll start to feel the good vibes with friends, groups, gatherings, or what you’re doing online, with astrology, charities, original ideas, or personal aspirations. Venus may bring more love here or you may find you can earn money in these areas or there can be women at the center of good things here or a focus on beauty themes that go well. Venus should help smooth things out or help you attract what you want more easily. While I’m talking about goals, career and authority figures, I need to point out that you have a powerful new story that begins this month in one or more of these areas and it’s a story with 3 chapters. The first peaks around the 24th as Jupiter squares Pluto here. Pluto will want you to focus on these friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, or aspirations with a look at financial interests, sex, divorce, reproductive needs, death, birth, or third party situations going on. Jupiter will want you to work out something big with these financial, sexual, divorce, reproductive, mortality, or third party matters via legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes. So you will start to see what you can have as Venus gets this energy field opened up and by the 24th you’ll be in the thick of it. Note that the 2nd chapter comes in the first week of March, 2017, and the final chapter the last week of Sept, 2017. Next, Mercury moves into new territory on the 12th onward so you’ll see more talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, offers, and decisions kicking in that focus on your goals, career and the authority figures like the boss, parent, judge, or mentor. It’s time to speak up, listen up and make choices. The Sun joins in on the 21st and kicks off a 30 day cycle here so at this point you’ll start to show up and get more personally or physically involved in these career matters, personal goals or dealings with authority figures. It’s a good time to take the lead, shine your light and make it about you. The New Moon on the 29th is also about these goals, career matters and authority figures so you’ll now have your best 2 week window of the year to launch into new situations or take current themes to the next level, be proactive. The Full Moon on the 14th brings things to a head with a talk, meeting, agreement, sale, the writing, an interview, offer, short trip, local activity, sibling, neighbor, vehicle, electronic, or decision. It’s time to wrap things up, celebrate peak moments, note achievements, mark endings, and in other ways bring things to culmination in these arenas. Finally, Neptune has been in slumber mode for months and now on the 19th he awakens and goes Direct. This is a boon for you Pisces since Neptune is your ruler and in your sign right now. So expect to feel it and for it to be a demarcation point from coming out of incubatory, backwards-facing or retreative mode and now launching forward again, ready for new and next chapter opportunities. This is about you putting yourself out there again via your artistic abilities, spiritual practices, romantic needs, healing, hospital matters, or research, and about next chapter involving your body, image, brand, name, title, and personal needs. Pay attention to the signs that will most certainly show up for you now and to your inner voice that is back in action. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it’s right for you! Views:]]>
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Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.